/fat/ gains goblins edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For feta orbiters who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss

>What do I do first?
1. Read the Zig Forums sticky
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
3. Calculate your BMI
4. Calculate your TDEE
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
5. Plan your weight loss week by week
6. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>Now what do I do?
Count calories, all of them.
Calculate your TDEE at sedentary
Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements
Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks.
Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this.
Post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself.
Be a retard.

Previous Thread:

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Do you have gains goblins in your life? Who are they and how do they try to fuck up your weightloss? I've had luck and didn't have anyone trying to throttle my weightloss but I've heard a couple of comments that I've lost too much weight when I was 20kg fatter than I am currently.

1,500 calories a day bros. Counting calories is all that matters.

217 2020-04-16
215.8 2020-04-17
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216.6 2020-04-20
215.4 2020-04-21
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214.2 2020-04-23
214.2 2020-04-24
213.4 2020-04-25
213.4 2020-04-26
213.8 2020-04-27
213 2020-04-28
212.4 2020-04-29

you eat 200 calories a day?

left is my weight in pounds, right is date in Canadian format

>just count calories bro you can't outrun a bad diet
A reminder that a 6' tall 220 lbs man working out at 8 Mets/h burns about 721 calories per hour, about the equivalent of 1.3 Big Macs.

>thread keeps dying
Bros don't let these quarantine days stray you from your objective

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Even though my weight loss has stalled for about a month (weight as a number).... I've noticed my loose skin tightening up a bit and my body changing shape in a good way.

I understand that while I've done great in reducing my calories overall, it looks like it's time to go through and look for new places to trim calories.

Part of my "mental fat battle" is learning I can be just fine eating MUCH LESS FOOD...

It may take me longer than you guys to make it, but I'll get there.

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how do i stop eating right before bed? my hunger becomes ravenous even when i have had a big filling dinner. it has to be psychological

i'm sorry bros... it's over...

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How the fuck do I stay in caloric deficit while also eating enough protein? I can't just eat only chicken, tuna and cottage cheese every fucking day.

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You can get your muscles back when you arent a lardball anymore. I lost 7 kg from cutting in April and only 800 g of that were muscle mass. Its a non issue.

Get up earlier so you're more tired by the time you're in bed

Well bros, I got to my goal weight and kept it off for a while, however since making it and becoming a chad I've got a gf and now lockdown has happened, these two things have contributed to me putting back 10lbs back on, so my question is, how do you dump your gf, only joking my real question is how are you guys dealing with exercise during quarantine? Are you doing home work outs thanks to youtube or still going out? Thanks all

I'm usually boxing now, so I dont have to go outside.

I have a great home gym that I built years ago. I'm not fat btw.
Here's all (you) need to do though:
Go to Lowe's
Buy a 75 lb bag of cement and duct tape
Tape the shit out of the bag
Use that to workout with

For ~$20 you can get all of the gear you need to get in better shape than 99% of people if you are willing to put in the effort.

This It's infinitely easier to not try and minmax the weight loss part and just bulk back up after

How will reaching your goal weight affect your life? What other goals will you set for yourselves?
>I'd be able to wear cool clothes, get really fucking good at cardio (dad and grandpa could run a mile in under 5 mins so it's in my genetics), be more spontaneous, and much more. I'd probably set another goal to lower my bf% to somewhere around 10-12 and put on a few pounds of muscle

Step 1) Don't fall for the 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight meme
Step 2) Eat at least 0.36 grams per pound of body weight like a normal person

Beans, lentils, cheese, Italian cold cuts. Try protein powder if you really struggle.

She isn't attracted to me anymore

>was getting close to goal
>gained 10 lbs since quarantine

I am a fucking clown

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Yes you are, but now get your clown wig back on you've got weight to lose

Exercise bike and calisthenics, both my shoulders are injured though so I do mostly leg and core exercises. Got to normal BMI, now I just need to lower body fat

Yep, still fat

Can you guys help me choose a calisthenics routine? There is so many different options but I can't do all of the movements for one of them

>trying to lose weight
>eating less sugars
>still can't resist buying sweets when I see good stuff on sale
>chocolate bars are slowly piling up in my fridge
Well, my willpower might not be the strongest, but at least my priorities are straight.

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Just buy diet soda and fruit

P90X works great

Going to be doing some heavy drinking to celebrate the end of classes tonight.
What steps should I take to minimize the damage? Only had 90 calories of greek yogurt so far.

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Go and bin every single one now. Create the sudden impulse to do that. You don't need that shit, have protein bars instead - they're just as good, some even better. You can do better, you must do better.

for me having a glass of water between drinks(for example a cup of water between two bottles of beer) helped me not get too shitfaced, lessened the hangover and reduced the food cravings during being drunk. Downside is that you'll have to go piss more often

I have the same problem. I can do fine all day not eating, I get hungry around 4 or 5 which is my OMAD, and then around 8 I just want to destroy everything in the fridge. It takes all of my willpower to not give in.

1495 calories today lads, now to just get through to bedtime without snacking.

I can do it.

I'm gonna make it.

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Whenever I drink I eat

1300 calories today. Feel extremely tired. Is this normal?

Drink a large glass of water, you might be dehydrated.

Just... don’t... eat...

Yeah, this is one reason I don’t want to look at the scale right now.

Chug a BUNCH of water. Make the “drink more water, buddeh” guy say “noooo, stop”

Will losing weight boost my self esteem?

yes, the first time I fit into an L shirt after years of being 4XL it was basically like in that scene from Spiderman 3. Now I'm an M size and it feels fantastic, much less anxiety when I talk to girls

This is what I ate today:
>Mug cake using egg whites, whey protein, coconut flour, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon, sweetener, chocolate chips, and blueberries (wanted the extra carbs beacuse pre-workout meal)
>Egg whites, stir fried peppers/onions/mushrooms, lean turkey bacon cut into squares
>Big bowl of salad with romaine + spinach + field greens + assorted veggies
>250g pork loin center chops
>Might eat like 30kcal worth of some cantaloupe later
Total: 1300kcal, 150g protein

Been eating like this for a while and pretty consistently losing weight. I stick to 1200-1400kcal with around 200kcal worth of cardio daily, and make sure I get 130-160g protein and at least 20g fiber. Don't really restrict the types of food I have otherwise, but I try to get veggies/fruit/meat in daily. Feel really good, very full. I do maybe like a protein bar/shake for the first meal instead sometimes, and I vary up the meat I use for dinner to be chicken/pork/beef/fish. Sometimes use chicken or turkey breast instead of turkey bacon for lunch. Sometimes that stir fry + salad is one meal instead of two.

