What does Zig Forums think about cycling?

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Ride on the fucking sidewalk you faggots, everyone hates you.

come at me faggot

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I'm sure I'd enjoy it but I just can't bring my self to the be the faggot on the bike.

Those fucking idiots probably died of internal bleeding, Swearing they were in the right for riding their bikes on the highway.

I fucking hate bicyclists

every single highway entrance i've seen has warnings saying you must have a motor over 151cc

what were these morons doing?

true - hoping to find trails around me so I can stay off the roads.

best cardio there is (tied with swimming desu)
Major gains to be made in calves, quads, back, lungs, and an/aerobic performance of the whole body.
Can be a hell of a lot of fun as well depending on where/what you're cycling - I do country roads in the mornings on my road bike

That is illegal, fatty.

Are you so unaware of your surroundings that you don't know where trails are?

I believe this is Russia.

too many people think that to get into biking you have to go full lycra daddy on a multiple hundred dollar bike, you don't. just get an old road bike or 90s rigid mtb from craigslist for $100-200, make sure the saddle, grips, brakes and fit are decent and ride (if you get a bike with bad fit, don't expect to actually want to ride it).

pic related, same model as my commuter but different setup

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Just use a stationary bike and go for 10 minutes on high gear. You’ll get an amazing quad pump.

yeah correct sizing is a concern of mine. got long ass legs - dont want some lazy bike shop employee to throw me on the biggest bike he can find

Great cardio good for socializing/networking. That said, don't make the same mistake I did and forgoe a pedal plug. The ones with the stabilizing ring go for like $10-12 on Amazon; cheap insurance against hemorroids...

Much agreed. It's a lot of fun and you can get a decent workout while going somewhere. It's also good for the environment compared to gasoline powered transportation.

Lol nice, this made my day. Fucking idiots.

>It's also good for the environment compared to gasoline powered transportation.

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Get your shitty little car off the roads, you angry fat fag

He actually paid to drive on the roads, so he deserves to use it more than you faggot cyclist.

Insanely good cardio with low impact and high potential for leg gains, having varied terrain is a big workout for calves. Downside is everyone hates you and will intentionally drive dangerously around you, there are some roads I refuse to cycle on and will stick to the pavement.

99% of cyclists are skinnyfat beta faggots with the upper body of a 12 year old

>inconvenience to commuters
>inconvenience to pedestrians
It's a loose, loose. The latter is illegal (as far as I'm aware). The former places you in contention with apes in fast moving and heavy metal contraptions.

Shut up lardass. If you live anywhere within 5 miles of your job, you should be cycling.

I bought a mountain bike last summer and it’s as much fun as I’ve had in years. Hit a really hilly trail, get a great workout, and have a good time. I should have done this years ago.

>Downside is everyone hates you and will intentionally drive dangerously around you
I can think of a number of occasions off the top of my head where Ive seen cyclists do insanely stupid shit because they clearly think they are entitled to do it.

Everyone shitting on cyclists ITT have babby tier mental toughness and could not produce 200 watts average for more than 3 minutes. Also admitting that they would look like shit in form fitting clothing and are insecure about their sexuality.

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post body

I see cyclists do dangerous shit too but nowhere near as much as what drivers do. Dangerous drivers will cause vastly more damage than anything a cyclist can do.

>mental toughness
>instantly starts to blame everyone else except themselves when things inevitably go wrong because they made the choice to fuck around in the middle of a bunch of high speed 1 tonne killing machines.

I have never seen a group of people with such awesome legs and calves.

most enjoyable form of cardio besides swimming, only downside for me is it's difficult to get real intensity when I'm not riding uphill

Watching people get mad at cyclists brings me great joy but personally I don't really like riding on the street so I'm mostly off-road or along some fields.
Even the 3 minutes I cycle to work along a bike lane isn't really that safe and last year some car took my right of way and hit me because he wasn't looking. Nothing bigger happened but the bike was trashed.
Riding on the same streets as cars just spells disaster no matter whos right or wrong.

