
>"who put these bots in my match lmao"


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find their ip address and order pizza there

just tell them your little brother was playing, dude

Say nothing, report them for toxicity. Maybe screencap the messages and make a PSA on the forums/Reddit about toxicity

Only socially desperate, autistic losers use the in-game chat of any game.

dont respond

c'mon you should know this by now

call then a nigger and leave.

I want to fuck tinkerbell at her normal size

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the sarcasm will hurt their feelings

I can tell through your silence you're MAD AS FUCK

t. autistic loser who can't handle banter

what is mute button

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Are you seriously making these threads for about 10 years now?
Is it just some braindead 9gag army meme?


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"you know I would have won if I was playing for real right"

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Just throw down an lmfao and send them a friend request.


Banter is had between friends. Your discord tranny buttbuddies aren't friends, neither is PabloGonzales.2013 in your TF2 match. You're the equivalent of some autistic retard that just walks up to a group of people and starts talking to them because he can't read the room.

And you are. If you cared enough to continue reading or listening to post game chat instead of queuing up new game.

Just say "Sneed".

>some speg who plays the game non stop
>you see him almost every other match since no many play it
>pretty much always on the top
>just spams ggez even if loses
what drives people to do this, especially in dead games

stop worrying about what fags on the internet you'll never meet think about you

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keep going, i wanna see some fairy butthole

>Playing team game with randoms
Just pick up fighting games or some other 1v1 game user.

>Post your face when you realize she is masturbating in the gif
Just saying, the candles heart is missing

stop being a fucking shitter

to make scrubs mad
looks like it works

so mad so you resort to deflecting
>loser who gets mad at every little thing someone types
mad as fuck
mad as fuck and hoping they add you so you can insult them
mad and pedophillic

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ah yes, much better to get stoned and spend the night in complete silence like yourself


Kill their family and then say the same thing

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Vaginas are DISGUSTING

idk what is it, but 2D Tinker looks so much better than 3D Tinker. 3D Tinker looks like she's stoned and got stung by many bees and

fpbp, retard tier banter OP

congrats I guess?


And what, user?

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Reminder that Link is a 1:1 rip-off of Peter Pan, fairy included.

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t. gay

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"is it your naptime already?"
>who put these bots in my match lmao
"quality matchmaking"

Or just don't respond.

mad and bald

>got stung by many bees and

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Call him a nigger

Yes, because not a single person playing the game cares about your input or your clever little comments, they're complete strangers and they always will be, so why even talk to them? You don't talk to every single person you see, do you? Are you that fucking autistic? Has society failed so hard that autistic abominations such as yourself are now walking the planet?

Oh fuck... The fairies got to him bros... RIP

You don't

I'm straight and agree with him, you'll find out when your wife gets lazy.

i aint seein no butthole homie

sorry, thinking about Tinker made me too erect

"You claim to be a player but you fucked my wife."

there's your problem

what's wrong bro? did my talking ruin your "vibe"?

desperate for.attention

Oh I know user, I know.

t. Carl Weezer

just say "cope tranny" lol


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We should play another. Add me!

Just don't respond. Unlike schoolyard bullies they actually will go away if you ignore them.

"You have fun playing against bots? Sounds like you suck."

but that makes you sound not only mad, but mad and 13

Post some then.

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