Any meal ideas on how to mix this up every now and then?

yeah, the plateaus can be frustrating but you just gotta work through them. For me they happened every 7-8kg lost from 110kg to my current 76kg(starting weight was 144kg). The longest one was a freaking month when I was around 96kg, it was hell but the "whoosh" was losing 6 kg in a week and a half

The duality of fat

It took you 2 weeks to lose 5 pounds.

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there's nothing wrong with losing 2.2lbs a week.

That sounds like pretty good progress. It takes me like a month. But I'm also 145lbs now.

You guys should consider picking up nicotine. Maybe not cigarettes but something you can vape from. I’ve been using a juul (cringe i know) and it makes me never want to eat. I have to physically force food down my throat to not starve. I’ve lost like seven pounds in two weeks because I simply have no appetite.

Stop fucking eating, Fat! It should take you 5 days to lose 5 pounds, Fatso.

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That is the reason why overweight people outlive healthy weight people.

If I 100% fasted for 5 days straight I'd only lose 2.7lbs at this point dude, my TDEE is like 1900.

have fun dying at 35 from high cholesterol fatty

I did it lads. G'night.

>Haven't drank for 5 days
>Longest in time sober in nearly 2 years
>Have lost nearly 3 pounds

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how much am i hurting myself by eating like 1/8 of what i used to eat? im down to 1 meal a day and its like only a cup of vegetables and 2 apples
i dont feel hunger anymore but my stomach is growling alot

I fell asleep during the day, right now it would be time to sleep but i'm not tired at all. I already ate more than i'm supposed to because i woke up with a headache from my nap. The smallest incovencience and i seek solace in food. I wish i wasn't so pathetic. Right now i'm fighting to stop the downwards spiral of just letting loose and binge.

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>Longest in time sober in nearly 2 years
Jesus. So are you like in full withdrawal or what? I bet that 3 lbs. is cuz your shitting and puking and sweating your brains out

Why are you drinking?

I have lost 11 lbs in the last week and a half. 267 -> 256. Im feeling good bros. About to break my 48 hour fast with a solid keto meal.

We're gonna make it bros, dont give up. You dont need to eat. It's all in your head.

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>left is my weight in pounds, right is date in Canadian format
Woah try to not confuse the burgers with our logical measurement systems and way to write dates fellow leaf...

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Starting weight 218, goal weight 160. Slowly but surely lads, already down to 210. If you boys haven't tried it, keto is actually a great way to keep yourself from succumbing to snacking. When you know you're supposed to be adhering to certain guidelines it makes it a lot harder to just impulsively shove crisps down your gullet. Most keto snacks are quite healthy.

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Fasting with keto is fucking great. I'm not hungry while fasting and all the meals fill me up. Extremely based.

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yes a bucket of lard is a great keto snack. I heard it goes well with the mountain of meat, sprinkle some mayonnaise on top and you got yourself a real treat.

this but unironically

Keto wasn't super helpful for me when it came to binge eating. I thought if I couldn't binge on carbs I would be able to prevent binge eating but while on keto i basically just binged on keto friendly stuff like bacon, cheese, whatever.

Was fat. Started running, started going to the gym. Went from 97kg of pure lard to 69kg at 183cm. In the beginning people were very supportive and cheered me on, family was very accommodating to my eating habits etc. The way people perceived me started changing in small ways where I couldn't really put my finger on what it was. But soon it became more apparent. Strangers started remembering my name, people would stop longer for casual conversations, ask me for tips about their own weights and the details of my workout and eating routine. Buying clothes and going to the hairdresser turned from a chore to something enjoyable. I even made out with a cute asian girl at a university party.

Then the overwhelming positivity and cheering stopped. It was as if someone had flipped a switch. All of a sudden I got the feeling people started to be personally offended by what I was eating. The same people who'd have asked for recipes of my food weeks ago would scoff and make jokes about what I ate.

Family started talking about having an "eating disorder" and resumed buying chips and chocolate to keep at home. Instead of being supportive so many people started trying to tempt me with junk food and get to me with snarky comments.

The only positive thinh at this point was the women were actually interested. Somewhere around this time I got into a relationship and started enjoying seeing my lifts go up in the gym more than just my looks. Being in a relationship also took its toll. Too many movie nights with junkfood. Too many missed gymsessions because "can't you skip just today user?".

Then work and school got stressful and I started to go less to the gym. And then one day I found myself back at 95kg. I've retained a good part of my strength but I look like shit again. And here I am, back at /fat/ with my brothers confessing my sins and weighing my chicken.

The world is made of gains goblins user. They are legion.

>family now making snide remarks about how i am "not eating" and accuse me of body dysphoria.
Aight whatever fuck them. I try so hard to be good to these people but they are so insistent on pulling me down to their knuckle dragging level. Only my father has ever shown support.

The best strategy for this is to just eat like this forever until it just becomes the norm. They'll stop giving a crap when it's like month 20 and you're still eating like a healthy boi. It's a big adjustment to make because socially you probably aren't partaking in meals you normally would be with family and that's a pretty big change they are adjusting to but it's a necessary one and it's impossible not to feel like an outsider when you're eating veggies and everyone else is having some fast food shit. Just keep at it. It will become the norm.