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In the full video that guy broke both femurs. As a cyclist and motorcyclist who actually knows how to ride (such as looking over your shoulder before you change road position like this dumb cunt didn't) I sincerely hope the truck driver did not get in trouble for splattering this retard.

Mental toughness and stupidity/entitlement are not mutually exclusive, I don't believe in cycling in busy high speed roads either my friend. I do most of my training in parks with dedicated cycle lanes and quiet roads. Mountain biking is more fun and less obstructive than road cyclig anyway

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Rate my bike I modded to take my 3 and 2 year old riding with me.

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I have never heard of any law, ever, that bars bicycles from sidewalks. And at least around my town, I see plenty on the sidewalks, where there are sidewalks. It might be the one bit of sense I see out of these witless hicks.

>I sincerely hope the truck driver did not get in trouble for splattering this retard.
He probably did.

How would one get groceries on their way home with their fucking bike? How am I going to load up 2 dozen eggs, four gallons of milk, a bag of onions, two containers of Greek yogurt, and a 12 pack of tuna cans onto a bicycle every four days?

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Slow down nigs.

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The driver is nice and safe. The retard playing in traffic on a child's toy is the one acting dangerously.

Get a big backpack.

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Godtier cardio

Racks and a front basket

>acts as if his sport is tough
>sport that has you sitting on ur dyel ass all the time
Cyclistfaggits are cringe and dyel weaklings

No, not even other drivers think people around them drive safely.

>anime posting
>poor reading comprehension
I clearly stated work.

also, tuna is shite. take the 'deenz pill.

Don't cyclists drive at the outside edge of the road where you live? What kind of shit car do you have that won't overtake a pedalphile travelling at 15 mph?

>I sincerely hope the truck driver did not get in trouble for splattering this retard.
>overtaking on the right
>crossing lines at a divergence
>not getting in trouble
I'm not saying riding bicycles on a freeway isn't retarded but that trucker couldn't have made any more mistakes.

>he doesnt carry his groceries home
You´ll never make it.
>he can´t even figure out how to load it on a bike

Done. How do I get onto a bike while wearing this?

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A person can both cycle and lift, also try cycling fast for more than an hour without stopping, your legs and lungs would be searing and screaming at you to stop, would you give in?

Try not being a manlet.

>I clearly stated work.
So you want me to bike my ass back home, get in my car, then drive to the grocery store, then drive back home? At that point, I'm not saving the environment, I'm losing productivity by wasting time riding a bike, just to have to use my car to town and back anyway.


based. cyclists are human garbage

the only cool ones are mountain bikers, all others are complete filth and should be destroyed

>can be done often and recovery is very fast due to lack of impact
>you can build very high fitness and strength, depending on what discipline you ride
>see cool nature and scenery while riding in the countryside
>make frens, can socialise during rides
>it'll harden you up and increase your tolerance for suffering
>strong legs mean a strong body
>very few other types of exercise will give you this level of conditioning and fitness

>setting up your position on the bike properly requires knowledge
>motorists can be dicks, even if you're using the road properly
>good bikes are often pricey, great bikes are ludicrously expensive
>Lots of fine tuning to get your bike the way you want it long term

It's rewarding and addictive though. Even if you don't get right into it, commuting or doing a cafe/bar run can be really fun and help with recovery from your weight training.

Pedal plug?

Big bike

Having watched the video again I admit the driver fucked up. Cyclist should still have shoulder checked though.

Roads are paid for through general taxation so we all pay for them

How do people not know this? If you pay tax of any kind or have ever bought anything, then your taxes pay for the roads and your right to use them, whether on a bike, in a car, in or a 2 man horse suit.

