How do I stop my elbows from extending out from my sides too much during an overhead press?

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Other urls found in this thread:


After i've worked out/gone for a run my face looks way better cause i've got rid of the water weight (I assume)
So, will working out in the morning keep my face less bloated for the rest of the day?

Is skateboarding HIIT?
Can I make it HIIT-style?

I really like skateboarding but I usually do 2 hour long sessions and I notice I feel really lethargic and down afterwards, probably my cortisol shooting up and fucking up my T.

I'm also working on getting bigger, bulking and doing bodyweight shit at home while lockdown.

I want HIIT-style workouts to do on off days to improve my T and all the shit that comes with it.

So, any ideas? Keep up the skateboarding or reduce frequency? Or do shorter more intense skate seshs?

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do LISS if you want to bulk and try to limit yourself to 2-3 times per week. Otherwise go for the leangains method which can take more time but offers similar results.

if you want to make skating HIIT, start learning tricks instead of just cruising around.

I'm doing Starting Strength, but I'm also obese and trying to lose weight. Do I still add weight every session or do noob gains disappear?

lower weight on the bar until you can achieve proper form
follow the program as best you can, add weight when it tells you to

I've been cutting for almost 2 months and I've begun to crave food CONSTANTLY in the past week or so. I have a refeed meal about once a week and thought that would have helped keep cravings to a minimum but now I'm just miserable all the time. Thoughts?

I'm doing a lean and clean bulk, low carbs, high quality protein.

>start learning tricks instead of just cruising around
i basically just just to learn tricks over ledges and high effort shit like that, pretty much just cruise to the spot of choice

thanks for the input mate

where's that pic from OP? its cool

Gonna get into this once gyms reopen in an attempt to lift above lanklet status. Books like this aren't like a joke or anything right?

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>start having panic attacks in quarantine
>get on prozac and start feeling normal again
>now because its an SSRI, I don't feel horny lately

what the fuck do I do? anybody have experience with this shit?

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I was just about to ask if any of you faggots had even the slightest idea what it was referencing.

looks like some brad neely shit

>>get on prozac
not going to make it

if your bench stalls, just add more frequency/tricep accessories

bench press can increase even on a slight cut for intermediates

First don't take the Prozac.

Second, if you had a panic attack you most likely have a lot of underlying anxiety, a constant gnawing anxiety that isn't immediately apparent to you.

You had the panic attacks in quarantine because your normal routines which distract you from the anxiety, im assuming, has been completely upended.

With this extra time, and without your normal distractions this underlying anxiety surfaced and you didn't understand why or where it was coming from so you panicked.

Next time, listen to your anxiety and recognize it for what it is. That anxious emotion is important. It's your subconscious desperately trying to tell you something.

What that something is, only you will know. Explore your anxiety. It drove you to the panic attack, and there's no need to use a drug to manipulate or dull a completely natural emotion like anxiety

It's Jean-Jacques Rousseau fighting against Hobbes Leviathan mimicking this fight scene.

They're a meme.
Go on a proper program. Barbell Medicine has a nice beginner template, or you could do stronglifts for a while.

How about reading the sticky on Zig Forums?

Nevermind, bros, I'm retarded.

How many pushups should I be able to do at once? I give out around 25-30 and usually do around 100. I want to work up to handstands but dont know if I'm ready to move to an incline.

Anyone tried bulking on high carb/low fat and bulking on moderate carbs/moderate fats?

What were the biggest differences considering same kcal consumed?

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6'0" 180 lbs, probably ~18% bf
Currently doing
With 5x5 barbell curls thrown in each day
Would it be a good idea to add dumbbell tricep extensions anywhere in this or should OHP/Bench cover tricep strength gains for now?
I ask because I've got rib flare and wide hips so my upper body is fucking twink body but my lower body is literally built for gay anal sex and I'm tired of it.

I've done both but prefer to keep carbs/fats about the same ratio. I tried bulking with the "hit protein and calorie goal and fill in the rest with whatever" mindset but found my libido was dropping. Upon further investigation of macros, it seemed like my carb ratio was almost double what my fat was. Upped my fats and lowered carbs to roughly even amounts and it seemed to help. Might have been placebo but idk. Anyways, everybody is different...try them both out and see what makes you feel better (if any difference at all).

user I don't think it works like that, but I do know that if you dont eat a fuckton of sodium then your face will be thinner

how many times a week do I need to workout my abs
also I've recently been working my ass off and go untilfailure in my workouts but I'm not sore the day after, am I not going to get any gainz?

user cutting usually isn't very fun and it's just a sacrifice you have to make unfortunately, just think of the results, that's what helped me in the past
eh you can find everything you need online and even the sticky user don't pay for that shit
you're Zig Forums in my book if you can do 50 at once

Does it really matter to workout while dieting if you end up losing muscle anyways, can't you just start when you're 8% bf

Alright bros it's time to buy some barbells and a bench with a rack.
I'm willing to spend up to around ~$700, but I'm flexible.
Anyone have any suggestions? Been looking at Amazon but having some trouble finding both a weight bench and a barbell rack that go well together.

Based fellow philosopher Zig Forumsizen.

Why Rousseau and not Locke? Even Jefferson.

Dyel here. I finished my cut around Christmastime. Since then I’ve been eating at maintenance but have been gaining a fraction of a pound each month. Is this noob gains or am I just getting fat?


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if weckingball can look that good skating everyday you can too

Whats a good time for a 10k run

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Does anybody do rowing for cardio? If so, how does it affect your gains? I'm thinking of buying a rowing machine (yeah, I know they're expensive) because it's low impact and I loathe running, but I also want to keep my gains.

Do you need to pause your bench press?

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Anyway to keep from sliding during bench press except chalk? I slide even with my shirt off.

