>Zig Forums recommends a game
>its actual fucking dogshit
whats her name?
>Zig Forums recommends a game
>its actual fucking dogshit
whats her name?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cold Steel
Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1 is great though
Project Wingman
dorf fortress
the game is pretty shallow, it's depressing how it got shilled so hard. Even the random-generated lore and world history is madlibs-tier shit. And the interface is inaccessible as fuck.
Shinning Resonance Refrain
Ask me how I know you have a double digit IQ.
nier automata
nier in general
>Insert game you like and will sperg out over here.
Gimme them yoos.
New vegas.
I don't give a shit about your epic may mays, this game is awful.
Ocarina of Time.
No I'm not a zoomer. I played it at release and thought it was dog shit back then. Zelda should have never gone 3d.
I hate gooks
Most jrpgs
EYE is the game that I genuinely wish had a "skip gameplay" button
>Shinning Resonance Refrain
Did someone here actually recommend this to you? That's sad if so, even just looking at it and some gameplay should tell that it's garbage.
This. Dropped it while trying to comprehed what the fuck the first description was trying to tell me
Outward. Game is a clunky piece of eurojank garbage that gets shilled for MUH EPIN DIFFICULTY PREPARE TO LE DIE XDDD.
>start game
>clumsy, vague intro leaves you clueless how to play or what to do
>wander outside the town
>run into a big chicken looking thing
>try to fight it
>utterly tears my asshole asunder
>barely make it out alive, have low health, a broken leg, and bleeding status
>starts raining, now I’m cold
>uninstall the game
Nothing worse than “difficulty for the sake of difficulty”. I love Dark Souls but loathe what it has created.
more like the entire metal gear series. some of the worst writing i've ever seen in anything.
Silent Hill 2
Resident Evil 2
Zig Forums tricked me out saying this was similar to persona
Kingdom Come.
Boring, shallow, grindy.
Nice artstyle, though.
He might mistook threads complaining about snoy censoring thighs as actual discussions.
I mean you should figure instantly that coombait is going to be garbage
Dragons dogma
Digifags are desperate for one good game, never listen to them.
what don't you like about it?
That game would be good if it wasn't for the jank. I love all the mechanics it has in place. But then the combat completely fucking ruins the game because it's so god damn janky.
genshin impact.
Kingdom come doesn't have an art style. It's literally medieval bohemia simulator. Saying it has an art style is like saying microsoft flight simulator has an art style.
lol of course the game is coomerbait garbage, but if you say that Zig Forums will whine that "you just don't get it!"
This. I don’t understand what Zig Forums sees in this game. The combat is pretty boring, you just spam your best skill over and over. There’s nothing deep about it.
God Hand
I tried the Demo played the first stage liked the soundtrack... THAT WAS ONLY FUCKING USED ON THE FIRST STAGE
These fuckers made me waste 14 euros on this pile of garbage just for 2-3 songs that are only used on the first 10 minutes of the game.
There's a certain kind of game that Zig Forums tends to really like and shill hard. Games with a high amount of jank and exploitability with an absurd number of options. Bonus points for really specific things like being able to minutely control the direction of your sword swings in an action game or just plain insane amounts of things to keep track of and high time investment to get anywhere for strategy and survival games. Problem is they universally are unpolished messes that aren't actually all that fun even when you grasp what the game actually wants you to do. There are a lots of games like this that Zig Forums will shill relentlessly.
trails in the sky
>completely archetypal characters you've seen a million times before if you've watched any anime or played any jrpgs
>super predictable plot twists e.g. who the villains are, which villains will be redeemed (hint: it's the good looking ones, just like in all japanese media)
>generally lazy writing tropes pulled over and over again e.g. guy turning up at last moment to save the day, priceless artefact being stolen the moment you leave town, etc
>boring ass combat that's still slow even if you fast forward
ys is better
I'd say that hyper-naturalism was a deliberate artistic choice and style. And I appreciated it over a more fantastical approach.
The GUI all reinforced that nicely without going minimalist.
I am asleep
pathologic 2
outer wilds
Every game before 1998
You take that back nigger
True. mgs 4 is literally the worst game I've EVER played. MGS 3 takes a close second, followed by MGS 2 and anything involving italian plumbers.
Rain World
>autistic exploration
>dude buddhism lmao
just no
Smt4. Worst smt/persona related game I've ever played.
Give me a new raidou asap please.
