ITT: we post shitty games we actually enjoy playing

ITT: we post shitty games we actually enjoy playing

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cookie clicker isn't a shitty game

cookie clicker isn't a game.


why are idle games so satisfying to play? what idle games do anons play?

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>why are idle games so satisfying to play?
Seeing numbers get bigger gives a sense of accomplishment.

The worst part is you logically can't even explain why you like an idle game

"yeah bro you just click a cookie a couple of times and buy some gradnmas"

>absolute trash gameplay
>keep picking it up every few months anyway

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If I want to watch a tv show every now and then I'll use a bond to get 14 days

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does that count?


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It's Chinese gacha shit. But my time is worthless.

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Cookie clicker is for plebs. Move on to Melvor.

>not posting the diaper shota
Venti or Riot

>he isn't a golden cookie hunter

>rickety old game engine held together with band aid fixes, outdated mechanics, and Italian netcode
>backed themselves so far into a corner that literally no issues can be solved without imploding the entire game
>only metric for how well you play and progress is the amount of time you spend grinding
>abysmal content releases
>still check back in every update

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Do any of you guys know a good idle game with an 'anime' powerlevel feel like Dragonball?

They need to stop the feature creep and focus on whats there cause if they can connect all the content islands together they'd probably have a solid game. Theyre finally showing off the practical version of the original promised Railjack with working Corpus and Kuva Lich tied in.

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Steve and Scott have absolutely no clue how to design decent gameplay around the base game anymore, which is why they just add shit like failjack and necramechs.
The closest thing to an attempt at fresh core gameplay in recent memory was Scarlet Spear, and that went just swell.


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I think they do but were blinded by the reception at their first overworld style content. It seems like they're filled with the need to constantly one up the last "big" release which isn't healthy for the game. Hopefully Covid has helped bring me down from that cause Deimos has been pretty decent so far. Archwing should also be getting a retooling soon too for Railjack.

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Antimatter Dimensions is my favourite. I've beaten it 5 times now (got all achievements).

I played NGU for a while but there's too many things to micromanage and there's all of that inventory management bullshit.

NGU Idle always and then rotation of 2 different others.
Now trying Territory Idle and WAMI

patch day today, get hyped


I don't play it as much as some people, but I've had this save for a while, and occasionally it pulls me back in for some active play.
I don't really have a goal anymore, the numbers just keep getting bigger.

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>garden literally full of weeds
>$0 stock market profit

Perfect game to play while watching or listening to something. It's tacticool.

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I recently "finished" (got every achievment) in the game and I swear the market killed any drive I had left. it becomes so fucking tedious and dumb I just wanted to drop the game after it.

I got burnt out on Deimos real quick, another open world grind really didn't appeal to me. Steel path Deimos is kind of fun though.
My theory is that they're at a loss for how to introduce any element of difficulty when players have million and a half ways to remove any challenge in the game, which is why they have to toss systems on top of the actual combat like mechs and spaceships

I used to play a fuckton of Clicker Heroes on Steam, but eventually it entered my top 3 most played games.
That was so embarrassing that I removed all traces of it from my account and quit.
Sorry. I haven't found much benefit to it, and I assume it will take a bunch of learning to figure out how to breed new plants. And I'm pretty sure the stock market is useless.

>but eventually it entered my top 3 most played games
I know that feel, good thing I don't have any steam friends haha

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yeah its dumb but literally all you have to do is buy under 75% of the base price and sell at base price and its literally free money

>their most played steam games arnt Futa with their family as their only steam friends