It's the cyclist's rendition of the squat plug

They're pretending to not know, it's bait shitposting

>good bikes are often pricey, great bikes are ludicrously expensive
lol the state of cyclist cucks, even the most expensive bikes are fucking cheap

>motorists can be dicks, even if you're using the road properly
the only correct way for a cyclist to use the road is to drive to a trail with their bike on their car

Indescribably based.

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Perhaps drive on days you'll be shopping and ride on days you won't? I dunno just a suggestion

Yet only people who drive cars pay the extra gas tax (and registration fees [and driver's license fees]) specifically for the roads, where cyclists are nothing but parasites holding the entire human species back from its full potential because their too faggot to just get a gym membership like the rest of us desu senpai

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We do not all live in third world countries like the US. Most countries have bike lanes.

This is considered signaling a lane change, these days? You're not being clear until you're giving a full Roman salute, faggots.

the cyclist and busrider hating threads on /o/ are some of the best on 4channel right now

This is all hypothetical for me, I live about 20 miles from work. I DID ride my old ass, second hand mountain bike about a mile, mile and a half, to class back in college. On the generous sidewalks.

The gas tax is to offset pollution caused by driving

Busriders are poorfags, but at least they manage to get 50 of themselves onto one vehicle that can KIND OF keep up with traffic. Road cyclists are the lowest form of human life.

cars pollute the air bro, cyclists place a lesser load on the healthcare system so it evens out. I'm not against driving but it requires licensing because a driver messing up could cause way more property and bodily damage. It also keeps the fragile petrodollar propped up and the consequences of that have reared its ugly face very recently.

Don't you guys feel any embarrassment about living in a lesser developed country without bike trails next to the main roads?
Fucking driving in your car to the gym so that you can do cardio on a treadmill in a room with 20 people and TVs blaring, it's a sad life for the American.

If you think $10k+ is cheap, feel free to buy me new road and track bikes user.

noooooooooooooo you don't understand cyclists are above the law they need to be permitted to selectively obey no nooooooooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooo


Nigger, I average 33kmh in plain clothes and a backpack on a 500$ city bike, and I hate you lycra wearing faggots. Every last one of you either tries to stay in my wheel and gives up after 5 minutes or gets mad when I don't bother to move when they don't use a bell to let me know they're there. Can't hear your nasal, out of breath voice over my mp3, fag.

my only shame is that cyclists are legally permitted on the roads in any form, they should live in fear of motorists

Nice LARP user, and even if that were true:
1) no one cares
2) 33 average isn't anything to brag about

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I know you're making this up because it's piss easy to hold the wheel of someone going 33 on an upright city bike, either you're going even faster than you think or the guys getting dropped by you are actually women.

The Tour de France is my favorite thing to watch on TV. Olympics and world cup don't even come close. Imagine my pleasure that it is every year. Only watch on France 2/3 for peak comfiness. RIP laurent fignon.

>2) 33 average isn't anything to brag about
And if I were riding one of your lightweight frames on thin tires with clipless pedals while wearing your aerodynamic suits, I'd agree with you.
The harsh truth is that your cope gear means you'll be averaging 20kmh at most when you're forced to ride a normal bike.
Hell, some of you out of shape fucking boomers get stuck there even with all your gear.

Or none of it is true

>loose, loose

and if you live kinda locally to a store, you could just bike home and then drive to it.

ah, you forgot about the biggest con: that being your bike can easily be stolen.

Pure gold. Nice share.

bike thieves are based. they shouldn't be punished even if they're caught. cyclists deserve to suffer for being a drain on society.

>implying I don't have shitters as well as "cope" bikes.
Still nothing special user, and I'm admittedly a very middling cyclist.


unless you're some fat fuck doing his 20 minute cardio spin, you shouldn't be on the sidewalk. On downhills cyclists can be going 40mph.

