Is this really what we waited for 7+ years?

Attached: Cyperpunk 1977.jpg (1781x931, 291.65K)

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oh god stop saying bad things about this game
also it's only a console issue the pc version is literally perfect

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devs wanted to make a gta clone so the comparisons are valid

Those greedy fucks should've never released it for all platforms.

I’m playing maxed out on PC with RTX on and it’s still a 4/10 game. A gold plated turd.

shouldn't have released at all it's just as shit on PC only the fps is a bit better

lets not pretending that it doesn’t suck ass on pc too you fucking shill

it's unironically some cdpr shill tactic to say the issue is somehow only a console thing

I see it being spammed everywhere and I tried to post a cyberpunk image here and I couldn't because of a copyright claim on that image

Oh wow.... literally worse than GTA San Andreas from 2004

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This just further emphasizes the fact that the people who are super angry are people who wanted GTA 2077 and/or have a previous-gen console.

In my ~50 hours of playtime, I didn't fuck around with pedestrians, throw grenades into people, or intentionally piss off the cops. I don't care about all the dumb minigames like bowling, or sitting on a bench — those are gimmicks you'll do once, if that.

That's just not what Cyberpunk is about. CP2077 has a lot of issues, but I think that people need to go into it expecting The Witcher 2077, not GTA 2077.

Attached: cyberpunk2.jpg (3433x1405, 525.14K)

Relax boys. CDPR will release patches and bring the game up to Witcher 3 masterpiece tier. The holiday season simply forced their hand.

what is it about? railroading through the shitty story and that's it? why is it even open world if the open world aspects are trash?

> getting violently raped by a game for PS3
To be fair though, it is R*

Yes. Just like in The Witcher 3. You go around, doing the main story, side stories if that's your thing, and put the game down when you're done.

The AI is unironically dumber than TW3 AI.
Cyberpunk is basically like a Ubishit game; flashy exterior to distract idiots, but extremely shallow underneath.

I dropped witcher 3 after a few hours because it was fucking trash to play and the story seemed lame as hell with a MC that sounds like a cartoon character who smokes a pack an hour

I hate cyberpunk bruh

Unironically what the fuck was the devtime even used on?

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creating the map and cutscenes

It is baffling to me that NPCs in Cyberpunk are so stupid.
At that point why not just skip the open world shit and just make a linear RPG?

Tell that to somebody who cares tranny nigger

Diversity training

drinking vodka

It's time to apologize to Ubisoft

Keanu Chungus mocap

you don't get care bout anything that's why you playing söyberpunk

>8 years in development
>get utterly raped by a 7 year old game made for systems with fucking 512MB of RAM


That kind of open-world is a very, very high bar to clear. There's a reason we've gone 7 years without a new GTA or mainline Elder Scrolls. I wouldn't trust anyone without one of those studios on their resume to deliver anything like those games.

0.01 Zloty has been deposited in your account

Ubisoft is better than this crap, quit your lame anglocucking

the reason there's not GTA 6 is because they're milking online and released RDR2 in the meantime

Meanwhile, back in reality, let's check out GTA5:
>PS3: 19fps, Xbox 360: 20fps
>textures slow to pop in
>7 years later, still rampant hacking in every online lobby
>waiting in the clouds for 5 minutes to connect to servers
>couldn't connect to online first month the game was out
>scripted events everywhere
>banned for single player modding
>double the amount of people working on the game as CDred and it was only released on 2 platforms vs CP77 which is out on 5
Nice try haters.

Attached: 1091500_screenshots_20201214162622_1.jpg (2560x1440, 464.06K)

Right, because they know no one will compete with them. They're the only ones who can make a game like GTA6, so they're taking their sweet time and milking 5.

The absolute cope from Cybertrannies. It's over. Dilate.

Holy fuck even 7th gen games had better water.

Attached: Cb.png (630x664, 615.52K)

There's literally nothing wrong with doing a U-turn. It's completely normal. Bystanders don't think you're strange or anything

Well, the level of detail to their games makes it worth it desu. GTA 6 is going to be fucking awesome. It's Rockstar.

Found the guy playing it on his PS4

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let's not ignore the grass on the water
and no it doesn't look like something that'd grow in water

The bugs aren’t what piss me off the most in this game it’s the GODAWFUL Inventory system

>Found the guy playing it on his PS4
The game is shit on PC.

this you played on console cope is an actual cdpr shill tactic

>That kind of open-world is a very, very high bar to clear.
I mean even shit like Watch_Dogs 2 and Mafia 3 have more of the elements you'd expect in an open world game than Cyberpunk.

Putting e-celebs in the game.

laundering money and hanging out with celebrities