Still enjoying the game

Still enjoying the game.
Cope more bandwagon faggots

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>a pc gamer game

>I liked it therefore the thousands of people who also played it and are asking for refunds must be wrong

it's an alright game. bug free it's an 88/100. there main problem was stretching themselves thin. shouldn't have made the ps5/SeX ports till later

based i just got the incendiary iconic rifle and have been setting enemies on fire

>has shit hardware
>has no brain to understand systems
>has low attention span and can’t read
>don’t understand the setting
>is a tranny and/or redditfag
>tries to be cool
Literally people claimnig it’s bad

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>he enjoys shit
uhhhhh....... good for you.... i guess...

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This is a shill, isn't it?
Someone that actually enjoys the game would be playing it, not posting about how much fun they're supposedly having.

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I mean, it literally is techno gta tho....

Pirated. Yeah is good.

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But it is techno gtav

I'm 40 hours in at the moment. Maxed street cred but only level 30. Game is great for what it is. Would be much better with actual functioning AI for shit like cops and traffic but otherwise it's like an actual good borderlands with decent build variety. The proper side quests and not just the dumb sidegigs for police chick are overall memorable too
In an alternate universe they stuck to their guns and made the tabletop based game they promised 7-8 years ago. Probably an actual 10/10 game of the generation. But this? It's a worthy strong 7 or 8.
When everything settles I a think a lot of anons will end up pirating after patches and be happily surprised regardless

i have a 3090 and i9 10900k and the game runs like shit.

Everyone is wrong but me

I'm glad you enjoy it, but they really shouldn't hype it so much. I'm kinda disappointed because the only redeeming factor of 'our' people is being somewhat humble. They just went full retard and tried to convince the world that even Rockstar doesn't know what it takes to make believable world.

They wish their shitty game ran as well as GTA 5 on consoles.

>naive zoomer retards talk up CDPR as the second coming of RPG-christ
>even though they've only released 1 single AAA game before (TW3)
>Cybertranny comes out
>game is a weird mismatch of Fallout 4 and GTAV, but worse than both

That's why people are making fun of you.

>niche appeal

I could vomit shit into an old hat, sell it for $840, and it would have niche appeal.

If they didn't want people to play it on consoles then maybe they shouldn't have made console versions. But they decided they actually wanted the game to be seen on sales charts, and now here we are.

>people who dislike cp77
"game sucks, buggy and not fun"
>people who claim to like cp77
"(paragraphs of seething cope with every canned line from people are playing it on the wrong system to they just don't understand why its fun)"

Don't forget
>bbut they will fix it
Distilled cope

Its worse then GTAV

Pretty much. No one can tell me how this is different rom fallout or gta. It's literally a copy paste of those two. It does nothing new, isn't very good, and honestly the crafting is worse.

I am bored of this game 10 hours in because I feel like I am constantly just playing a reskinned game.

>niche appeal
lolwut? Cyberpunk's design is the most normalfag tier shit to come out this year besides Cowadoody


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>niche appeal
>literally the most shallow rpg in decades

Good point, it's still better than GTA V.

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>t. zoomzoomnigger

The game isn't using more than 3gb of vram or 1.5gb of ram. Change it and you'll feel a jump.
Otherwise you're a lying faggot. 3070 with a 5600x and it runs perfectly fine with full ray tracing

>a multiplat with a hundred-million advertisement budget that's been shoved into people's faces on every media platform for months is all of a sudden a "niche PC game".

Just because it runs like 3 guys made it in a garage, doesn't mean it's not a AAA multiplat.

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Its genuinely hard to understand why others like what you dont and vice versa. Its easier to rationalise it as the other person getting stuck on a filter rather than a difference of tastes.

>wasn't techno GTAV
It might as well be

>works on my machine :^)
Kill yourself

It unironically does work on my machine apart from the tree glitch.

>just let me play baldurs gate or command and conquer on console

Worked on my machine and I had fun.

It works on my machine too. Don't tell me that you are a consoletard LMAO!

How is it a PC game when the controls and interface are clearly made for console?