F.E.A.R. games

Which F.E.A.R. expansion is best

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Sequels are cringe
Expansions are cringe
F.E.A.R. stands by itself

good point I'm just a faggot with no taste

Extraction Point obviously, it's like the best of the original game condensed into a shorter expansion.

In terms of quality difference to the base game? Fear 2's dlc, whatever the fuck it was called.
Fear 1's dlc is good but none of it is better than the base game.


Yeah, I loved F.E.A.R. reborn

hearing that for the first time made me fall in love with the game instantly.

There's almost a subtle Predator reference there, as the shades attack you in the same general area where you get the goddamn minigun. So you're the terrified spec-ops murder god spraying a thousand rounds in the general direction of an invisible threat.

Attached: fear_shade.jpg (965x809, 154.08K)

Original is the only good one.

Extraction Point is a true expansion, it's just more of the really good base game

Perseus Mandate is kinda shit though

Attached: spence spook.webm (800x450, 1.29M)

meanwhile, in extraction point

Attached: hospital spook.webm (888x500, 2.67M)

>Which F.E.A.R. expansion is best
Only extraction point, which fixes the issues of samey levels the base game had.

I recall that. Extraction Point has some really spooky stuff going on (I liked how squad members received the Edward Carnby Reads The Demonic Book treatement). It had more varied environments too, although I wish combats were handled differently (I felt like you were more likely to shoot enemy and cower in door frames more often in EP than base F.E.A.R.)

Just finished extraction point shit's great

Attached: Replica_Tactical_Soldier.jpg (360x450, 23.16K)

It's a real shame that 3 was such a piece of shit. I replay 1 with expansions and 2 each 2-3 years and still feel good games to me.

2 was already a fucking disappointment, fucking consoles.

yeah, 2 was a good console shooter but a shit F.E.A.R. game

Extraction Point is peak FEAR.

You know, thinking back I dont actually get the story explanation for why was anything in fear so spooky.
Like Alma isn't a mythological vengeful ghost, she's just some cute brain wizard stuck in a box. And she has no reason to do dumb spooky shit to MC, teleporing him back and forth in corridors.
In fact, she doesn't seem to be doing that to anyone else either, at least not a lot. As far as i remember other people mostly just got toasted.

It's heavily implied that her own father impregnated her with Point Man, user.
She didn't exactly have the happiest of lives before getting sealed underground Akira-style.

are there any good mods or additional content in the fear 1 style of things?

Unpopolar opinion: the shotgun in F.E.A.R. sucks. Don't know why a lot of fags say it's the most satisfying shotgun in any fps.

>she doesn't seem to be doing that to anyone else
She may (MAY) have fucked a bit with Spencer Jankowski; and she has definitely fucked with Alice Wade (in the elevator while attempting to escape with her - she then reappears on the rooftop without memory of how she got there).

Extraction point is good. Still looking for a mod that makes the MP5 and AR not shit.

fuck, i instantly shoot that fucker

Basically play everything (1st + xpack, standalone xpack, 2nd + dlc), but avoid 3rd game like corona.

>He bought?

Eh, Perseus Mandate and 2 are pretty shit.

>release de mech

still miles if not lightyears better than f3ar