Do you think CDPR will go bankrupt due to refunds and sales impact?
Do you think CDPR will go bankrupt due to refunds and sales impact?
they will be purchased when their stock bottoms out after they cancel cpunk online
No. They will hurt a bit and may have to make some changes in the company, but they will be fine.
Seeing as after only 2 days on the market they made their money back nope.
Every one of my ateam friends that purchased it already has tens of hours in it. You're retarded if you think they'll lose any money. Then patches, dlc and sales come and they sell some more millions. Oh and there's multiplayer too.
>he can't fire his LAZOR
that's it, now shove the fentanyl up his ass!
>injecting eurojank netcode into this broken eurojank 3D engine
Can't refund on steam otherwise i would have already, Have ~15 hours which is why 2 hours in a bullshit policy.
Please stop making fun of harambe