Same here. Haven't drank since Sunday night, honestly don't remember the last time I've gone this long without a drink because I'm trying keto. Will break my no drink streak tomorrow though with a few neat whiskeys

>Feeling really good about how much weight I've lost
>Decide to start going for walks at night
>Really enjoying myself
>Second night out finish the walk with a slight pain in my ankle
>Wake up the next morning and it's really sore
>Wake up today and it's feeling stuff, can't put any weight on it without almost collapsing
My body is falling apart at the age of 23

Happened to me yesterday.
>have a big meal
>makes me sleepy as fuck
>take a nap
>sleep for 5 hours
>wake up late evening
>get hungry again soon after waking up
>just go to bed to distract myself from hunger
>barely sleep
>have to force myself out of bed in the morning, leverage my hunger for a little bit extra motivation
>go to grocery store to fully wake up, using hunger as carrot on a stick
>was afraid that I'll miss my workout today due to being sleepy mess but walking 22 storeys with full bags of groceries and chugging strong green tea got me pumped up
>survived through the day without falling asleep
>going to bed soon, my schedule is almost restored, major fuckups averted
Find ways to exploit your urges to force yourself back on track.

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>not eating 2 steaks with butter for dinner and having mushrooms, onions, and broc alongside ti

Yeah I've battled the binge cravings by drinking more diet soda, a lot of water, and black coffee

>Plateaus can last up to 3 weeks
I've noticed this too, but what the fuck? So the laws of thermodynamics BTFO or what?

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Eat right before bed?

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Gotta pump them numbers up

Just save your calories till the end of thr day. I'm the same as you where I get incredibly hungry at night so I basically intermittent fast until 6pm and eat 1600 calories between 6-10pm.

That's actually really good, unless you're like 100lbs overweight

while this makes sense and I'm willing to do it in the short term, I don't think this is something that I could do for the rest of my life so I'm hesitant to build it into my lifestyle.

I'm trying to build sustainable habits

Actually no, surprisingly I never got chemically dependent despite getting black out drunk for like a year. It was all habitual and emotional which I've finally be able to break.

Good job user.

Do some weights/bodyweight exercises to tire yourself.

>binged on cookies and marshmallows
>been feeling really hot since, almost feverish
I guess my body is working extra hard trying to process the poisonous sugar I dumped into it.

Whoosh effect. Your body replaces fat with excess water. You could also be eating excess calories on accident.

any recommendations for protein? been lifting like crazy during the quarantine and I've got enough for maybe 5 days

that plus you're probably experiencing the thermogenic effect of food. It's a shitty feeling, laying down because your stomach is so stuffed with thousands of unneeded calories, the taste of acid at the back of your throat and the throbbing of your heart and the mental anguish knowing that your dumbass binged and probably undid a week's worth of progress, wondering if you're ever going to break this cycle but knowing that you kinda won't break this cycle because you've been doing it every week for the past year and you're trying to find that initial willpower you had that cause your initial weight loss but you can't seem to find it anymore and you're skipping days of exercise or just stalling with your lifts and you're perpetually caught in skinnyfat mode despite all the work you've put in you still look like dogshit and then you think of all the damage you've done to your body such as loose skin the stretchmarks and how no matter how hard you work you're never gonna look normal you're always gonna look like some kinda skin ghoul

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I'm 73kg at 5'7 been that weight for the last 2 years, if I try to lose weight by restricting calories and will drop 1 kg at max if I'm hungry all day for weeks.
If I try to gain weight, I eat trash and eat meals even when I'm not hungry and I still only gain like 1 kg max.
Am I cursed? I don't snack or anything, don't really know which direction to go since neither really works for me.

Yeah but seriously, binge eating is a bitch of a cycle to escape. You do good for a week then fuck it all up in one night. I have finally managed to escape the cycle and the two things that worked for me are doing cardio every day (previously doing no cardio) and incorporating huge salads into my meals. I used to think salads were a meme but having low calorie high volume foods filling up my belly really does help prevent binges.

What are you a women? That's not even that bad of a weight considering.

i've been gradually chipping away at it. now i pretty much only fuck up if i drink. one beer and it's down the tubes though

That has nothing to do with anything, and I have an overweight BMI so it's fat.
My body is gross.

>That has nothing to do with anything
You're a women then, and yes that has everything to do with it. Women are cursed in general since their bodies are more efficient at storing fat than men. You can gain more fat for the same amount of calories than a man, the reasons why aren't fully understood. You just need to do more cardio and lift. Post diet.

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Mixed nuts are my fucking kryptonite.

>Be me
>Trynna go from skinnyfat to skelly and then bulk up
>Hit calories for the day
>All real whole foods with plenty of protein and fiber. 25-30% calories from fat
>Get hungry two or three hours before bed
>Craving fat and savoury foods
>"Oh I'll just have some nuts."
>A handful turns into pic related (for the second time in ten days)

At least they're all gone now

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get a scale and weigh them. i have a little mix of dried fruit, nuts and seeds in a container but I only allow myself 50g per day and i weigh it out

I've been dieting for at least three weeks and I lost 2kg and my waist is 5cm smaller than before
now, I should try to do some exercise to speed up the process
overall, I'm quite satisfied

dont go to the grocery store on an empty stomach, you'll end up thinking with it

>ate more cheese than I could afford to
The struggle is real bros

how do i get back on track anons

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Try to figure out why you got off track and try to fix that issue. Was it a diet failure or exercise failure?

Stop being poor lmao

I just feel like a fucking failure. I keep trying to lose weight and I just can't keep consistent.

clean your room, empty your fridge and pantry of tempting foods, make a routine, take it 1 day at a time, and drink a ton of coffee and water

>That's not even that bad of a weight considering.
I went from 77 to 70 over the last 1.5 months while also gaining some muscle but I'm still a disgusting skinnyfat.

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Hydrate consistently throughout the day
Stretch before and after your walk, one thing you can do is hang your ankle off your bed and trace the shapes of letters with it slowly. I had a stress fracture in my mid-foot and this helped me. Ice/heat press can also help your foot.

Does anybody here do their exercises without weights?

55.9kg 4/25/2020
54.2kg 4/30/2020

Looking good I guess, I'm doing 2 meals a day.