The problem is usually either a mobility issue or lack of delt strength compensated by triceps
Do proper stretches, drill the fuck out of the lift with just the bar, and look at the form tips from Marky Rippletits if needs be
building mass without strength is an exercise in futility, or at least inefficiency. Jump on a strength program for a year first
No, but I would suggest against 'bouncing' and including paused sets in your programming for strength and control through the bottom of the movement
try putting tension through your hips and quads, and pulling your shoulderblades all the way back to stabilise

Wear a 100% cotton shirt or get a better bench. I have never had this problem and I've benched as long as zoomers have been alive

>pausing bench
honestly I think I'm gonna keep doing it for all sets out of autism and not wanting anyone to be able to shit on my superior max ever

Should I do weighted chinups in 5s this afternoon or go for a single max bodyweight set? I think I might be able to set a new record

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>I'm willing to spend up to around ~$700

if you want quality and enough weight, it's gonna have to be $1200

for $600 I got an oly barbell (300 lb weight total) with incline bench and rack, but it's not perfect

i have a cheap ass bench so I slide a bit, but nothing crazy

for leg drive you may need to put blocks or something under your feet if the bench is too high

no, but don't bounce and don't use an excessive arch. pause bench is for maxing out

eccentric pause benching is a good way to practice with lighter weight though

on the flipside, touch and go deadlifts are a no no

Well you waited too long since everything is out of stock. At this point I'd just wait for Rogue Ohio power bars to be restocked which will probably be in July. It's the best value bar I've ever seen. You can go cheaper if Walmart starts restocking their Champion powerlifting bars but it will make you wish you had a better bar when you use one.

I don't know much about the other two but I'd get an adjustable bench off the bat instead of having a flat and another adjustable bench. Before the lockdown there was a shitload on market sites so it MIGHT be like that again by July. Cheapest option for a squat rack would be to make one if you have the power tools. They'll handle 400lbs safely. If you don't want to do that, Rep Fitness squat racks look good and come with pull-up and dip bars.

And that's not including weight. If you want weights you're going to have to use a time machine to go back to when you could find that shit on Craigslist.

When I throw sidekicks or side snap kicks I have a pain in the hip on the outside of the leg. Is that a tightness issue or a strength issue?

i have complete lat activation in my right side, but i cant feel my left lat flexing at all. It's visibly working in pullups but i dont feel it at all, only in that side. anyone know why?

What fucking weightlifting routine do I do as a fat beginner. Not doing SS or SL.


can anyone recommend me some goodexercise machine brands? looking for an elliptical specifically. unless there is a different machine that works the whole body better?
no i can't do jumping jacks my ankles are fucked.

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total noob question here, ive been using dumbells for curls for like a week. Im fairly skinny, probably like 5'8 130lbs. after I do hammer curls and bicep curls my arms look great but only for about 30 mins which i expected to happen.. but how long did it take you guys before you noticed your arms seemed to stay swole?

just takes practice desu, if you're able to have a mirror when you're doing pullups/lat pulldowns really focus on the mmc between your elbows (cue is to pull with your elbows) and your lat and you should start to feel it more on your left side.

if you're just home gym'ing it, close your eyes when you're doing pullups and try to focus as much as you can on the feeling of pulling yourself up from your left arm/elbow and that should help with activation/mmc.

ceasing the focus on the muscle and focusing on what exactly is working has helped me in the past, so hope this helps bro

>First don't take the Prozac.
user, please don't listen to retard above and instead listen to your doctor. Don't follow the medical advice of some random idiot on the internet and fuck up your brain chemistry just because they said so

Anyone know any good back exercises for people with no equipment? I'm stuck in quarantine and back has been a severely lacking part of my routine

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>trusting big pharma
t. spook

thanks for the answer bro, ill work on the pulling with elbows and sort of forcing it like that!

I'm a dyel beginner with baby hands. I don't have a DL platform and I don't wanna wreck my floor so I'm doing romanian DLs. Currently doing sets of 5x175lbs with overhand grip and by the end my grip is about to give out. 175lbs seems way too light to switch to over under and given my equipment the RDLs are the best grip exercise I have. At the same time if I keep the overhand grip I feel like my DL progression is going to be slower because my grip needs to adapt. Am I better off switching to over under right away and complement with holds or should I stick with the overhand grip and perhaps progress a little slower with the weight?

recs for good protein? no one in /fat/ answered me

It's not about trusting "big pharma" you fucking faggot it's about trusting medical professionals over some retard on the internet

I'm trapped at home. All I have is 3 20 lb plates. How can I best train my obliques?

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well I mean it literally is working for me. I was having panic attacks daily until I started taking it a week ago

ofc bro, happy to help. also if you haven't heard of john meadows he is suuuuper helpful regarding mmc, one of his videos that i love regarding back activation is here youtube.com/watch?v=KTY4V5it-40

do this before your pull sessions and i guarantee you you'll feel a drastic difference.


Anything lean as hell. Avoid fat like the plague. Fat's not inherently bad for you, but you're probably already eating enough and it's extremely calorie dense.

the gold standard whey at costco is a pretty good deal


I'm stuck at 12 chinups at 270, an I natty limited for this bodyweight or will heavy Pendlay rows save me when the gym reopens?

Forgot to add that I also have an ab roller. I've accepted that weight loss will happen during quarantine and just want to have visible abs and a stronger core. I also want to work my obliques hard as fuck so I don't look as skelly when I lose the bodyfat around my waist.

>milk with whey and oats
>white rice and beans
This is what I eat on a daily basis.
I get horrible gas. I literally spend all day and night farting, yet my shits are smooth and clean. What could be causing it?

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That never happens friend, this is Zig Forums. There’s always a bigger guy

I’m giving blood for the first time Friday, anyone know how long it takes to recover and lift like normal again?

It's the whey

Gyms arent reopening. Get that out of your head. This is a new world you live in.

