what are some of the best RPG games that actually let you role playing.
no dog shit turn based combat or horrible gameplay please.
What are some of the best RPG games that actually let you role playing
>no turn based combat or horrible game play
for fucks sake op you are retarded.
I liked prey 2017
yeah fuck you gonna do about it? cry maybe? piss your pant maybe? maybe shit and cum?
>no dog shit turn based combat or horrible gameplay please.
so... an rpg that's not a jrpg?
Since this thread is full of faggots who've never had sex with woman, I'll answer you legit. I would say "Kingdom Come: Deliverance" has the most mechanics that force you to play your as your character.
Great examples:
>you start off as a weak pleasent who sucks at everything and you have to get good through lots of practice.
>NPCs react to your clothes and hygiene, nobels may not talk to you if you stink, peasents won't trust you if you look rich.
>No magic. It's a realistic take on medieval life. Your weapons are swords and bows, combat is a bit jank but can be mastered with practice.
>drinking at the tavern before bed, throwing some dice before a late night trip to the whore house is pure comfy
People will hate this answer because it's true.
The Sims
Runescape 2 with its old community.
Postal 2. The combat isn't horrible but it's far from perfect.
Some VR game probably.
>no dog shit turn based combat
You outed yourself pleb.
OP is misconcepting RPG.
define "horrible gameplay"
JRPGs aren't RPGs the majority of the time. Stats don't make an RPG.
>asks for rpgs
>posts skyrim
>no tb
yeet! loleloleoeloeloe yeet on this fuckin potato haed!
says the weeb
modded rimworld
lmao wtf
December 2020, OP cannot stop being a faggot
this cracked me up more than it should've
This reminds me of those retarded arguments I'd see on Zig Forums years ago about games being RPGs because you "played a role" in them. Like what Flight Simulator 2000 is a fucking RPG now?
Dragon Age Origins and for non faggots Divinity Original Sin 2
I'm not saying that Skyrim is a great RPG but the game really make me immerse into the world and the soundtrack is nice.
now what you're going to do about it?
wrath of the righteous
I gas weebs daily.
>turn based combat
For what purpose? I could just play a tabletop instead for that.
Since "RPG" is an incredibly vague description, you could try these...
>Strategy RPG = Age of Wonders I, II and III
>Roguelite RPG = Vagante
>Action RPG = Dragon's Dogma (+dinput mod)
He's right. You may consider Skyrim great game and I have zero problems with that.
However if you call it good RPG then Dynasty Warriors 8 is good RPG as well. It has routes, levelling up, NPCs, combat, equipment, quests and crafting.
"RPG" is just label that is put into every goddamn game with story and experience points nowadays.
Back in 90s everything was simple. We had:
- hack and slash games (focus is on killing enemies)
- dungeon crawlers (focus is on exploring dungeons)
- decision games (focus is on duh... making decisions, think old VNs)
- RPGs (focus is on showing how your character interacts with the world)
In Skyrim RPGs aspects are very limited. You can pick route and that's pretty much it.
So Fallout, Jagged Alliance, Divinity OS, Numenera, XCom, Gold Box games are JRPG now?
you're a fine lad. I understand your point very well.
and yes I don't think Skyrim is a great "RPG" but it's still a good game that I enjoy.
when I say RPG I meant "Role Playing Game" and by that I mean game that let you role playing as shit you want.
I want some good game that let me role playing. any period of time is fine by me. and I am looking for Action RPG. not talking about something pure fighting but anything that isn't sims or text based or anything like that you feel me?