>eat 2 handful of nuts
>equivalent to a cheeseburger
Literally the first food I realized was a meme health food, come on dudes

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How bad could my b/f percentage realistically have gotten over almost 2 months in quarantine? I've never been so sedentary all my life, even when I didn't care about being a fatso I biked and walked around much more. I actually lost a couple of pounds over the lockdown and I can't see much of a difference in measurements, but I feel like I've fucked myself hard

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Has anyone ever tried backpacking as a means to lose weight?

It seems ideal, long periods of cardio on low calories and it's not so bad as running in place on a treadmill

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OMAD/fasting here. I usually eat around 11am but can't lift until late evening, should I move my meal later? I don't really feel like lifting after 10 hours of fasting.

Most people lose weight on these kinds of vacations but it's honestly hard to eat well going from one shitty hostel to another.

Idk man, I used to to OMAD but a few months but I always ate very early. I can't wait that long until I eat but after I do I never get hungry. But obvioulsy if you don't feel like lifting after you haven't eaten for so long then try to move it.

You have to experiment and see what works best for you. I do believe you should move the time of your meal gradually and not do a large jump at once. t. lost 33kg and "made it"

I’ve sinned and lost a year of progress. I used to visit Zig Forums religiously over a year ago and lost 70 pounds through IF and keto with a few days of fasting a week. Started socializing and going to school, got hooked on smoking weed daily. Spent all my money on it, always get ravenously hungry and stuff my face with whatever I can find. I started outright buying tons of food again and now I’ve gained the lost 60 and 20 more in a year.

I live in Oregon where I can go backpacking pretty much 3 days a week of 7 every week and don't need to go to hostels. I can just pack some light meals. Wondering if I can kill three birds with onr stone. Get fit, stop being a fatass, and get into a hobby

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Oh wow. I lost a similar amount of weight and I was afraid I was gonna gain it again but I've kept it for almost a year now :(

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this so much.
It's insane how many sources recommend nuts as some healthy snack that reduces your hunger on a diet. I can go through one 200g bag of nuts in an hour without even thinking about it.
Thats over a 1000kcal.

Thanks and congrats user

Is it weird that I have a bit of loose skin, almost nothing at all showing up just now after being on maintenance for 10 months?

how can i stop eating so much when it is the only thing that makes me feel anything throughout the day?

Drugs? Hoping someday you’ll look enough like a human that you can have normal experiences that make you feel good?

>even once weight is lost still have disgusting draping folds of loose skin, will never be human-shaped
Literally why live? I’m never going to not be deformed.

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What should actually be recommended for that purpose are foods that are high volume, but low calorie. Fruits and vegetables especially. You can make a really, really big salad for 150-200 calories that will basically keep you full for the entire day. All this focus on macros and types of food instead of simply focusing on calories was a big mistake. Fruit is demonized for natural sugar content. Yet a bowl of fruit is 50-100 calories, and a bowl of nuts can be 1000+.

I'm in the same boat pretty much, food has been my only solace for the last 15 years of my life. It's hard to break.

>used to eat shitload of unhealthy foods (fast food, soda, candy, chips etc) every day for most of my life
>finally manage to cut it out and now eat 99% healthy food
>actually gaining weight because I overeat

I used to think that if I just cut the junk, I could easily lose weight and still eat enough to not feel hungry, because "normal" food doesn't have many calories right? Obviously, that was wrong, I'm getting way too many calories from basically everything, mostly shit like peanutbutter, cheese, bread, nuts and fruits. I've already cut out nuts since their calories count is identical to fucking potato chips. I've been eating the kind of seed/nuts bread that is high protein and low carb, but I looked at the calories and it's insanely high. PB and cheese obviously have high calories.

I'm starting to realize that losing weight just simply means learning to be hungry most of the time. I don't think I will ever feel satisfied with just the lean chicken and broccoli diet that every single fit person eats. I am still mentally just as much of a fatty as ever. I'll try to get used to single low calories meal in a day type shit but I doubt I'll ever make it.

>losing weight just simply means learning to be hungry most of the time
Yeah it’s garbage, especially when you need to not be distracted for work.

don't eat bread, don't eat nuts, definitely don't eat peanut butter
eat meat, it'll make you feel full for longer
eat something like raw carrots with low-cal dip as snacks

>peanutbutter, cheese, bread, nuts and fruits
this is all "sometimes" food. control your portions and you can still have them.
you can make boring shit like chicken salad tasty by adding fats (like vinaigrette), you just need to be careful how much you use, and preferably make it all yourself.

The problem was still your diet. Peanut butter, cheese, bread, and nuts are all high calorie foods. Bread is basically sugar. Peanut butter, cheese, and nuts all high fat, caloric dense foods. The only low calorie food you have on that list is fruit. Broccoli isn't the only vegetable that's low calorie. Almost every vegetable is. Chicken breast isn't the only meat source that's lean and low calorie.

You can have 2 HUGE bowls of salad, a small bowl of fruit, and 2lbs+ of lean meat for less than 1500 calories. You can easily be satiated for the day like this, and get all the nutrients, protein, and fiber your body needs. THAT is eating healthy.

I haven't shit in several days, lads. I'm worried-- I'm normally a once a day kind of guy. Coffee doesn't help.

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There's still ways to add flavour without adding a lot of calories. Seasoning is something that everybody on a cutting diet should learn to love. Hot sauce and dressings that are literally just vinegar + seasoning (usually called "fat-free italian herbs vinaigrette") are also really helpful tools for this. Some other sauces that aren't stuffed with sugar can be 5-10 calories per tablespoon and can be mixed together, like mustard and tomato paste (NOT ketchup). Non-sugar sweetener isn't a bad thing either, especially more natural ones like stevia and monkfruit.

The best thing to learn calorie content versus weight. Seeds, nuts, butters, liquid/drinks, sauces, creams, are all really bad for this! Even if they're healthy or natural, does not mean that it doesn't have a lot of calories. Look at the calorie content per 100g and go from there.