Literally why do people think this? Look up the countless pandemics there have been throughout history, from the Spanish flu to the Hong Kong flu. Yes this is a different illness but we will eventually get a vaccine for it. Whether the vaccine takes 1 year or 5. And even if it takes 5 years, life WILL return to normal. Eventually after years of a semi-flat curve, nearly everyone will have had the illness. Hopefully if the curve was flat enough, everyone who needed a respirator will have had access to one. Anyone who didn't need one will just suffer in bed for 1-3 weeks. Eventually we'll all be immune.

Exactly, gyms won't reopen before most of the population is immune to the virus, which like you said will take at least 1 year.

Gotcha. The phrasing "This is a new world you live in" threw me off. I thought you were one of those fear mongering assholes acting like these were the end times/we will live the rest of our days like hermits.

The gyms being closed fucking sucks. I wish I wasn't trying to bulk. I cannot escape skelly doing calisthenics, no matter how hard I try.

In SS, I'm not sure which squats you're supposed to do. Is it front squats on A days and back squats on B days?

back squats both days

Is there a specific reason for squatting so much, or specifically back squatting all 3 days, rather than another lift?

I'm not that guy but:

Your body was MADE to squat. You can recover from squatting really quickly. There's no reason not to squat every time you go to the gym. Not only does it blast your legs, it hits your core and at higher weights engages your arms a bit. It's the perfect way to start any gym session. Combined with the deadlift and a heavy press like OHP and bench, you're hitting every single muscle in your entire body.

Alright, just wondering cause I can back squat 315 lbs but only bench press 215 lbs, so was a little worried that I've been doing too much leg work compared to upper body

AFAIK, Rippetoe designed SS for high-school kids getting into American football, and back squatting 3 times a week is what he considered, at the time, the fastest way to build athelticism.
If you only care about aesthetics there are many better beginner programs to follow, but you will need a a proper gym.

How can you tell if someone is legitimately natty? Is there just no way to know? I want to set goals but I don't want to look up to frauds even if their physique is impressive

>Is he pro?
>Has he got an IG page?
>Is he sponsored by a nutrition or clothing company?
If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then they're not natty.

what's the safest kind of deodorant bros? i've heard aluminum deo fucks you up but i also heard gel deodorants are bad for you

>big and fat
possibly natty
>small and ripped
possibly natty
>big and shredded
not natty

what is "chasing the pump"? Is it a set of specific excersises? How do I avoid doing it?

>The pump is a phenomenon whereby muscles become engorged with blood following resistance training. It's primarily achieved by performing multiple sets with moderate to high reps.

so chasing the pump is just another way of saying high reps that are inefficient at building muscle mass?

>just another way of saying high reps
>inefficient at building muscle mass

thanks a lot user

read the sticky for the answer

>138 lbs
>decide to start lifting
>lift for 6 months
>bulk like crazy on dumb program
>get a slight gut, 18% bodyfat and decent strength gain.
>160 lbs
>feeling like I'm at a more respectable weight. gonna start eating a little less and watching my fat intake
>kung flu quarantine
>Do tons of pushups and pullups
>I lost 5 lbs and still look chubby
>literally nothing happens
>Ok might as well CUT to be lean as hell and hit the gym when this is over
>continue to eat at very, very slight deficit
>Do calisthenics until I'm red in the face every day to maintain muscle
>Eating 180+g protein a day, under 30g fat
>Lose 5 more pounds, still look chubby

What the fuck. How to cope? If I had a gun it would be in my mouth. It's like I'm only losing muscle -- muscle that took me a lot of hard work. When this quarantine is over I'll be back where I started.

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careful, you might be seeing a gut that isnt really there

dismorphia sets in quickly

>150 lbs
bro. dysmorphia. also just get your pullups up, they're heavy enough for hypertrophy.

Anyone know a good yoga youtuber? I'm afraid I'll end up watching and following some memer who isn't an expert.

if i wanna make sure my abs are getting attention during my workouts, are the following ideas good enough?

>trying to make sure my core is flexed during exercises that utilize them (squats, ohp, etc)
>in the process of doing negative pull ups to work towards being strong enough to *do* pull ups. i think this is helping because i'm getting soreness in my core.
>once i have the strength, i'd like to do the hanging leg raises (probably botched the name) as a substitute for crunches
>considering an ab roller but suspicious of them as a gimmick

You're overthinking it. Just do ~20 sets of targeted abs exercises per week.

Also ab rollers are great, not a gimmick at all.

does weed lower T?

looking to do a quick and agressive mini cut

>2-4 weeks
>weekdays 1000kcal, weekends slightly more
>current TDEE is around 2600-2700

The question i'd like some input on is - how much do I have to do bodyweight stuff to retain muscle? Im not too fat, currently 68kg at 173cm, I'm just looking to tighten up a bit before june hits. Would 12-15k steps a day + 20-30 minutes of calisthenics be enough to not lose any muscle?

"mental illness isnt real, don't medicate" is big smooth brain shit, fuck off

is this a rip-off

And if not, should I buy it even if I don't have a rack of any sort? I plan to buy one when possible.

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Oh it's 450$, forgot to include

Would $850 total for this as well be excessive for the set up

would I be a fool Zig Forums

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Summa Scehnk.

You don't feel better from giving whole blood for weeks. Plasma like two days

So I didn't lift before the quarantine but I thought now is the perfect time to start getting more active. I've been doing body weight exercises and beginner calisthenics but today I was pissing blood after my workout. Ive also been doing these exercises everyday usually about an hour. I'm not dehydrated and I drink at least 2 liters of only water every day, usually more. Should I stop exercising or what, I don't feel like I'm over exerting myself.

tl;dr I'm worried about hematuria should I stop exercising?

he juices a ton tho bro

>Why Rousseau
Because of the conflicting views on human nature both of these had.
While Hobbes considered humans nature to be brutish, selfish and "evil" , Rosseau on the other hand considers man good in nature and only society bends him into malicious forms.

Sauce on your pic op?

