Injury thread

What's currently holding you back from your lifting goals, anons? Been running a lot due to quarantine so I'm recovering from shin splints right now. Anyone have advice from getting over them?

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gave myself this shit from overworking my feet. can't walk on hard surfaces without shoes and it's holding back all my sets that have to do with feet.

Sup nerds
Two years and counting with picrelated. Don't do squats

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Left bicep, tendonitis on both ends. Quarantine came pretty handy since I've rested for 2 months now and I can still feel it slightly

my thing was also from squats lmao

Bad form, or too much weight?

both. probably if I had perfect form I would have been fine.
squats are totally safe, you just need to have good form*

*but also if you make even the slightest form error you will damage your body

General question, what injuries are you at risk of suffering if you fuck up a bench press with massive weight? Can you actually kill yourself if the bar lands on your chest and breaks ribs?

I fucked up my spine in a way that my balls were hurting for a week :)

I smashed my growth plate in my right arm when I was younger due to too many breaks. My dominant arm didn’t grow too full size is shorter than my other and does not have full range of motion. I will never be able to reach my full potential. It fucking sucks.

I got an inflamation on both of my knees and gonna have to stop working out untill it heals

knees been cracking

where did you break it? post arms

Strained ligament from bjj but hopefully rehab during lockdown will clear it up

Tweaked my shoulder benching, healed in a few days, went benching again and tweaked it but powered through. 4 weeks later still can't bench and OHP. It's legit fucking making me depressed. Feels like it'll never go away and can't see physio cause corona.

What weight were you doing? Kind of amazes/annoys me how people like you and me get injured and then people like Clarence Kennedy are squatting 280KG and still going fine.

Probably yes, in extreme cases though very unlikely. A likely one is shoulder injury like me -> . Thing is I didn't even fuck up bad. It was just from unracking the bar at the start when it was a bit behind me and I could still power through. Fucking sucks though. Out so long over a tiny mistake.

uncontrollable nerve pain in my entire body forever

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fucked up shoulder

Dislocated my right elbow doing low bar squats. Been a year and two months but started doing recovery workouts, with low weights, about 2 months ago.

Rest is important, but also strengthening exercises for the tibial is anterior, and a pair of running shoes that suits your feet/style. Can't vouch for compression socks but see plenty wearing them, and if at all possible move to running on grass.

Currently just getting over sciatica caused by fuck knows what (3rd time, but longest suffering so far). Almost 3 weeks out from injury, and looking at getting some better chairs and stuff for working, protect your back bros.

Tendinitis perhaps?

my right shoulder is fucky. it hurts when doing ohp and letting go of the bar when i finish squatting. gonna do some rotator cuff workouts and hopefully that solves the issue

left ankle fucked up from spraining it a lot playing basketball in my youth so i cant run too much
other than running it doesnt bother me too much


Shin splints
Fuck caddio

obligatory FUCK IBS

Slammed 3 of my fingers in my wife's car while I was yelling at her. I slapped the fuck out of her with my non-injured hand right afterwards kek. Fucking bitch, Had she not been arguing with me I wouldn't have been distracted and closed the door on my fingers. She cried for like 3hrs in our room that night.

I think i caught lats tendonitis around my armpit insertions.

I can't do any pull ups or front lever without pain, it's fucking annoying

If feel people who manage to snap themselves benching have their scapulas all over the place when unracking because the bar is too high so they can't put their shoulders down and back

>he shits himself

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Recently overcame a several year long bout with golfers elbow and a nagging varicocele.

100% has to do with reduced stress from grad school going online.

For years I thought they'd never go away and I would never be able to lift how I wanted to again.


I tore my psoas in November after finally deadlifting LMAO4PLATE for reps.

Has absolutely fucked my hip mobility. While the tear is healed sometimes the area just gets swollen to shit. It's getting better, and was getting better with the gym, but with everything closed I have had to do band workouts and I feel like my recovery is slowing down and my strength is just vanishing.

Sprained ankle from soccer, it has been more than a month and it still hurts to run. I can feel a lot of scar tissue around the ankle, not sure what to do. I've been doing yoga and occasionally walking a mile then running a mile, but I might be reinjuring it. Sucks because it's beautiful running weather (70s, med-low humidity).

No matter what user says it’s bad form and shitty genetics.

Ibs doesn't mean you shit yourself you stupid troglodyte.

Exact same problem. Stretching helps tremendously. Couch stretch in particular.

Yeah I have a good stretching routine before and after. Also have some trigger point release shit with a lacrosse ball.

Just sucks that tearing this is going to take forever for it to get back to normal. However it is a shit load better than it was just a month or two ago.