For example:
vs myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/uncooked-pork-shoulder-butt-1074283429
vs myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/lean-only-raw-100g-625107195

or myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/grilled-ribeye-steak-per-100g-291637564
vs nutritionvalue.org/Beef,_raw,_separable_lean_only,_striploin,_imported,_New_Zealand_nutritional_value.html

All of these cuts are meat, compared against the same animal, but have wildly different fat/protein ratios, and thus have different calories per 100g. Eating for losing weight isn't as simple as saying "I'm not going to eat fast food", although that is the first step. Calories in, calories out is always the main goal when losing weight, no matter how you get there.

good point on the low cal dressings. personally i'm doing low carb so adding some fats isn't an issue. but for op that's probably the better choice.

sorry to hear dude, try limiting calories and drinking shit tonnes of water with cardio?

i feel like I've been eating a calorie deficit for a while now but my weights been the same for a past few months. I just can't help myself from snacking either when there's stuff around. I wanna start working out tomorrow, doing cardio and some weights.

Plateaus don't last a few months, you're not at a deficit. Start tracking more strict, and stop snacking without tracking it.

Yeah I've only been tracking somewhat regularly the past few weeks. Sometimes I feel like I might be going over without realising it though because meals are kind of hard to track precisely.

Yeah, I personally don't track carbs/fats at all, I track calories, protein, and fiber. I find going really low carb is shit for strength training purposes, so I don't do it. Ends up being less restrictive like this anyways, and very easy to get nutrients. I still end up with 40-45% calories from protein, and then 20-30% calories from carbs, and 30-40% calories from fats anyways because most high protein foods have fat in them anyways, even if they're lean. I'll likely end up with a higher percentage of fats/carbs when I back on maintenance, since I don't really need more than 1g/lb protein.

Get a food scale.

Get your fasting bullshit out here you shill

Renouncing fresh fruit = ngmi

That's what I was implying, yeah. Fruit is fucking amazing, and shouldn't be demonized just because of natural sugars. You know how many goddamn blueberries you have to eat to even reach 100 calories? Goddamn, these things are glorious.

I found these grocery shopping today. Basically nothing in it at all but a good warm stomach filler as we go into winter (ausfag here) and taste is not too bad either.

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I did it /fat/, 4 mile run this morning and finishing the day at 1300 calories. Skipped breakfast, had a fruit/veggie rich lunch and dinner, with no snacks and no eating after dinner. I have been stress eating and binging and snacking all night the past two months before this and it really screwed me and made me chunky and lethargic.
Today marks the beginning of me unfucking my shit

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Psyllium husk

eat a fuckton of wheat bran flakes.
I did this due to being fat and craving cereal and I was having very consistent and easy bowel movements, the fiber will really help things move along.

20kgs lost now after 2½ months, and there's a lot more that needs to be lost.
May my strength and discipline not falter.

not him but mine just arrived today, fingers crossed lads

well done user
how do you lose 40+lbs in that short amount of time? what has your diet/exercise regime been like?

eat more salt

Thank you.
I simply cut out all soda, candy and unhealthy food first, then I started to eat pretty low calorie meals OMAD, somewhere around 1000-1300 most of the time, I used to do some fast walking on a treadmill for 30 min each day, but I've stopped that, now I just OMAD and fast 48s. It's working wonders.

Hopping on keto for the first time lads, wish me luck

The Devil is a sweet temptress and her name is Alcohol

26 years old, weigh 101 kgs, 187 cm.

Starting on the fitness wagon and lost my first kg.

Am finding the diet part hard and do need to stop drinking for a bit.


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good luck bro, hope it works out for you

Alcohol is highly caloric, plus it tends to bring food along with it.

What's a good weight scale to buy? All of the ones I've purchased don't accurately weigh me or just flat out don't work. They'll tell me I weigh 130ish when that's completely wrong. I'm around 230-240ish according to my doctor appointments.

Are sure it's just not showing kgs instead of lbs?

Yeah, I'm well aware they're calorically dense as fuck and I usually stick to fruit+veg and lean protein. This was basically a moment of weakness that went overboard. Up 3lbs on the scale this morning, but woke up with a boner again for the first time since I started my cut and thanks to water retention I look less dyel too. Gonna do a 700cal omad today and then back to the grind tomorrow.

It's lbs. I'm not sure why this keeps happening with every scale I try, but whenever I see my doctor I weigh in roughly 230-240ish pounds. Meanwhile, all of the scales I try say 130-160 lbs or 210 which is flat out wrong.

Is it level with the floor. Sometimes the slightest inclination throws things off. Try different flooring.

Lads remember to not buy junk or that one bag of "snacks" while in quarantine.

If you're stuck inside surrounded by healthy options you're going to make better choices.

i ate like 3000 calories today. i feel like im about to fucking explode. i don't have big binges like this often, so i really don't know what happened. i think im gonna unironically puke. i know i sound like a pathetic 14 year old girl, but i really feel sick lol.

I am doing a 5 day water fast. It's actually going amazingly well. I am very bad at controlling portions so just not eating at all really simplifies everything for me. I think I'm in ketosis because I'm less hungy now (day 3) then I was at day 1.

My wife and my gf keep telling me to eat something. Why? Obviously I have enough fat reserves and if I'm really in ketosis than I'm currently burning them off. Plus I'm not even hungry. Why the fuck would I eat a little bit and get hungry again?? Makes no sense to me.

>my wife and my gf
Kek. I meant gf/wife and mother.

You should puke. Eating 3k calories after dieting is a sure way to gain a shitton of fat quickly.

>I am very bad at controlling portions so just not eating at all really simplifies everything for me.
you're gonna have to fix this or you'll just get fat again

After this initial fast. I'm going to try keto OMAD with like a one/two day fast every week.

When I say controlling portions I don't mean like eating giant tubs of icecream or anything. I just mean that I have a problem with eating/drinking a little bit of anything. If you ask me to eat one cookie, it's literally impossible for me. I will eat the whole pack. If you tell me to not eat any cookies, it's easy.

It's not on level ground you dunce

yes i think I'll do that. i mostly ate chips and chocolate so it shouldn't be too hard.