The Witness and Braid. Jonathan Blow is a complete and total hack and clearly somewhere on the autism spectrum.
I can't even believe he got away with The Witness. It's a nauseating math-class simulator with one single party trick hidden up its sleeve. Finding out that one trick feels good and the rest of the game is the most chorelike a game has ever been for me. I did finish it out of spite.
Xenoblade 2. I can see HOW it might open up and be appealing later but the time cost of getting there is absurd and the starting combat gameplay is absurdly dull. Of course the fans swear by it as the second coming of JRPG Christ.
It’s simple. Zig Forums likes obscure niche garbage that nobody has played because it’s a board full of sad contrarians who seethe with rage the second a game or franchise becomes mainstream. Just look at Dark Souls, one of Zig Forums‘s most beloved games of all time until PTDE came out and the game went mainstream, now everyone here shits on muh soulsfags as if Zig Forums didn’t use to worship the fucking game.
kojima has no concept whatsoever of pacing or tone. furthermore there's not a single sequence of dialogue in the entire series that reads like something an actual human being would ever say. i always thought it was perhaps just badly translated but apparently it's like that in japanese too.
i never played the games as a kid. picked them up shortly after MGSV came out and played through the whole series dutifully watching every cutscene, waiting for it to finally get good. i finally gave up in MGS4 because it was just so fucking convoluted and retarded.
i don't usually write highly praises games off as being liked solely because of nostalgia but the MGS series is where i make an exception. total garbage. i want my time and money back.
Rain World
Ah yes, so you can only deal with the incomprehensible dialogue and nonsensical plot.
nier automata
The biggest problem imo is the loss of all soul because of the dogshit appearance it got by being 3D. Like every 3D game on N64 it has the same ugly ass color palette so regardless of any art style given to the polygons every game looks the same. Zelda looks like castlevania looks like goldeneye looks like mario 64, etc. They could have given us an incredible 2D sprite based zelda that retained it's appearance but instead we got mediocre action game that looks like vomit.
Similar doesn't mean the same retard. It's like smt mixed with pokemon.
braindead rpg for self-insert coomers
It's actually similar to Nocturne. It's better than Persona. You just got filtered.
The amount of unironic shills for Sonic Adventure 2 is genuinely concerning when the game is an absolute clusterfuck from start to finish.
>Controls like ass
>After the decent first level as Sonic the level design turns into complete and utter madness full of instakill pits, odd upgrades that seem to serve no purpose outside of a very specific one-off, dodgy collision and shit bosses. Did I mention the awful treasure hunt segments which are pure RNG? Or the fucking rail shooter segments?
>Plot is absolutely nonsensical and tonally all over the place
I can accept that you played it while drunk, high or maybe you just were 12 and had no frame of reference but holy fuck the game is awful. Soundtrack is cheesy enough that it loops around to being baller though.
the only good thing about braid is music, which isnt even made by him
damn his team is as dumb as he is a walking simulator isn't genius
This. Zig Forums is a bunch of faggot hipsters.
You'd need to think about what its like to go into the fifth gen fresh to understand, but there are about as many 3d control schemes as there are 3d games, and its hard to adapt between all of them. There are people who were completely filtered by Mario 64's controls and camera because it doesnt make sense the way they learned from Bubsy 3D. Similarly, OOT focuses heavily on the z-targeting, but both toggle lock and hold to target have tons of issues, and trying to select a target in a room of jumping lizolfos of flying keese can be a downright nauseating experience to some.
get your dog piss opinion off my board. EYE is kino, what cyberpunk 2077 wishes it couls be.
Outer Wilds. It's got some gay ass puzzles and was near impossible to play as a colorblind person. I'm pretty sure that everyone who got the final ending used a walkthrough. It was a good ending, but fuck all the anons who recommended it
Yes, unironically.
Persona 5
I liked 4, though
You can wring some fun out of MGS5 if you mod it to reduce the atrocious travel times and skip all the cutscenes.
Sonic is genuine autism. People who still shill it are mentally handicapped or underage. You should have known.
i couldn't get past the first boss cause how repetitive and dull are the "dungeons". Also the sidequest were shit
This is when I learned that all most Zig Forumsedditors need to call something GOAT is mediocre-ass gameplay with a voyeuristic twist.
EYE is everything you could ever want in a game done so poorly to the point of abject misery. Nothing about it is good but knowing it could be just makes what they delivered worse.
ghost trick aka ghost SHIT
MGS1 is the only one with a translation that makes any sense in the series