Should I sleep on my floor? Why?

is losing 1kg/week too fast?
i've started at 67kg on 19th march, now i'm 61

didn't the name of this board used to be 'health and fitness', when was the change?

My arms shake a little bit when I bench, but I can comfortably press it for the full sets and reps. What's going on? I've only been lifting a month.

if they have massive traps, they're on roids


Literally years ago

What do I specifically do to get some hypertrophy? I've been lifting for strength ever since I started, but now I'm fucking a girl and I want specifically my pecs and biceps to be slightly larger. I'm gonna continue to lift for strength, but I think I'll throw in one hypertrophy routine a week for a while.

Good is relative depending on your level
Entry level is 10K in under an hour

Try maintaining your compound movements to the level their currently at over even slightly bellow
Time saved not trying to improve your main lifts should be used for isolation exercises
4 to 5 sets of 12 to 16 reps for isolation exercises

They're* currently at or* even slightly below*
Brainfarted a little

How much muscles do you have is the real question. Do you have much to lose or not?
Also depends on what you mean by "calisthenics" if you're doing knee push ups the results will be different than if you do hand stand push ups

I’d say I have moderate amount of muscles, not shredded, but not an utter dyel. Probably too paranoid about it, since the cut is meant to be only for a month at most, then back to a small surplus, but I just really don’t want to overtly loose muscle mass

Also, the proper stuff, pull-ups, different variations of push ups, pike pushups and handstand push-ups also with plenty core work

Should be fine then eventhough 1000 calories a day seems a bit extreme

i had been going to the gym for six months before it closed due to COVID and was following the ivysaur program.
my goal was to improve my physique (eg get bigger arms, chest etc).
in those six months i noticed changes in my chest, shoulders and back but not my arms. currently i can’t do much outside of bodyweight exercises, but i want to try focus on my arms more. what exercises should i do? i have a 5kg dumbell but nothing else. these were my lifting stats at six months:

Bench 27.5kg - 55kg

Squat 27.5kg - 65kg

OHP 27.5kg - 35kg

BB rows 27.5kg - 40kg

Deadlift 27.5kg - 65kg

what should i do to grow my arms at home? buy heavier dumbells?

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The answer is always "buy heavier shit"

Is it a problem working out with dumbells with uneven sized plates?

I need to increase weight but I'm running out of plates. I have 2 10kg plates and 4 5kg plates so I can put a large 10kg on one side and 2 smaller 5kgs on the other. It feels awkward but would it still be possible to bench with it?

Oats or fast digesting cereals like corn flakes/puffed rice after a morning fasted workout?

Protein shake on the side for both.

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thank you guys for answering my questions, im 5 weeks in and going from skinny fat to having abs and pecs is fucking crazy to me. just wanted to ask if I should avoid a sleep schedule in which I sleep around 4-5 am and will it make a difference

What changes would make to this routine? Does it work enough different muscles? I only have a pull-up bar and dumbbells
Pull-ups - Goblet squats
Pushups - Lunges
Bench - Some core exercises
OHP - Bicep curl
All lifts are 3x7, body weight is as much as i can do for 3 sets

Can I simply workout every other day and not take a 2 day break? Due to corona I'm OHP'ing and benching 3 times a week. I feel like I could lift again today but wonder if the 2 day break is a good thing? I get paranoid I'll lose gains

Whats a good beginners yoga routine?

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Damn. Oh well, I’m a god damn blood factory and people need it

You should get 8 hours of daily sleep on average throughout a week. What time depends on your schedule, but the priority is getting enough.
What's your program?
What are you looking for by doing yoga?


>six months
>Bench 27.5kg - 55kg
>Squat 27.5kg - 65kg
>OHP 27.5kg - 35kg
>BB rows 27.5kg - 40kg
>Deadlift 27.5kg - 65kg
Checks out

yea well aware of that im an 18 year old student so schedule is really non existent lmao, just wondered whether waking up on sunrise has health benefits

Any "health benefits" that you get from it are based on sleep quantity. If it's a matter of 4/5 hours and waking up at sunrise, or 7/8 hours and waking up in the dark, you prioritize the option that gives you more sleep.

studies on simoltunuos fat loss and muscle gain?

i'm telling you I go up a point once i've got a good sweat on
I need to figure out how to unlock perma slim face outside of going to a low bf% (which i'm trying to do)

It's an incredibly hard thing to study because of variability. Fat oxidation studies and muscle gain studies in an isolated setting should be taken with a grain of salt.

Focus on one aspect and work to minimize the downside (i.e. I want to gain muscle, so I will minimize the inevitable fat gain)

Remember lads. The only thing pills against depression do, is making your mind think unacceptable situations are acceptable.
Take them if you are a danger to yourself and others, but don't stop trying to fix the underlying causes.

Bros pls help i was just doing my regular curl routine and after psuhing abit too hard i feel a sharp pain in my traps what do

Does this count as a pull-up bois

It was my 20th and I was mentally weak bc I counted it bad

Please say yes :(

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Why should i not eat fetuses? Imagine the stem cell gains...

no, horrible form

Is chin over bar? If so yes also that's a mighty close grip bud

Was lucky enough to get adjustable DBs from someone who doesn't need them now. Go up to 90 lbs each. Is this a good 3 day/week program for them?

Workout A

Bulgarian Split Squat
Chest Press (floor or swiss ball if I can get it inflated)
Single Leg DL
Chin Ups
Ab Wheel/Side Planks

Workout B

Bulgarian Split Squat
Seated Shoulder Press
Lawnmower rows
HSPU progression (no feasible place for dips)
Ab Wheel/side planks

Probably do 3x8-12 for each work out except chin ups/HSPUs.

Rest. Roll them out and do light shrugs to encourage movement and blood flow.

Pretty sure I strained my AC joint. Does anyone have any experience with this? What did you do to help? I recently added dips into my routine which I think is the culprit but It only actually hurts doing bent over flys. I'll be sure to avoid those next upperbody day.