>gas tax
for polluting
>and registration fees [and driver's license fees]
for safety

nice job outing yourself as a brainlet thinking these are fees to use the road. also bigger vehicles wear on the road a lot more than a little bike

cyclists cause the most wear out of any vehicle because by impeding traffic and slowing everybody down they create the wear equivalent of hundreds of vehicles every time they pollute the roadways

Mountainbiking is based, road cycling is retarded and for faggots.

I don't think this happens as often as you'd like to believe, more often than not the slow traffic is caused by motorists tailgating and other imperfect human behavior, self driving death machines when?

brainlet cyclist. tailgating is caused by knock-on effects of cyclists. a cyclist can cause traffic up to 2 km behind them because of rolling slowdowns. riding a bicycle causes more co2 emissions because of the added slowdowns to hundreds of other cars than driving even the largest SUV.

>cyclists cause the most wear out of any vehicle
imagine believing this

if you upped your IQ a few dozen points maybe you could finally afford a car and join the ranks of motorists.

>riding a bicycle causes more co2 emissions because of the added slowdowns to hundreds of other cars
funny you say that because driving more slowly means less air drag, which means less fuel consumption per kilometer. drivertards again exposing their total lack of intelligence.

I have a driver license and a car, and a nice bike too.

wrong. peak efficiency is different for every vehicle, and most peak around the speed limit for the types of roads cyclists pollute, ~60-70 km/h. highway speeds are inefficient but cyclists are prohibited from these roads thankfully. driving at cycling speeds is wasting torque and highly polluting.

Holy shit what an actual fucking retard, hope he died.

Then how do you explain jams on highways where there are no cyclists?

>0 iq cyclists

highway traffic jams are caused by cyclists clogging non-highway roads and delaying exits and alternative routes, forcing highway overuse. much like fat clogs the veins of an otherwise healthy body.

>loose, loose
>does it twice so you know it wasn't mistyped, but genuine retardation

So you think cars pollute less per distance covered when they are idling?
Have you ever considered that you might actually be mentally retarded?

yes I totally was talking about when the engine is disconnected from the transmission, you fucking mong

Cyclists should require licencing and registration as well. Maybe that would weed out some of the absolute garbage teir fuckwit ones.

I kind of agree, as long as it's not too big an expense for kids

Lotta help that's done with all the retarded motorists on the roads. Maybe, just maybe, there are going to be idiots and assholes with every form of transportation.

>Maybe, just maybe
Oof, thats a yikes from me fellow redditor.

>look mom I said it again


Where’s the article that points out cycling causes micro lesions to your balls and eventually decreases your fertility and T

When I had to do this I had a bike just for this purpose
Huffy Santa Fe found ditched in alley. Ran smallest front ring, added baskets everywhere. Was only used for this 1 job. One of my favorites fwiw.

thats awesome
i hope you ride carefully with them

>You need a loicense and proper documents to operate that 20lb human powered machine
I hope muslims destroy whatever pathetic country you live in

Shut up bike fag

I am a biker, and I hope this idiot died.
ALWAYS LOOK, also that hand signal was short and weak as fuck.
What the fuck are you doing in the highway? Idiot.
Also didn't you fucking hear the truck? I can hear a car from 500m away when I bike, you didn't fucking hear a huge loud truck??
Are you blasting music on your headphones, whilst driving on the most dangerous road you can drive on??

Half the population is retarded, no joke. More than half. IQ 100 which is the baseline is already too dumb.

God I really wish the trucker didn't get fined or anything.

They're the worst.
Anyways, I have a beach cruiser and should ride it more. It's a workout trying to go up hills.

>Also didn't you fucking hear the truck? I can hear a car from 500m away when I bike, you didn't fucking hear a huge loud truck??
if there's significant wind you can't hear shit

Since when is riding a bike on the highway allowed???

nice hobby
can get boring if riding alone all the time though
depends a LOT on the infrastructure around you (eg nice empty roads vs gravel vs busy roads, flat vs hilly)
takes up a LOT of time, especially if you want to train optimally (lot's of low intensity riding)
often becomes a very materialistic, because the top bikes are so nice man...

