Cyberpunk flops

>Cyberpunk flops
>Dragon Age years away andf it'll be shit anyway
>TES VI years away and will need a year of mods before it's worthwhile

I just want a fucking non-isometric WRPG worth playing goddamnit, I've been replaying modded Skyrim and Witcher 3 for years now.

Attached: ec1cb4c8368f601f3bf9b34d52dcd33967-10-skyrim-opening-screenshot.rsocial.w1200.jpg (1200x630, 111.02K)

Try getting into Kingdom Come Deliverance

You could try Kingdom Come Deliverance, Dragon's Dogma or Gothic 2.

Gothic 2 has super janky controls, but is worth getting into.

>janky/old as fuck games

Cyberpunk is the fastest selling game of all time?

>tfw I'd rather do another Skyrim playthrough than play Cyberjunk
I'm think masterthief this time around. No mods of course

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It will be DOA, with paid mods and the usual Bethesda trash quality but even more microtransactions and dlc.

Starfield will save the day.

Prey soothed the pain for a while for me, but it's very short and easy, if you decide to get into it make sure to start on nightmare with all hardcore options enabled.

Fastest selling PC game, not fastest selling game. That doesn't mean all that much anyway. For example, Dragon's Dogma is Capcom's fastest selling game of all time and yet it's not even close to one of their highest selling games and was roundly considered a disappointment by Capcom.

cope snoy

The genre is going the way of the MMO. Too risky an investment and requiring long development cycles, easier to do another looter shooter or gacha.

Great. You deserve to suffer.

>15 million copies
good thing that Zig Forums is still made up of businessmen

Sales or not it's still a flop, the game is a buggy unoptimized mess of unfulfilled promises.

He's right you should make a habit of using correct terminology else you just come off as just another idiot.
If the game sold millions its not a flop. The game is shit, so call it shit.

"Flop" does not specifically denote financial failure. Something can be successful financially but still be a flop.


Attached: fable2021_3217783b.png (1267x703, 1.03M)

>Something can be successful financially but still be a flop.
Like me

Found just another idiot

Sales don't make the game suck less.

Attached: cyberpunkt2077.png (725x543, 287.36K)

>completely overlooks starfield
WHY every goddamn Wrpg complaining thread EVERYONE overlooks Starfield, it's coming out next year, just wait for the surprise info at E3.
Todd will save us.

Starfield next year.

>made its costs back in pre-release sales alone
you what now??

>tfw you can't keep Starfield or Star Citizen apart because they're both equally vaporware

Cyberpunk didn't flop wtf are you on, user?

>WHY every goddamn Wrpg complaining thread EVERYONE overlooks Starfield
because we know next to nothing about it?
>Starfield is Bethesda's first original RPG in 25 years, and it's set in space. That is almost everything we know about this mysterious project

Zoom harder

>it sold a lot so it’s good
Shut the fuck up you stupid goy cattle

If it's good enough for Todd, it's good enough for me

Even Fallout 4 is more of an RPG than cyberpunk and people complained about that game forever, but at least I can completely remove myself from the main story and make choices in side quests.

There's some leaked art and early build screenshots and the game looks like Prey with retrofuturism of the cold war space race, oxygen and gravity UI, space suits, etc.

Nice reading comprehension, retard

Flop just means failure, can be financial, critical or public reaction.
When it comes to public reaction and just the facts of it not delivering what was promised, it's a flop. Financially those refunds could still do a lot of damage, and CD Project's reputation is ruined, investors will pull out of future projects.