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I have an A5 seperation in my AC joint from drunkenly rolling out of a moving golf cart. It took a bit of rest but the thing that helped most was just beefing up my traps and delts. Brought my grip in on OHP and bench, used a lying tricep extensions more often, and kept the flys and dips light.

Obviously a strain and actual ligament damage are different, but I'd recommend you take it light for a bit and focus on finding ROMs and movements that work that area without aggravating it.

Okay so gyms are closed and I have a vague idea how you would train at home after I did some reading. The problem is I can't do any of the exercises because I am horribly inflexible.

For example I can't to like push ups properly because I'm not able to keep my legs straight. No single leg deadlifts either because hinging already produces pain.

What do I do now? Where do I start? How do I stretch when simply leaning forward while standing hurts? Are there other solutions than stretching?

>How do I stretch when simply leaning forward while standing hurts?
Bend over to a point where it hurts less. Progressively bend over more over time.

Why do you think those positions hurt so badly? Injury? Body composition?

yeah rousseau is literally my homeboy (I live near where he died)

Youre a fucking pussy.
Mental illness is real but YOU have the power to cure it, not some pill. Unless youre weak willed mentally

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But you are weak willed mentally when you got mental illness lol it wouldn't be a mental illness if it doesn't mentally weaken you.

Damn, that must have hurt. I'll completely avoid dips and flys going forward and be careful of aggravating it further. Thanks.

>progressive overload
Well sad. That will take some time. Thanks.
Probably super tight legs from sitting all day. I have no injuries. What do you mean by body composition?

aha I sell gym equipment with a price augmentation of 600% because I can, and people still buy it. Don't fall for it

>What do you mean by body composition
I was asking if you were fat.

Ah lol. Thought you were asking about bone structure or something. Currently around 15% but most of the time when I train I'm lower. Trying to escape spooky status.

Than yeah, it may just be discomfort causing your rigidity. No real other way to get around than to work through it and do it progressively.

On the bright side, I've noticed that kind of stuff has the benefit of noob gains as well. Odds are by stretching and doing modified versions of movements, you'll get to a "normal" point relatively quickly. Remember, unless you want to be a gymnast or something you don't have to do splits, you just have to be able to complete the ascribed range of motion for whatever exercise you want to do.

Weakling with a multi-gym here.

The machine I have goes up only in increments of 12.5lbs at a time. I'm only able to bench the equivalent of the bar at the moment, so increasing by 12.5lbs is a significant jump. How do I graduate to that? Just add more sets and reps?

what are the best things i can do for shoulder mobility?

>Just add more sets and reps?
Yes. Until you can go up to the next jump.
Bar hangs
Horn stretch youtube.com/watch?v=yV-jQmVUEWk

>I've noticed that kind of stuff has the benefit of noob gains as well.
Damn that's great. It's so good damn boring to stretch

i think its a neck problem because now i feel it in my neck, yea ill rest like 2 days shit sucks though hate when it happens mid workout

Do these work or are they just a meme? Seems like it would damage the door or fall down at some point

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kys retarded schizo

They do work, but it depends on how the door jam is secured. If it's just a shotty piece of wood glued to the wall it might fuck it up, but if it's a solid arch than you'll be fine.

They're great but if you try to mod them with gay shit they're gonna fall

Been slouching most of my adult life, how do I improve my posture?
>inb4 facepulls

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Could I eat too much after a workout? Like, would the energy required to digest a meal get in the way of actually recovering, or does it even matter?

I'm trying to bulk up, and while normally I make a pretty heavy shake after a workout, this time I finished most of the shake then added more oats, cottage cheese, peanut butter, protein powder, and milk. I feel extremely full.

chin ups, pull ups, and shrugs have helped me.

Just do a bro split. You care more about getting rid of your man boobs than having big quads. SS will kill your motivation

What's 2+2?
>inb4 4

lol I'm sure that there are alternatives that don't involve ((machines))
this was a bit more helpful

Then you should specify that you are poor and have no access to machines instead of singling out facepulls.

if i don't feel soreness the next day after training, should/can i work out again or do a rest day anyways?

are chin ups and pull ups supposed to work my upper abs? whenever i do them i feel pain in my upper abs

Not sure if the thread Is right because it's my first time on Zig Forums
How do I grow hips like first pic from second pic? I'm 20, 5"08, 110 lbs
I want to have a slim figure with slim thighs and I don't want to gain centimeters on butt
I've got culotte de chaval and It hot spese during quarantine, I'm eating 1000 kcals to get down to 100 lbs but many are carbs (can't shop and my parents don't listen to my needs)

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You can get a cable that hangs for like $25

Sorry about typos, I hate phoneposting

>not cooking for yourself
what the fuck?

What time is hafthor streaming saturday?

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I cook for myself, but they only buy pasta, bread, rice and little meat and eggs, so I must est a lot of carbs or really low cals

Are you retarded? 10 eggs a day is almost your calorie target. Just make them buy more eggs.

What are some basic body weight exercise my wife can do to put on weight that isn't fat? She is currently 113 pounds and she has tummy fat but she does not want to go down to 100 pounds again because she is worried about looking like skeletor so I told her to just do some exercise to put on muscle, but I honestly have no idea what a woman should focus on to gain muscle efficiently.

Does doorway pull up bar activate any other muscles than the regular pull up bar?
Did anyone try to adjust this doorway bar for dips?

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Literally just have sex

Sorry, didnt read the

we have sex at least 4-5 times a week.

If I put wooden plank to the other side of the doorway with the objective of lowering the bar for dips, will it work?

Should I rely on 10 eggs a day?
However they go shopping every two weeks and buy 6 eggs per time, and since we're 4 that's only one egg per person
I'm trying explain them that I need more protein, however I was asking mainly for exercises I could do to have the hips like the pic, maybe squats?

Those are some rookie numbers. Try tripling that.