I have a thing called Kohler’s Disease that is a genetic bone deformity in my foot. It was supposed to go away after puberty but it didn’t. So now I have an arthritic foot

Broke my wrist or dislocated during sex with the plank position.
Was going back and forth then felt popping.
Cant do push ups position.


it took me THREE FUCKING YEARS to recover fully from a knee injury
looking forward to getting HORRIBLY INJURED again from trying to look good enough to attract AVERAGE WOMEN

Hurt my back doing overhead. vid related

I was running 6-7 miles a day, feeling great, when I cracked my kneecap into a staircase railing. It's barely improved in the month since, fucking sucks.

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nerve pain in my foot from injury 5 months ago but im still running because it wont subside

A few month's back some retarded nigger pulled out in front of me and caused an accident.

Totaled my car and i ended up with several cracked ribs, several huge gashes, and a fractured big toe on my left foot. Ribs healed fine. But that toe is still super tight. Makes burpees/mountain climbers other body weight stuff like that which require my toes to bend like they're supposed to hurt like hell. Its really the only time that the toe holds me back.

If anyone has tips on how to rehab it id be hella grateful.

laziness, lack of motivation, emptiness, lack of engagement or enjoyment in anything

I sliced a good part of my finger with a veggie slicer.
I tried to work out today and the sewing started to bleed

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What am I looking at here?

Tore my distal bicep tendon a few years ago lifting a log while drunk. Shit sucks, took me out of the gym for 6 months and I don't think it was at full strength again for a year. Hurts a little sometimes just from moving my arm around so I'm paranoid it will happen again, but so far I can lift heavy like normal again. Have to get some extra rest sometimes to keep tendonitis at bay in my tricep so maybe I just have weak tendons.

Anyone know any supplements that help tendon healing and keeping tendonitis down?

Vastus laterals enormous pain from squats having trouble sitting up now.

Going to take time off of leg exercises, real upset was at 300lbs this is fuck Bros ngmi.

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I was planning on working out in June when gyms reopen for the first time, but this thread is psyching me out.

How do I avoid getting injured?

I sliced my finger with a breadknife then some of my stitches got infected. Not cool bros

Sprained my ankle two Saturdays ago, today was the first day back lifting.

Do everything perfectly, have good genetics, and don't get older.

Not sure what it is. I think it’s tendinitis but I have never been actually diagnosed. When I do curls my forearms are just so sore. Doesn’t really bother me when I’m not straining my forearms, but when I curl I can instantly feel pain in my forearms. It’s alleviated a bit with an ez curl but I don’t have one at me so I’m just trying to power through and not overdo the weight.

>One of these things doesnt look like the others , one of these things isnt square

I got pissed off while working and kicked a wheelbarrow and now my toe really hurts. Not broken but still autistic.

Slipped/herniated disk in lower back. I've been off work 2 days also. I'm supposed to be covering for my cto at a fucking tech company. I really hope I dont get canned over this.

I’m supposed to get my hip labrum fixed soon along with a hernia above the same hip. I would do Upperbody but I have a torn bicep tendon thingy in my shoulder and a torn sl ligament in my hand

Life is hard sometimes. I used to do like 100 pull ups just for fun but now haven’t done one in a few years. I’ll get back to the iron eventually, we all will

how did you heal my brah? im worried i have an elbow issue.

I injured my lower back 2 months ago during low bar squats. I felt something weird in my lower back. Since then I have pain. I switched to a high bar squat since then. It constantly flares up after squats and deadlifts.
I used google trying to educate myself. AFAIK its not a ruptured disc.Spine flexion hurts, so basically everything that makes me bend over.
However, I didn't find a useful treatment plan except ice, ibuprofen etc. The rest is only preventive glute training etc.
It's only on the right side of my lower back. Since the inury a portion of my lower back is very tense. I dont want to stop my DL and Squats since they are poverty level at the moment.

Anyone dealt with something similiar and knows some treatment plan for this injury?

More mental than anything. I was just doing some light back and even with, what I feel was, good form I felt and heard a pop in my lower back while deadlifting. The first few days I was in a lot of pain and couldn't stand up straight, but am all better now. Now I'm scared as fuck to squat and deadlift anything heavy.

Every time I do overhead dumbbell raises there's popping and cracking noises next to my elbow (back of bicep side), anyone know what's going on there? It's not comfortable and is just on the edge of pain

Oh, it's Mr Spine

I completely dropped pike/handstand push-ups because of constant elbow pain.

Sometimes tricep extension is impossible because of elbow pain (5 year medial epicondylitis due to computer work).

Right knee is permanently fragile, probably because of foot overpronation. Wall squat holds before exercise seems to help a lot and may solve it in the long run.

I'm completely fucked, but at least my back is safe so far.

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I meant shoulder pain. Can't solve it either, it's been years.

Literally just dont be retarded