I can smell your unwashed folds from here. I ride slower when I see the person behind me is a seething fatty.

(Citation needed)
Most highway traffic jams come from retards that don't know how to zipper merge
On a more basic level, all highway traffic jams come from retards wanting to sit in slow moving traffic for an hour and a half daily instead of just paying into public transit that you'd ride for 30 minutes daily.
Suburbanites are scum.

Riding on sidewalks = more accidents

Cycling as a means of transportation is a good thing, fewer cars on the road, less noise, safer for pedestrians, etc. Honestly it's the fastest, cheapest way to get around in any densely populated city.

Cycling as a sport is garbage. It's one of the few sports where how you perform directly scales with the amount of money you can plow into your equipment, which is why it is so popular with pudgy middle-aged men who are looking to acquire a hobby.

Cyclists are getting it on day one of the Purge
Literally every subgroup of society hates them

>This dehumanising effect is typically seen in relation to attitudes towards racial or ethnic groups and can cause motorists to drive aggressively by deliberately cutting off or impeding cyclists, the researchers say.

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>Honestly it's the fastest, cheapest way to get around in any densely populated city.
And in the other 99% of the country you faggots are absolute cancer.

>loose, loose


Why were nips shopped out

Have been riding my bike leisurely for years, but got a little more serious since most gyms have been shut down.

I usually hit 30 miles or so with my rides, probably 2-3 times per week. I'd like to do a half century, a metric century, then a full century. Any tips on progression, nutrition, etc?

kills your testosterone if you dont get the correct bike seat

>Riding road bikes

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Doing a century is easy work even on very hilly terrain. Just be sure you are comfortable, are pacing yourself, and most importantly, are hydrating yourself and snacking every so often. I've done a couple metric centuries and it's really no problem if you aren't going for speed.
I for one ride because I enjoy the journey and destination. Plus I get to eat sweets the entire day every two hours or so.

Cool, thanks. I live in a very hilly state. How often did you take breaks, and how long did breaks last approx.?

>how you perform directly scales with the amount of money you can plow into your equipment
False. The best upgrade is the engine, then slamming your stem, then shaving your legs. All are free. I race as a Cat 1 in New England, one of the more competitive regions, with a 2014 aluminum frame, 2014 mechanical groupset, and aluminum wheels. I also have a ftp of ~4.6 w/kg and can do ~10 w/kg for one minute. I regularly shred people with $10k bikes. Upgrade your engine before your complain about gear.

Most people don't understand the difficulty of endurance sports. Competing is difficult and training is even worse in some ways. Cycling is one of the worst in some ways, the low impact and mechanical efficiency of pedaling means you can really bury yourself over and over again.

Cycling is a great sport and a great hobby. Other than the stereotypical fat rich man in lycra, most people who are serious about cycling just have so much passion for any form of bike riding. I can bond with elite racers, commuters, old guys who've been riding for 40 years, and young kids bmxing. You don't have to be a stick to ride a bike, even many competitive riders are not as lean as you think. I weigh 70kg at 5'11", so much thinner than many people would prefer on Zig Forums, but I look strong, healthy, and athletic. I enjoy wearing short shorts and leg mogging anyone in sight.

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>leg mogging anyone at 70kg bodyweight
Lmao sure thing shrimpy. Mogging those 15 year olds in junior high

Actual cycle boy here,
It’s fucking brilliant for aerobic endurance and you can turn yourself inside out with intervals as well.
It’s very fun
It’s tough as fuck if you’re an actual cyclist and not an idiot with a death wish. If you think it’s easy, join me on a 120+ kilometre ride through mountain passes and then tell me it’s easy.
It destroys your upper body gains, hours of no work mixed with burning plenty calories.
Wear a helmet, obey the rules of the road, don’t be a jackass.
You don’t need an expensive bike, just one that fits and is roadworthy.