I will have literally no T

I have no idea how women work so im not sure what the problem with your hips actually is. Could be fat, muscle, bone structure, different clothing, etc. You should post a picture of what you want to look like(not someone wearing skinny jeans) and how you currently look if you want more accurate advice.

sex raises T. therefore have sex.

>110 lbs
these aren't 110lbs thighs femanon

post thighs & real weight

How much calories is lost, on average, when having a mild case of diarrhea?

You need to weigh the diarrhea, dumbass

How could I forget the most basic thing.

(srs)Is being able to do a set of 10 reps 40lbs on a standard curlbar (not olympic) above average for a beginner who's a week into lifting?
The 40lbs doesn't count the bar and I've never lifted before this week I'm 19 male 5'9" vassal of manlets pls no bully (srs)

You're curling 40lbs + the bar on your first week?

not really

Anyone knows a good warm up or anything for elbow pain ? I think its because of me doing maybe too much dead hangs, but they hurt a bit, especially when I do push ups since it makes them move a lot

i don't have pain but weird crunching in my elbows if i don't do a warm up and this helps youtu.be/-0OK5ZbZnws?t=39

Does the data on casein protein being dangerous/carcinogenic hold up?
Do you personally use it in addition to whey?

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Yes, but it's standard not olympic, so it probably weighs 6-8 pounds, not 45
So what were you curling a week in? Genuinely asking, I want something to compare to that isn't reddit

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around a week in i did 20kg so ~44 lbs and i'd say i have skelly arms


Anyone ever get a weird jolting pain in the back of their head when doing shoulder exercises (OHP, lateral raises) ? It feels like something popped

It's just milk protein, I'm having hard time believing it causes cancer.

I do drink it occasionally because I'm slowly working my way through some I bought a few months ago, I don't drink it regularly because shit's hard for digest compared to whey. Don't know how people drink this stuff before bed without waking up at 2 am to take a violent shit.

I do 5 times 45s of farmer walk with 16 kg in each hand and 45s off between sets.
Am I good at it? Am I bad at it? The last one is very dificult. I was wonderong how much and how you farmer walk.
180cm 75kg btw

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thanks i guess
the thing i didn't take into consideration before is that i worked a bit physically before so maybe that's it

Add broccoli.

Does it matter if it is? Just curl as much as you can curl and be content with it, you just started out. This is like humblebragging about being good at highschool math or some shit

Is leaving Zig Forums and Zig Forums in general a necessary step in making it? I've seen a lot of improvement since I've started lifting but I feel like coming here just kind of rots my mind and does more harm than good.

Waiting on delivery on some gym equipment for the garage and im in need of some mats. Would 20mm thick rubber mats do? Dont want to fuck up the floor or the equipment.

I kickbox and have to train my legs a lot, but have always had skinny arms. How do I escape T Rex mode while maintaining or cutting weight? 5'9, 165lbs for reference

Thank you, later or tomorrow I'll post better pictures
It's not my pic, however I'm really similar to the second one in structure
I've been 110 lbs and I was similar, not identical but I can't mess my health again going to 15 bmi because of my shitty ideals, so maybe gym could help (I've never trained)

idk if that's not even your picture then it's hard to tell you anything buy exercising, especially shit like squats definetly won't hurt you

Thanks, ill try this tomorrow I will tell you if it works

You've reached a point where you can continue searching through garbage for those rare gems, or leave altogether.

5 reps is for strength, 8-12 is for hypertrophy, and more than 12 is endurance. Right?

So if i do 3 sets of 30 crunches, do my abs just not get any stronger? And the muscles don't grow either? I just get more endurance and that's it?

Yes, leave. Zig Forums is the worst gains goblin. The unbelievable amount of negativity and retardation is toxic as hell and will just make you feel like shit unless you're a 6'4" greek god. Keep improving and come to the QTDDTOT, we're the only "sane" ones here.

Remember that regardless of what these dickheads say, if your BMI is in a healthy range, your bodyfat is low and you work out regularly, you're okay.

Good luck user.

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something is better than nothing for it. you’ll build muscle doing any rep range, it’s just that hypertrophy range will have maximum muscle building potential. i’d keep doing that until you can get into weighted core exercises that work into a hypertrophy range, but you don’t need to blow up your abs like you would your delts or biceps

I've heard core work is the exception to this rule, but I'm unsure. If that's not the case, do some weighted crunches.

how do you guys get rear delt doms? i throw in face pulls and occasionally rear delt flies in nearly every workout but i’ve never woken up the next day with genuine soreness in my rear delts, feel like they’re lagging behind

Why are you doing crunches at all? Are you having trouble getting out of bed in the morning?

My core is weak. My doctor said I should strengthen my core

No one does fahves for abs

Yes it does matter, if I was mean I might call you a faggot. I'm lifting for Jesus Christ and I don't want to disappoint

I do a lot of running and cycling, and my legs are pretty toned and have, I think, decent legs because of that, my upper body is lean but has little muscle mass

Can I just do something like bodyweight excercises to get things proportional or do I have to do gym shit? I don't like gyms all that much and don't have room for my own equipment

>My core is weak. My doctor said I should strengthen my core

An actual fucking reason to work “the core”. I never thought I’d see the day. Now pay attention carefully:


Don’t do anything like crunches. No sit-ups no flutter kicks no leg raises NOTHING.

To get a stronger core:

1. Vacuums. They work the transverse abdominals, the “girdle” of your core. Work up to a single set of 1000 reps. Then do that every day for two weeks.

2. Planks and their variations. Work up to 2 minute holds. After that it’s just an exercise in mental endurance.

3. Suitcase carries. It’s like a one sided farmer’s walk. They work your obliques.

4. Heavy deadlifts with a proper valsalva maneuver. Absolute best core workout you will ever perform.

How to perform a proper valsalva maneuver.