25mg ostarine for 12 weeks. 10mg of cardarine after 6 weeks for the final 6 weeks. Do cardio every fucking day and don't forget to actually lift weights you fucking retard. Idk who needed to hear this, but I know I did at one point and I hope I helped change your life... You fucking nigger

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metamucil lad

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not over the counter stuff where i live

Currently on keto. Woke up today and saw in the mirror that my gut had shrank just a bit, confirmed it by grab-testing. Only 20kg or so to go.

We're all gonna make it.

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>Down from 163 to 155

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Wait what. What type of nuts are we talking here?

My wife literally just woke me up with food under my nose telling me to eat it. I told her to fuck off. Didn't even really face me desu. Fasting is definitely my new go to. It's like a superpower. I am just completely not hungry.

I spent last week finding out my average calorie intake. 2.7-3k is my average (i know). Today i cut down to 2k. How long before the headaches and nausea stop? I know i can stand it but i want to work out again without feeling sick

What app is that friend?

Any kind. Almonds are the lowest cal per serving at 200cal per 1/4 cup (might be 25% lower based on some recent science but that's still 150). On the other end a single Brazil nut is like 35cal.
If you don't have bitch hands you can easily hold a quarter cup in your palm, so two or three handfuls can break 600-700cal in no time.

It also averages your calorie intake over the same period so even though I totally fucked up yesterday, I know I'm still on track to average 400-500cal under maintenance calories. It's a good reminder that this shit is a long term commitment and that you can't let individual setbacks keep you down.

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Anybody see dick size gains? I'm beginning to lose hope.

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cico doesn't work
"eat less move more" doesn't work
you know this in your heart to be true.

Oh, I guess I've went from 260lbs -> 145lbs in a couple years for absolutely no reason, good to know. It's not because I tracked my calories properly or anything, definitely not.

>Zig Forums post disproves thermodynamics. More at eleven.


Good bait

>Just cleaned my apartment for the first time in 8 months
>Dusted for the first time in 5ever
>Tried to organize my electronics shelf and failed miserable still (Too many cables)

I've forgotten how comfy this feels. I am sticky with sweat but at least its clean.

You're the most pathetic person I've ever seen

Yes, absolutely. You should continue to see dick gains until about 12% fat, although they slow down at about 20%.

What hot sauce do you fags eat? Just ordered some of pic related, never tried it.

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This shit is GOAT

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Good shit. Haven't had it in years but when I had it was some of the best I've tried. Now I just grab whatever at the store. Mostly Valentinas

hey idk if im just a retard or something, but this website said my calories to lose 2lbs a wekk is 2200 per day. So if i want to lose 2.5 pounds, how much should i eat? 1600?

And an extra 1/2lb per week is 250 less per day, so you'd aim for 1950

Nah, if you reduce CI by 10%, the body reduces CO by 10% without asking you.

6'1 212lbs

How much are we talking here? Just looks from the fat pad shrinking or actual growth?

Your calculations seem off.
Use this site and set your lifestyle to sedentary. You might be able to get away with slightly active if you do regular cardio. but its best to eat at sedentary and take any cardio calories as bonus fat loss.


I plugged in your height/weight at 25yo and 25% bf and got a target of 1400 to lose 2lb/week

After a time, yes. Which is why you take periodic breaks to adjust to your new maintenance intake and normalize hormone levels.

Fat pad shrinking, which means you have more exposed shaft, which increases your length.
Get a hard, grab a ruler, and press it all the way to your pelvis. This is the max dick you have to work with, nothing will increase it.


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Don't worry brah, by the time she sees your dick you've already made it

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>t. pic related

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Hi, im fat.
Should I stop eating?

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>feel small
I hate porn

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hey does anyone else feel like these threads are drying up? Or maybe it's just the time of day.

How many calories am I REALLY burning on a 1-hour bike ride?

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Practically impossible to know. Protip: just count your calories assuming you didn't exercise at all.

This 100%, if you're trying to lose weight never even attempt to eat the calories burned from exercise.

I don't want to eat more, I just want to sperg out about numbers.

Get heartbeat sensor, never switch gears and track your route via GPS. That's about as accurate as you're gonna get.

I'm plateauing hard at 155-160lbs, 5'8". I'm at 1500 daily expenditure and I know I'm sticking to it pretty closely (usually overestimate my meals on stuff that can't be measured) yet I can't seem to lose anymore weight. Don't really understand what's going on. I was 156 2 weeks back and now I'm weighing in at 160 again.

Obviously I'm fucking something up, but I don't get what's going on. Should I just one meal a day now?

Your body is starting to lower energy output to match expenditure. Take a few weeks to eat maintenance for your new weight and then hop back on the diet. You might put on a few pounds again in the short term from water retention and replenished glycogen stores, but they'll be the first pounds to go when you start cutting again.

When you're leaner, changes in water weight show up more dramatically on the scale. If nothing else, add a bit more cardio or do 100-200 less calories a day. Also remember that plateaus can last up to 3 weeks.

Sorry, meant expenditure to match intake

It's time to go by body fat percentage and waist size instead of just the number of the scale. Don't lose focus when you're this close. Get them abs.

When people say you can't outrun a bad diet, they mean 300lb fatties who think exercise is walking for 15 minutes. Of course athletic people can outrun a bad diet.

300lb fatties can't run to begin with so they're obviously not who they're talking about.
You're literally an idiot. Just one slice of cheesecake is equivalent to literally hours of exercise.

You need to be olympic athlete tier or world class in order to outrun a "bad diet". If you're an active person, consuming more calories doesn't equal a bad diet but it's very easy to over eat and gain weight by putting the wrong things in your mouth in bad amounts.

When people say you can't outrun a bad diet they literally mean every average person at the gym who goes home and eats 2500 calories a day. They're working their ass off to burn ~500 calories at the gym and then eating it back resulting in no weight loss.

Low sodium causes constipation

Yes. The difference is, when metabolically healthy people eat more food than usual, their metabolism goes up. But if you over-eat every day, you basically override the compensation mechanism and that's how people get fat.

>The difference is, when metabolically healthy people eat more food than usual, their metabolism goes up.
Healthy people often put on a few pounds from holiday eating. Stop being an idiot.

>But if you over-eat every day, you basically override the compensation mechanism and that's how people get fat.

