How do I into Mega Man?
I think I played the first one like two years ago, but I got filtered at Guts Man stage and I never finished it.
Alternatively, just post more stuff like pic related.
How do I into Mega Man?
I think I played the first one like two years ago, but I got filtered at Guts Man stage and I never finished it.
Alternatively, just post more stuff like pic related.
Well first you don’t play Seppo Man and get a RockMan instead
Start with Mega Man 2, as Mega Man 1 has some weird jank to it and other Mega Man Classic games add a different "spin" to a basic game formula. None of the Classic games are bad outright, but people get very intense about their tastes.
Mega Man X is a good starting point as well if you want something faster and lest obstacle-course like. X6 is very polarizing, X7 is god awful, but the rest of the series, while wildly varying in quality compared to each other, are all solid games in their own rights.
I love x6, and I don't know why. My guess is it's just the one with the best zero gameplay. It's pretty bad overall even though I love it
Play literally anything else Megaman related unless there's a 7 in the title
Play Mega Man 2, Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero 3, then stop.
7 and 8 are unironically great.
RockMan 7 is the only one I have, what’s wrong with it?
I should mention, the games all follow one of two timelines:
Classic > X > Zero > ZX & ZXA > Legends
Battle Network > Starforce
If you want an even faster game than Mega Man X, play Mega Man Zero. Zero 1 and 2 have some very rough edges resulting in difficulty spikes or clunky mechanics, but that gets smoothed out by 3.
ZX and ZXA are like Zero, but metroidvanias with a pretty bad map system. Still fun, even if they're pretty damn easy. ZXA ends on a cliffhanger. People are still mad about it.
Mega Man Legends is an action adventure series similar to the 3D Zelda games, except it came out before the PS1 had analog controls. Because of this, the controls are a little clunky for most people but there's a lot of charm in the games. The graphics and voice work are really good for PS1 games and they still hold up today. There was a port of Legends 1 to the N64 renamed to Mega Man 64. Stick with the PS1 copy unless you want to play the N64 version for novelty's sake. Be prepared for a cliffhanger at the end of 2. People are still mad about this, too.
The Battle Network and Star Force series take place in an alternate universe from the Classic Mega Man series. BN is a very atypical style of RPG, fast paced and strategic. The Mega Man tradition of "the first game is kinda rough" holds true here, as 2 improves upon it in almost every way. Still, play through 1 first since the BN games follow a story. I know less about BN, but other anons can give you advice there.
I know jack shit about Starforce other than it's the successor series to BN and that there's radio wave space aliens, but I hear fans of it saying that it got good at 2 and 3 improved upon it.
This is only the most basic stuff, so if you want me to elaborate on any of it in particular then just say so.