1. Breathe in to your belly.

2. Clinch your asshole like you’re trying to keep tour uncle out.

3. Push down with your diaphragm like you’re trying to push a hard shit out.

4. Suck in your gut like a pretty girl (male) is walking by.


Got fat lifting so I cut calories and I lost a tiny amount of weight

Kept lifting trying to maintain strength but literally getting weaker. All lifts have gone down.

Is everyone who looks good just on steroids?

If you want to build muscles on bodyweight exercises, you won't get around getting a pull-up bar. So I would invest in that if nothing else.

Oh yeah I can get a pull up bar and some dumbells and one of those medicine balls, anything that can go in a cupboard when not in use, I don't have space for anything like a bar and bench is what I meant

What's wrong with crunches, leg raises, etc? Are they harmful, or are they just not as effective as the other exercises you mentioned?

I'll definitely try those exercises next time. Thanks.

Table rows, door pull-ups, makeshift rows with wathever you can find

Tbh, for Romanian deadlift, I'd just use straps; the lift is so suboptimal anyway, it's much more of an hypertrophy movement.
But I don't really understand your point, you could just try to lower your weight slower to save your floor ? I dunno man
No, you can get way over that; I'd look into weighed chins for less reps
Not from what I know or have read

Man if you're literally pissing blood you might have bigger problems at hand
Consult a pratician

No, unless it have a really important psychological impact on you (like hurt durr I'm such a badass )
If anything, you'll just fuck yourself up by sleeping in some weird position

You probably lack prioception. Keep lifting.

That's not too bad, but you might want to diversify your push-up, get a more serious leg excercise in, and add some more Tri and back work

Might lack isolation and would do more challenging leg exercises but could work user; in those times, consistency beat optimal programming

Not really
Sorry user but that's pretty punny. Some guys around here farmer walk with more than 100kg on each hand, and I'm not even talking professional strongman
I think that total bodyweight is a good first goal to strive for; keep at it

No, but it helps.
If looking good is your objective, try staying lean year round. Getting really fat isn't really worth it for a natty

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How can I make facial hair gains? My physique is getting where I want it but I can still only grow a shitty pedostache. My dad can't grow much either. Am I just doomed to never have a beard? I've always wanted a sick mustache

Not him, but I usually do Farmer Walks with a similar weight (around 15kg per hand). I could do more, but then my fingers hurt. So for me it's a grip problem.

I can only squat 30-40 pounds more thab my bench should I see a doctor?

>What's wrong with crunches, leg raises, etc? Are they harmful, or are they just not as effective as the other exercises you mentioned?

Both. Planks activate your abs (rectus abdominus) more than sit-ups or crunches. And your “abs” aren’t your core, as you can see in pic related. There’s a few more muscles involved.

Now here’s the harmful part. You see the psoas there in the pic? Those run from the top of your thigh bone through your gut and attach to your spine in your lower back. The only “ab” exercise which isolated those out of the movement are Janda situps. And nobody does those and they’re still not effective as planks. So when the psoas are t isolated out of the movement they take up the bulk of the work in a sit-up, and especially leg lift, movement. So what happens when you work out a muscle? It gets tight, right? So now you have two tight ass steel cables yanking your spine towards your dick every time you try to stand up straight. Over time this creates a major imbalance and imbalances always lead to injury.

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Let’s say hypothetically I take e (so hopefully gains are limited, and I have female fat distribution to an extent), and I want a body like picrel, that is no visible muscles etc but a nice tight stomach with minimal abs

What excersise regimen would you recommend?

I’ve not excersises for like 6 months. My planned routine includes 30 minutes of bodyweight stuff and a few dumbbell excersises (minimal), some pullups, and 1-1.25hrs cycling per day, on a calorie intake of around 1300.

Would that give me this body? Or would I be in danger of looking too ripped.

I want that smooth marshmallowy bod


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Cardio for days

For weight training try Hepburn’s singles and perform just one lift a day. Don’t give your body any reason to hypertrophy.

After lifting do cardio. I suggest using a marathon training plan on the elliptical so you’re not beating your joints up for no reason.

Now go dilate.

Anyone have experience with ulnar neuropathy? I think mine started because of bench dips but now it mainly bothers me when I'm sitting at a desk. How do I get my pinky to stop tingling and regain sensation?

You're a guy, right? Why did you censor your nipples? Cute body though.

You don’t think lifting will take me away from that youthful smooth look? I don’t want my body to look rugged
For cardio I only do cycling because my legs get injured every time I run

Thanks btw will look up Hepburn

I agreed with everything you said except for that. Seriously though I also feel like quarantining yourself in QTDDTOT protects you from (most of) the harmful toxicity that plagues this board.

Is it normal to have the urge for a nap basically every day even after a good night's sleep?

You still need to train for strength. One lift per day doing singles isn’t going to provide much growth. And if you do notice a change, stop lifting for a bit.

Ty. What could I do with dumbbells though? That’s the only weight I have access to rn. I have 2x10kg which is too heavy for me

>work up to 2 minutes
I can do 3 minute planks and my abs look nonexistent. Surely there are people who don't deadlift over 4pl8 that have nice abs. How did they get to that point? Are you saying they're injury prone, even if they do lower back exercise as well?

Just do some body weight stuff then. It’s difficult to induce hypertrophy with that. You need to get into the hundreds of reps ranges.

Ask yourself this, if everyone on earth wants a flatter belly, why are you doing exercises to make it grow? Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Get below 15% body fat and you’ll see them.

I took more of a view about conflicting styles of government.
Also, besides his most basic principles, Rousseau strikes me as overrated. I readily admit that his rules and groundwork were extremely influential, but his own conclusions strike me as wanting.
Also they are not even countrymen, much less contemporaries.

But ab exercise will give you more definition when you do expose them.
Abs are not only made in the kitchen though. Cardio is a huge part.

is it possible that protruding stomach from poor posture, even when im skinny, would prevent the possibility of visible abs?