This is how they get fat, and stay fat, because it becomes the norm. Calories should be measured in a monthly average.

What is this hotsauce meme? Is it diet proof?

The calories in hot sauce are negligible and it's slightly thermogenic. If you're having trouble with your diet hot sauce can help you eat foods you otherwise wouldn't, also it just taste good. That and MSG. Love me some fucking MSG.

>look up healthy portion size of oxygen
>some government website says not to breathe more than 2 liters of oxygen per day.
>dozens of articles written by soccer moms saying oxygen is fine to inhale once in a while, but only if you're really stressed out and stuff.
>hundreds of message board posts from weightlifters claiming they haven't breathed in years.
>Zig Forums tells me I'm a massive pussy if I can't go more than a month without oxygen.

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>recurring general on /fa/ full of people idealising shriveled raisin lungs and swapping strategies on how best to go without oxygen to achieve them.

Bro you need to cut that shit out ASAP.

I was 280lb at my heaviest. Turned out it was all water and retained oxygen in the fat cells. I literally deflated and now I'm 165 lean as fuark.

>imagine having lungs

Does the fact that your a fatass make you feel bad? Then yes. If the fact that fatasses are unnatractive never crossea your mind, then no.

Cmon man, surely you can find a balance??? Skipping once in a while wont kill. Eating out once a month is okay. Good luck!!!

Add dessert. A piece of cake, anything with cream...

Are you working out??? My dad is 5'7 and 85 kg but only looks slightly chubby because hes buff as hell. Maybe eat at maintenance and lift heavy shit.

skinnyfats are smooth-brains. Do core

Found a super filling OMAD:
Tuna and turkey wrap:
Spinach tortilla-220 calories
Tuna-80 calories
4oz Turkey-80 calories
Spinach-?? Probably like 10-20 had roughly 2 cups
Peppers-?? Only had half of a small green bell pepper to add to the egg
2 eggs, 1 white and 1 whole -bout 110 calories

Had two of these for a total of roughly 1000 calorie OMAD.

Obviously it can be improved and still stay relatively healthy and low calorie (or you can make it higher calorie and still in a deficit is extreme deficits aren’t your thing, but I improvised with what I had. Shit was great and I’m stuffed, I don’t tend to fill up that easily.

this happened to me, so i cut out cheese and now i'm at like 1200kcal/day without even thinking about it

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>May 2019
>Best friends get engaged
>I am a groomsmen
>Wedding is June 2020
>April 2020
>I now weigh 160lb
>they delay the wedding
>now June 2021
>I have to stay fit for another year

fuck...oh well, maybe I should get ripped for the wedding.

I'm such a fat lazy sack of shit that I can't even commit to doing 10 push ups a day.

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How do I enjoy the feeling of being hungry? I gained weight again and I dread the shitty feeling of being tired, lower libido, brain fog, etc. associated with cutting calories. Is there a way to make it more managable?

P.S. went through a weight loss twice now, I know you can just fight through it but hopefully there's so way to make it less shitty

Pathetic, make it a life long goal not just “I’ll stay temporarily in shape for some pictures and then revert back”. Yeah put on mass and get into the best shape you can. Not just skinny fat retard

I’m an epic fucking failure fit.

>12 months ago weight 199
>6 months ago weight 165
>current weight 192

I fucking fell off. And I told myself I’d never eat shit food again. HA.

>cook a slightly lesser amount than usual potatoes for slightly longer than usual
>somehow they're fucking undercooked

fucking hell I'm mad. God fucking damn it. I shouldn't have bothered breaking my fast.

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Weight on the scale hasn't changed but shit has been getting harder lately around the stomach. Former fat fuck who peaked at 277 (lost it under a year) Lowest was 175 but rebounded to 192 after a vacation. Have been yo-yoing between at 183 and 195 since and that's been for the past 2 years. Anyway, what's going on with my body? Been eating a lot of junk but calories usually average to around 2000-2500 range with some light activity/ weight lifting. What gives. Is take out bad for you?

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son you better fucking tell me right now what those black wrapper reese cups are i've never seen them before

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Old photo. From Halloween last year. Bought them at a dollar general.

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Fuck me the beer is good at this place and now they have sahti on tap which is my favorite. Going to have to go drink a growler and get back on track.

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Can't you just microwave to finish them off?

Those growler fills seems expensive

64 oz is a fair amount of beer and they are worth it

No I mean all the breweries in my area charging like 16 for that and have 30% cans because of rona


Crabs gonna crab ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I didn't eat breakfast today or yesterday and I haven't been hungry all day, it's already 3pm. When I do eat it I get hungry constantly, what's going on? Is this just gonna make me crash and start binge eating

i ate a bag of chips

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That's literally me.

You're doing God's work user


why don't you bench

because every time I make progress I end up in a depression and ruin it because i hate myself

>every time I make progress I end up in a depression and ruin it
You need to go to a shrink bro. This should be a positive feedback loop not a yoyo

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I’m running a one thousand calorie deficit right now. 1500 calories a day OMAD plus cardio. Only a week in so far. Hopefully I see my body change at the end of next week.

Stealing your mug cake recipe but modifying it to

Chocolate chips---> cocoa nibs
Blueberries---> raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries.
Sweetener---> Eryrithitol

One bag of crisps hardly constitutes ruining it mate. Just carry on like nothing happened. You'll fuck yourself over thinking in those black and white terms.

you're probably right
i've been doing this shit for years, been in these /fat/ threads for years. I lose 80lbs and start looking okay, and then I put 60 back on and wonder how the fuck I let it happen. rinse and repeat

Hi fat!

I'm Dad

Should I be concerned about sodium intake? Since I have started logging on MFP I have pretty much gone over it every single day sometimes by 1000mg.

My priority is weight loss so I know CICO is the most important factor but is this a serious issue? I drink a ton of water

I have no fuckin idea! What the fuck right? Kinda of a dick thing fitness is eh? Can I ask for some advice like nah... but nobody really knows anyway it’s a bunch of kike shit just don’t eat more salt than you should easy

first check mfp is accurate - most people write salt quantity in mg in the sodium box. sodium is actually 40% of the salt value. so usually it's way over what you really ate.

