Who is your favorite Sonic character?

Who is your favorite Sonic character?

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Undecided between Silver, Metal and the man himself


Cream cunny



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Eggman, of course.


Eggman and Sonic

That's not Chadow, he couldn't even beat Sonic without 6 Chaos Emeralds.
Now this, this is Chadow, standing over Sonic The Hedgehog after a fair battle, victorious and dominant.

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Tails the wise fox

I just know what?


Size diff is my fetish

Ewww go back to trash

>One time only schmuck
>Non canon trash
>Enemy I think looks kind of cool
The Artificial Chaos

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I want a robot boyfriend

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I want this thread to hold out until bump limit is reached.

Tails, of course!

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this would be everyones favorite if they acutally played NiGHTS

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>Other Media
Nicole the Holo-Lynx, Fiona Fox, Sally Acorn, Tangle & Whisper

Yes, I am a Coomer.

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>Sonic character

nights has been in more sonic games then their own game


reminder that Blaze is 14 y.o. cat

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Buttnik, duh.

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She's 72 in cat years, and she's still in peak physical condition.
Also, Blaze does not exist, not in our universe at least.

I kinda want to see more werehog stuff with other characters.

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In the games, the only legal female sonic characters are Rouge, Wave, and Vanilla.
Unless you want to include like, the President's Secretary or something.

Sally Acorn. I blame those comics my friend had, I remember one where sonic was on a snowy mountain, went supersaiyan and punched through a wall. I probably became a shipper/romance manga reader because of it.
From JUST the games, probably Shadow from SA2B or Wave from the hoverboard games

user i....

Take a guess

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I meant in-universe, user.

We don't know what kind of laws the Sonic cast follow, whatever they are, SA2 proves they don't care and will do what they want anyway.

Nicole and Blaze