Competitive cock suckers are both straighter and less annoying then any cyclists. If you're gonna do some outdoor Zig Forums oriented shit, do hiking or rock climbing you beta twink.

Everyone who posts here thinks lifting only makes you Zig Forums. They haven’t even jogged 1k in 10 years

Enjoy dying in your sleep or from heart failure at 50 along with any other cardio nut.

For cardio? Just run or walk like a normal human bring. Cycling is for boomers with blasted kneecaps and faggots

even cyclists hate other cyclists

Careful with bike seats lads, they are proven to lover testesorone since your ballsack gets squished. Please make sure your balls have space to hang

Wrong, cyclists hate triathletes.

Triathletes are what people actually mean when they say they hate cyclists.

Am I missing something? The bike rider shouldn't have been on the highway, but it looks like that truck was about to take a wrong exit and switched lanes at the last possible second. The guy is actually lucky that he was on a bike because if he was in a car he would have been hit full force by the truck.

Should I wear a lifting belt while riding a bike? Pic related.

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Is this achievable natty?

How do I properly train on my road bike? What's the starting strength of cycling fellas? Interval training? Lots of low intensity training?


You need to ride for like 3 hours to get a real workout in, which you can do in 45 minutes with running. Waste of time

NorCal Cycling makes dope videos. Definitely helped me go faster.

Seat adjustment is key. You need just enough extension at the bottom of your stroke, or your knees will suffer if you are serious.
Also important is reach to bars and training to have proper shoulder, elbow and wrist positioning. Also lower back and neck angle.
Once you start doing 20 miles nonstop you will learn, and when you get to centuries it is crucial to make sure you can function the next day.

Wrong. Look at track cyclists and the fact that I can burn ~1000kcal an hour cycling and still be able to go to work.

How new are you and what is your bike?
What is the local topography like?
Warming up (dynamic stretching, pistol squats, bit of jump rope) and then heading uphill or into the wind is my advice. You want a tailwind on your way home.
Intervals are nice if you can get on empty roads, ride a stretch, sprint a stretch, repeat for 3 to start, then low rpm for a bit.
Do you have a cyclo-computer?

Are you some kind of retard? Cycle faster, it's that simple. Running is good if it's done on a soft underground like sand, if you're running a lot of hard surfaces chances are you'll experience problems after your 50's

i used to fit all that shit in my bike bag commuting at uni. As a cyclist i did my best to stay off main roads.

I've been riding recreationally forever. Plenty of flat country roads by me. No computer. Just haven't thought of proper cycle training until lately.

Computer is nice. Seeing your speed and average is a good impetus to push.
Bicycling magazine should have decent articles, probably even videos.
Global Cycling Network has good vids.
As a rule, Cyclocross training schedules are more Zig Forums We ride in shit weather and have BBQs instead of salad tossing, shaved leg road riders and hipster beer sipping MTBs (I still do both and unfortunately gravel has caught on)

would you suggest drop handle road bike for my first ?

yeah they look cool as. I hardly use them though.

cars put more strain on the roads then a bike retard

ITT: "powerlifters" who seethe because no bike could actually carry them

I recently cleaned and lubed up the chain with diesel. Second season using my Marin Fairfax 2. I'm a newb, but really do love cycling.

I enjoy it when I’m biking. When I’m driving, death to bike fags.

It’s pretty based over the last few weeks I’ve cycled hundreds of km. I am trying to maintain 400km a week

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Wish I lived in Amsterdam or some other bike friendly Dutch city instead of my rural shithole where biking is dangerous and useless outside of recreation
Fuck the cager life bros

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In the gym it's the second worst cardio machine
Stairmaster case > indoor rower > elliptical bike > bike > treadmill

I picked up a road bike almost two years ago and it has become one of my favorite ways to get my cardio in when the weather is nice outside. Also I use it for transportation. I really only go with the full lycra outfit when I go on rides where I want to smash PRs on the Strava segments outside the city.