Wtf. Just ate forel with olive oil, cucumber and tomatoes, thinking I'm eating lots of fat, but actually I ate more protein than fat. This was supposed to be healthy fat day. Any tips on how to get some more healthy fats in me during my feeding window?

what's forel?

Trout, sorry. It's called forel in almost all languages I know. I thought I'd bought salmon but I somehow picked up the wrong packet.

Today: no breakfast, 456 calories at lunch, 834 calories at dinner. Feels good being able to have a hearty satisfying meal and still clock in at like 1300 calories total.

Maybe I will make it anons...

is 1200 calories a day retard tier low for me?
i'm 19, 6'3", 207 lbs, quite sedentary desu senpai

I've read 1200 is the safe minimum, but you can use a TDEE calculator to see what your body expends a day just by existing and subtract 500 calories to get how many you should eat each day. If you do that you will lose at a rate of 1 lb a week.

nice cope

i'm going for 1 kg a week, putting my deficit at 1000 kcal. my calculated tdee is roughly 2200, when inputting estimated bf as well

Under 170... bros, I think I'm gonna make it.

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losing weight and doing pullups every day and i still look like garbage

what gives huh??

It's hard to build muscle while losing weight. Keep at it, and once you're at your goal weight you can start eating slightly over maintenance and your muscles will actually grow.

What happens when you eat way less then that, like I've been doing?

gaze upon my works and despair

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my grandpa has goats, is natural, liquid whey good? it looks like pic related, pale, yellowish and tastes like shit

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haven't had goat whey but cow whey is fine. but the protein content is surprisingly low compared to the dehydrated version. You have to drink like a litre for 15g of protein

Give me the meal bro.

Roast some vegetables in olive or coconut oil. Easy way to get 1-2 tbsp of pure fat with your vegies and they taste great roasted like that. I do mostly broccoli and sweet potato

Bring a pint of water with you to bed, or maybe half a pint of semi skimmed milk

how do you even achieve this, did you drink melted butter?

Close - I made chicken kievs

should I drink a litre everyday? I'll switch to dehydrated in a month when I move to a new place that has like 2 gyms next to it

It won't hurt you, but look up the nutrition info and only drink if it fits your macros.

Back on the wagon lads. I'll make a gay blog post with comparison pics sometime but for now I'll just say it's been a wild couple of years. Went from 22 stone down to 11 with you guys' help then put it all back on after racking up a load of gym injuries and being put on psych meds that made me a lethargic zombie with fuckhuge cravings for sugar all the time. Managed to kick the goy pills now and I'm back to eating well and training 6 days a week. Just under 20 stone at the moment. Long way to go to get back to where I was but I'm feeling optimistic again, for a while I'd convinced myself I was just born to be a whale. These threads really helped last time.

fuck bro you made it to the promised land and then turned back? that's my worst fear

welcome back and I hope you can make some sustainable lasting gains this time.

Not even the first time either but this was extreme even for me. My life is a whole lot more stable than it used to be and I have other people to keep motivated with so I'm hoping next time my brain shits the bed I won't get completely out of co trol again.

>psych meds
everyone i've ever met who takes this shit balloons up. it's really tough to deal with.
but you've done it before and you can do it again user, good luck.

Feeling down on myself bros. Just....ate yesterday. All day. Binge ate to hell when I'm usually very good about being OMAD and cooking my own meals. First time in my like 8 month journey I've fallen so hard, woke up like 5 or 6 pounds heavier.
i need to get my shit together. Dont want to make this a pattern. Any of you slip up like that? What do you do?

Only 30-50% of people are prone to have negative effects on their blood pressure when consuming too much sodium. There exists a quick check a doctor can do for you if you want to know if you're one of them.

>double chin visibly receding
>tits shrinking
>thighs touching each other less

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It's actually a positive though when you think about it. If it was the other way around your face would lose fat last which would be horrible because it's the most visible.

>I'd be able to be happy and hang out with my friends without feeling like the 100 lbs over weight piece of shit I am
>and/or join the military since the VID basically fucked my plans up.

Heh, double chin or not i have low cheekbones so my face will still look chubby for a long while

The sweetener I use is monkfruit + erithrytol, it's a nice blend. Here's the more exact recipe I have written down for myself (296kcal, 24C/8F/35P):

>60ml egg whites
>30g coconut flour
>32g whey/casein protein (1 scoop)
>5g cocoa powder
>1 "cap" pure vanilla extract
>½tsp cinnamon
>½tsp baking powder, pinch of salt
>30ml cashew milk (⅓ at the start, ⅓ after mixing a bit, ⅓ after mixing a bit more)
>2tbsp sweetener (monkfruit + erithrytol blend)
>15g stevia sweetened chocolate chips (½ mixed in, ½ put directly into the middle halfway through baking)
>150g fruit, either mixed and/or on top, any berry works well.
>(opt. Sugar-free syrup, I like Mrs. Butterworth's)
>Microwave for 30 seconds at first, put in the other half of the chocolate chips directly in the center of the mug cake, dug in a bit, then put it in for 25 more seconds and let it set for a few minutes.

I basically rotate between this, a protein bar, a protein shake, and greek yogurt mixed with some of these ingredients. I use cocoa powder + vanilla extract + sweetener + cinnamon all the time, because it gives it that real chocolate taste and offsets any artificial flavours for like 20 calories, or just the other 3 for almost no calorie cost if doing something vanilla or fruit flavoured instead of chocolatey.

I am a lot fatter than I thought. Sort of demoralizing because I've been cutting for quite a while now (down from 170lbs 4 months ago, my waist was similar)..IF I flex really hard like in pic to the right then my waist is 33inches.. but otherwise it's like the other pic.

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your waist isn't going to shrink any more without a corset, you know

Anyone else using their fear of the virus as motivation?

I mean it's killing fat people haha

I'm so scared ;_;

bro you don't need to cut

You have to be either very unlucky or a world record landwhale to get severely damaged by corona at less than 30 years. Stay home for your elders and lift for whatever you want