Everyone has a six pack. You just need to cut the fat away. If you want the best exercise for ab definition it’s simple. After your workout set the treadmill to maximum incline and take a 20 minute WALK. Just mosey on up that hill for 20 minutes.

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spoonfeed for aesthetics program for beginners?

how do I fix it? Is it even possible if I’ve had protruding stomach since early Teens?

Should I do crunches or do the exercises in Starting Strength cover that?

> I’ve had protruding stomach since early Teens

You Polish?

>should I do crunches

See and

What stretches should I do before and after
I wanna be lithe and nimble...

My bodyfat is low enough to see my abs, and they look disproportionately small.

Then fucking work them. Holy shit.

No shit, I do work them. All I was saying is that user was suggesting 2 minute planks and I was wondering if that would actually add considerable strength/size over time because I can already plank longer than that. I don't want to give up crunches.

It won’t add size. It will add strength. There’s a disconnect in Zig Forums about what “core” is.


Better to do back-squats or front-squats on dead-lift days?

Will lifting help me develop a personality? I've been at it for a a couple of months now, and just hit 200lb squat but I don't feel different. Maybe it's time to move on from the SL 5x5? I'm not bored of it. I just expected to feel different.

what happened to /owg/?

Got exertion headaches. Do I really have to rest for two weeks?

Ok will ask this in the next thread too.

recently a friend moved and gave me his workout bench.
I have been using it and while I cant see results, I'm no longer sore after lifting the next day from what I was doing when I started.

now, I know squats and I know bench press,
I have a bar, I and I have up to 125lbs of weights starting at about 30-40, not sure what the bar weighs but its a piece of shit.

what else can I do with this limited equipment for lifting?

Are resistance bands with handles a meme? What are some good work outs with them?

Help me I’m trapped inside

I just found this preworkout powder best before date November 2019
Its black and sticky as shit and I cant google any information if its still safe to consume.

Do you guys think its safe to use still?

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What are you retarded?

lmao this has to be bait

how do i get to doing pull-ups??? I’ve been following the scooby progression, and have been doing negative chin ups. I feel so weak because by the 3rd set i barely have enough strength to lower myself slowly.

whats a good brand for an ez curl bar for home gym? amazon shit or no?

What kind of overhead press should I be aiming for to get shoulders as insane as this?
225 lbs? 315 lbs?

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what would be better, doing 100 crunches or like 40 crunches and 3 sets of planks for one minute each. planking reeeaaallly fucks up my back, even with perfect posture, its just a problem i’ve had with my back my whole life. i can do the planks, but if sit ups are just as good, i’d prefer to stick to those. any thoughts, Zig Forums?

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do you have anterior pelvic tilt?

>blue eyed barbarian wielding swastika
buddah was a nazi who hated women.

Is this alright progress for a lean bulk? Should I be munching more?

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Please respond bro

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I don't eat after before/after my 6:00am workout, I just eat a small salad at lunch (~12:00pm) and a shake maybe at 3pm

Basically it doesn't matter, pick the more nutritionally better one

How to stop swinging back and forth when doing pull ups?

Eat less carbs

Bulgarian Split Squat
Dumbbell Row
Dumbbell OHP
Stiff-legged Deadlift
Dumbbell Curl
Calf Raise
Abs circuit


How much time should pass after eating before working out?

Currently I workout/do HIIT every day except for sundays at 8 am. I do Intermittent fasting and eat 2 meals a day, so one at like 9:30 and one at about 13:30

Would it be possible to instead eat at 6:00, workout at 8 and then eat at 10:00 for example?

Because if I'm cooking and then eating at 13:30 I lose alot of productive work hours, I'm self-employed so this could affect my earnings

I generally dislike mealprepping. It's important to me that the food I eat is fresh and tastes good, otherwise I have a hard time sticking to it

No I don’t think so

You want atleast 40-60 minutes to recover after a heavy meal. Eating 2 times a day is not optimal for gaining muscle but yes you can move the meal times around.

>How much time should pass after eating before working out?

Enough that it doesn’t interfere with the workout. I prefer working out fasted. I’ve known guys who wanted to eat right before the gym.

Thanks for the reply.

What is optimal for building muscle then?

I'm almost underweight but I'm still skinnyfat,pretty weak and around 25%bodyfat. My goal bodyfat% is around 14-20% Should I continue cutting and try to get stronger or should I start bulking?

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Alright, so I should just feel it out probably?

Working out fasted works fine for me, but it's more a matter of saving time in the middle of the day

Which is why I'd like to try eating at 6 and working out at 8, given if it doesn't inhibit my gains

I'd say eat at maintenance but do more cardio and lifting

Probs something like 40% fat 30% protein and 30% carbs

I'm assuming here that you're just starting out. If you do this you'll gain muscle and lose fat for a while

When you start plateauing rethink your strategy but this should be fine for the next 3-4 months or so

Do you think the average non-Zig Forums reader gets enough protein? People are brainwashed into thinking meat and diary are bad for them and they don't eat protein powder either.

Try mixing whey/casein 50%/50% in your shake. You might find it easier to get through the casein.

I did some light body weight exercises (starting strength) in the beginning of the year, but then I started to do running and be more consistent/take body weight excercising seriously (switched to pic related). Idk if I'm still getting noob gains, but I'll try to eat at maintanence

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I should also probably note that I started running/ being more consistent around March 25th

How do I know if my noob gains period has ended?

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In that case experiment with a 500 calorie deficit for a while. A 25%bf is def not where you want to be at

So what's the best protein powder for muscle growing ? asking for a friend.

When you start failing on your lifts.

Been running this routine in quarantine but I feel like I need something other than just running for legs.


Can some kind user give me leg exercises that would fit into this kind of template so that I could turn it into a proper ppl? As far as equipment goes I have resistance bands, a pull-up bar, and a backpack I can fill with heavy shit to add weight.