Doing long rides can be nice and relaxing although somewhat uncomfortable over time so I tend to stick to shorter rides and just go out for 30-90min rides mostly. It is fun and having some form of friendly competition on Strava keeps me motivated to push my limits. Although sometimes it feels weird competing against people on full on TT bikes or riding in groups with a leadout into the segments when I am just on a middle of the road aluminium bike on my own weighing more and being bigger than them. But such is life, I think I do fairly well for my size and limitations atleast I can put down some serious watts thanks to my 4pl8 squat although only for a short period of time.

Also somewhat new to the whole subject but I have just started to both do shorter more intensive rides (30-45min) as well as longer ones (60-90min). I mostly try to go at an intensity that I can barely hold for that amount of time. If I ever go on rides >90min I just try to pick out a pace I can somewhat comfortably hold but dont stress too much about it.

Overall I have simply picked out a few Strava segments that go over ~5-10min mostly on the flat around me and compared my progression on those trying to hold the highest average speed I can get. I measure it with my phone, I have a bicycle computer app on there that works great and if you have a mount for your bike you can always see the current speed. So I just somewhat plan out that I want to hold >40kph or something for the duration of the segment and I let it rip. Sure there are days where it is easier or outright impoossible to beat your PR but over time I definitely am much faster on any given ride so I am doing something right...

I have a 25 year old steel frame mountain bike that I ride 3 times a week, I love it. It's cheap (basically free), fun, healthy, builds great stamina and allows me to discover cool places since I live next to several huge forests. I don't like road biking as much, and some of the road riders are complete entitled pricks, but I know good ones too.

Who the fuck is climbing in the drops?

Road cyclists are the niggers of upper-middle class white people.

Good idea but I would suggest to at least pay the extra couple hundred for an entry level 29er. A 29er will mop the floor with this bike

I hope that cyclist was jailed for ruining an upstanding motorists property. cyclists should really be arrested on sight.

a cyclists existence is 100% seething, you can't talk to a cyclist for more than a minute before they start seething about that time they got hit by a car after they blew through a stop sign

Based solo rider

That’s Mario cipollini former pro and world champion, GOAT sprinter

Polarised training
80-90% of your volume should be easy, low intensity training.

The rest should be hard as fuck, well above threshold

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Can I suck your peepee?

I'm a male, under 20, i recently started cycling. I've had a fat butt for years now, and i really dont like how it looks. will cycling help me with that? and do you have any tips?

Good way to burn calories, but please use the fucking bikelines instead of being a fucking dickhead to everyone else around you.
You can also use a stationary bike, or bike in terrain.
Just PLEEEASE stay off the main roads, or be prepared to stop at the side off the road every 2 minutes to let traffic pass.

Call the council and tell them to make bike lanes

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Ive been cycling for a decade. It's prettty amazing, desu. it's just you vs you and you can really push your endurance limits.

I do a 200mile ride at the end of every year before putting my bike up for the winter. It's such an amazing feeling to complete the ride, but also to complete it in a good time

You dont NEED all the gear. You need a good helmet and some cleats, but during the spring / summer, I just wear some short gym shorts to get sun on my legs and a Tee

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jeez, 200 miles? How long does that take you? And you just wear shorts, not bike shorts? Your gooch doesnt ed up hurting?

Cycling gives you GUUUUAAAAADDSSS

Why are amerifats so attached to their big steel cages? Most civilized countries embrace cycling in their transportation infrastructure.


I am just a hole sir.

sorry, our country is extremely LARGE
with VAST PLOTS OF LAND, and SPRAWLING CITIES birthed by the industrial revolution that we started btw
we just have too much land and wealth, you konw? haha im sure you know what thats like dont you eurofriend

All, not most, but all civilized countries model themselves after America. So yeah. Just an indisputable fact for you to stew on.