Why is it the wests obligation to feed africa, india and china exactly?
Why don't they eat bugs and we keep eating beef?
we can already fee that many people without insects thought, it's a "solution" to an imaginary no-problem.
>milk bad
I can tell op isn't white.
Eating bugs has been a delicacy since the times of Jesus.
Also, what's wrong with drinking milk?
If the world is getting too overpopulated then why continue giving aid to poor brown people in other countries that literally do nothing but breed and waste space?
How the fuck is the 'west' feeding India and China again? You obese fucks eat our spices and shit.
But they do eat bugs. Also we will still eat meat, but there is nothing wrong with introducing something more energy efficient on the side.
he is talking about söy milk retard
It shouldn't be. It's usually some kind of scam in the end anyway. Remember food for oil.
>Why don't they eat bugs and we keep eating beef?
because the west enjoys having a massive export economy you fucking retard?
kys nigger
if you want to go down that road we might as well just kill everyone and let the rich inherit the earth
How about we just kill them and go back to K-selected human populations instead? Abundance of food and comfort is slowly but surely undoing our sentience by permitting retards who were supposed to be dead of cold and hunger to survive and procreate.
Why do we have to eat bugs to export them exactly?
That's one of many milks which he is talking about.
Why not just use algae bioreactors to produce basically any protein we want from any organic muck+ sun? Why not use the oil and plastic devouring bacteria strains as waste-to--biomass/energy reactors? Why not use fungal strains to quickly and efficiently decompose anything into its base constituents AND chelate heavy metals so efficiently that it becomes commercially viable to process the froth floated sediment of the shroom mats?
Oh wait, you cant signal with biotech like you do with a roachburger. Get fucked, vegans and sóylings, get FUCKED.
Zig Forums really needs to go.
>Wear the Mask
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about the other shit. Wear your fucking mask you god damn cucks.
No I don't feel like it right now
No but you see, the problem is not feeding humans, it's that the way we get our food is bad. First of all cow and pig farts and even human farts are greenhouse gasses, so that's a nono. (let's not pretend anyone other than the lower castes will eat bugs though, the elites will keep eating real animals).
Furthermore the fertilizer used to grow crops contains a lot of nitrogen or something which seeps into the water supply and is generally bad for the environment too.
Milk isn't good for you, and I say this as the whitest person on this board.
Don’t you see? OP has clearly posted the unreleased sequel to Bugsnax
>Zig Forums really needs to go.
and you really need to go back
Not video games, fuck off
>scientists think
you can discard all paper ever written starting like that
between bugs and humans, I will.
Your spices taste like shit, you fucking goon. Fuck you, antman.
Some of the rich are literally just as dumb as poor brown people.
But humans are K-selected. I was not aware that there are people who started laying eggs.
don't kid yourself, whites don't eat spices.
Take your meds, OP
Those technologies are anti-semitic
Why must the population grow?
modsss the schitzos from Zig Forums are back
But all of those are being worked on, turning bugs into meat just happens to be the easiest one so far so the technology is the furthest. How did you manage to develop such a persecution complex that you see nothing but virtue signalling behind absolutely everything?
Trump lost
The elites plan to do something like that eventually, though I doubt they would let their serfs go so easily. They like the rush they get from dominating people.
>Why is it the wests obligation to feed africa, india and china exactly?
>Why don't they eat bugs and we keep eating beef?
>literally milk but more healthy
what's wrong with ths
because you're a racist and we need more POC to replace whites!
because the talmund says every jew gets 7,000 slaves.
Why do Americans look like this?
Muh infinite growth model
Yeah, especially since articles without fail always take what the "scientists and experts" have said out of context
Please go back to your containment board, election friend. Your political vomit is hopefully on the downward trend now and we can discuss vidya.
Someone post the experts say wojak pic please, seems like I lost it.
it comes from icky buggies!! ewwwwwww!!!!
Not an argument, I'm not surprised a leftist cannot answer a simple question, if you could think critically you wouldn't be a leftist after all
>fish are bugs
stellar argument
you forgot EAT YOUR MEDS schizo
Dog the meat production industry is absolutely brutal and completely unsustainable, this isn't even up for debate
Line go up :DDD
This has been debunked.
born and raised to be a golem for the jews
It doesn't have to and shouldn't. I really hope the anti-spiral come to fuck us all up when we hit 10 billion people.
>Need maggots
>When we already produce more food than we ever need, but destroy it because price fixing
Capitalism demands constant, perpetual growth of markets
this just got debunked
It just does, as developing countries start to grow in wealth.
No one says population will grow indefinately, it will probably stop around 13 billion.
wasn't lobster originally slave food
Truly a fellow enlightened mind from reddit, I salute you sir :)