Post games that unreasonably tied to one console.
Post games that unreasonably tied to one console
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Fuck snoys, Fuck PS3
Wish there was a PS3 version tho so I could emulate it since 360 emu is still trash with this one
it's not that unreasonable, PS3 was too expensive (for both developing and buying) at the time and the Wii was a piece of shit. After that it didn't get ported for the same reason other AC games never get ported due to planes license fees (the one that came with AC7 for the X1 was emulated, just like 5 on PS4),
Bought a 360 just for this, no regrets.
>rent free
xenia must be close to emulating this, r-right?
OwO what's this?
That game was pretty good, the air-ground battles were sometimes more fun than the air-air ones and that's saying something.
I particularly liked the fortress conquest.
Also forgot to add, physical only, no digital copies.
I loved this game but the cutscenes between the missions made me turn down the sound and look around to make sure nobody was around, it was embarrassing.
Exact same feeling the FFX laugh scene gave me.
Click the google RIS button you lazy nigger
okay, go suck an asshole then.
It pains me that so many people write it off when it’s just as good, if not better than the ps2 games.
It's not better than the holy trilogy, no. But people who call it shit obviously haven't played it.
One thing I like about it is that there's no "THAT mission", while I feel 5 and 7 are fucking full of them. There's not really any particularly kino missions either though.
tell one bad mission on AC 5, you literally can't. come on now.
It pains me that dozens of millions of drones bought a console with no game when the 360 was full of amazing games.
it had nothing to do with that and PA made great games for both wii and PS3.
Microshit just bought out a bunch of exclusivity deals with bamco
is this a joke? Fucking X and X-2 are better.
6 literally killed the series
a lot of people bought the 360 sperg.
Pretty sure 360 was more popular than ps4
wtf, is that good?
>6 literally killed the series
No, no it didn't. 6 isn't the reason you got Assault Horizon and then Namco milked whales for years with Infinity.
Armored Core. All of them.
Yet people cried about 360 games not being on playstation for more than a decade
>plane license fees
How do these even work? Does Lockhead Martin actually expects some money from licensing their plane names, despite selling the actual planes for billions?
so still shit...
Crazy Taxi 3 too
>microcock didnt include windows releases in their namco/jrpg deals
fuck the 360 and fuck xniggers
Let's be real, it is a terrible idea to give games to PC if your objective is to sell consoles.
I really just don't like how PS3 feels to play. I was already not a big Dualshock fan but now it feels like a cheap Chinese Dualshock clone with annoying motion gimmick. The fact every review had a mandatory "and here's where PS3 is fucking up" section didnt help.
360 is definitely in my top 3 consoles. It's a shame Microsoft will never be a real competitor again. Weird saying that.
At least its backwards compatibile.
Its genuinely my favorite Ace Combat game and I dig out my old 360 once a year to replay it.
t. snoy
can you still play this on a hacked PS3?
It's still up on nps
I'm glad they did. Fuck pc third-worlders. I'm glad there's still 360 games that will never ever be on pc. Have fun with our Xbone games though, easily the worst era of Xbox games and I say that as a huge Xbot.
Yes, they do. Same with most Yurop planes. Isn't it the Eurofighter Typhoon they have to claim is the greatest air superiority fighter or some shit in the credits too? Not sure how much they pay Sukhoi for all those Flankers in every game, or if they have to at all.
You could get a 360 from a pawn shop for like 50 bucks at most.