Running Thread

Post anything related to running. Times, tips, questions, injuries, and stories.

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The side of knee hurts like fuck after running 5km every day for a week so I’m taking 2 days off.

It takes me about 40mins to run said 5km.

Same but I didn't run as much

Did 7.5 km and 8.5 km on two separate occasions ~45 min (4 days apart)
at the end of the first run my side was hurting but I just assumed it was fatigue
the second day it hurt from the start and afterwards it was hurting like hell for one day and a half and only after 4 days did it completely subside

What can be the cause of this?
Rhythm? Posture? Sole Padding?

Just did my first timed 5km. It was exactly half my 10km PB (40mins). wtf
I did do it on a straight road and kept having to stop and turn around but I was expecting to do it a bit faster, maybe I need to do it in a racing environment

Same here, I bought one of those knee compression sleeves and the pain went away.

Anyone else perform better when it's colder out?

my right hamstring is tight as fuck and if i dont stretch it for a couple days my rigth knee starts to hurt... might be something similar with you

How do I relieve that chest burn after running/cardio/etc? Breathing techniques?

Or am I just supposed to get used to it?

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not meaning to be rute but how much do you weigh? If you are heavy then running can fuck up your knees

You must be pretty heavy if you're doing 5k everyday and still taking 40mins. Probably why your knee is hurts good idea to take a break.
What do you mean by "side" like a stitch or? If muscle related just stretch and remember to warm up before you run that'll save some pain.

My pace has slowed recently had a sore throat probably had the corona or something a while back and my shins have been a bit scuffed but i'm picking back up the pace. Goal is to get a 10k at a 5min/km average pace.

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I've been running for years and literally never had problems with nipple chafing. Buy some decent clothes people.

What do you guys use for carrying water on longer runs?

my body

190 cm
80 kg

The tendon on the outer side
I think it might be the Illiotibial band

Use a roller on the outside of your upper thigh

My hands. I just carry a 0.5l bottle with me on long runs. Well that and an energy gel.

every week on fridays pre-corona I would run 5+ miles on a treamill in around 42:30. Is this good for a 6’5 slightly above average weightlifter (225 lbs)

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It's not bad. But why not do 2 or 3 20 minute runs instead?

You guys don’t use a belt?

I would but not regularly, that friday run became kind of a ritual.

In the summer I try to do a 30min 3 mile run after every weightlifting session (5 times a week).

In the winter I was trying to get my weights up. Finally hit 225 5x5 on bench :)

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My shin splints are coming back bros, it's not fair... Any recovery tips for them?

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I have a medical question. I've never really run for cardio before, always been a swimmer. With the lockdown pool's closed so I have to run. Right now I'm doing 2.5 miles a day, five days a week. After each run I do 1.5 miles brisk walking as well. At the start of each run, my right hip hurts in the circled area of my pic. It settles down while I run and then hurts more when I'm walking. When I first started running I tried to do 3 mile runs and my hip hurt so much I had to drop to two miles and work up by a quarter mile per week. What's the deal?

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Take k2 mk7 supps. They help take the calcium out of the blood into the bones.
Youre allowed to take as much as you can spend or so i heard. Might wanna do research on that. I take 4 times the daily dose re ommended on my bottle

5km in 40 mins is really quite slow. How big are you?
Maybe you are putting an abnormal amount of pressure on the tendons.
Also check your shoes and regular walking paterns, running really accentuates any defect in your regular walk.

I can only do jogging for 5~10 minutes maximum, is this normal for a guy who’sbeen neet for the past 10 years ?

Also my knees hurt i’m not even fat should i get better shoes ?

I think I've broken some kind of threshold. Always ran 4 to 6 days a week then had to rest one day due to calf soreness. I'm at 10 days now running 4 to 6 miles a day at a sub-8 minute/mile pace. It looks like I'm through whatever was stopping me. No change in shoes, pace, etc. I can't explain it.
Don't run in sandals, I tried and pulled the tendon/ligament binding my calf to my ankle. Hurt for two days.
Warm up and cool down. Performance increased dramatically once I added a half mile warm up and cool down at a 9 or 10 minutes/mile pace.
Try to run shirtless if you can, if it's 60+F (15+C). It'll help your body thermoregulate. You'll start off a bit cold but after a mile or two you'll feel good. Of course at higher temperatures you'll just be hot the whole time.
Doesn't belong in the running thread

Tight hip flexors

Is the science behind this accurate? I think it was from a guide for trannies but it seemed sound so I saved it

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Its just the typical couch to 5k routine.

Every time I run lately my LCL starts to hurt, how do I fix this?

What kind of stretching do you do before running ?

I'm doing short runs (about half an hour), but I feel like the bottom of my tibias are made of wood. My running form seems correct but I don't usually stretch before running.

but I live in a snowy/rainy area & work full time :(

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Do calves ever stop cramping? I just started running and I get cramps a half mile in to a mile run

Just quads and calves with some lunges

I walk kind of quickly to where I run, do some lunches, and jog a slow warm up. Since you're running half an hour, a 5 minute warm up seems appropriate.
They stop cramping after two miles. But seriously, the muscles have to get built up and used to the effort. Since it's a mile run I assume you're fairly new to running. The beginner's calf is like any little used muscle, it will be sore even with easy exercise at first. Soon enough you'll be good.

It's just a matter of getting used to it I guess?

Are you starting from being fat? Because I was really, really fat as a kid and when I'd run, I'd only be able to make it 10-11 mins then I'd need to stop and gasp for air.

Just need to get better, slowly. You could be running too fast too. Are you able to maintain the sustained effort for 20-30 mins?

>running on concrete

Would this be better than one 1 hour run? I tried two half an hour runs in one day and my second run was bad. Didn’t feel good at all. Tired throughout, just wanted it to end.

182cm, 61kgs.

It’s pretty slow. I run on a treadmill set to 9km/h.

Yeah, my foot positioning is definitely garbage.

I already have fucked knees from meniscus injuries, Im down to like 240lbs form 260 at 6’2”. Should I just do walking and cycling until I’m below 210lbs and then start running?


Nope, I probably should, but carrying a small bottle in my hand isn't a big deal for me.

I ran 2-3x30min per week for about 2 months and then got pain in my left leg, just above the ankle, inner side, right where the arrow's tip is in pic rel. Any ideas what it is?

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I fucking hate how this quarantine makes everyone drag their goddamn families to all the paths, nearly fucked up my ankles zig zagging between retards who don’t know how to yield.
>entire families and people with strollers walking abreast the entire path
>people walking their dogs and taking up the path
>cyclist faggots going so slow they zig zag around the path
>women stopping in the middle of the path to talk or take selfies

I don't know what it is, but I know how to fix it. Stop running.

Taking a break for a week isn’t a bad idea but, in your position, you can’t be running every day. Start with three times a week, then four. You can eventually work up to more regular runs.

this desu, parks are more crowded than ever

You don't need science or trannies to get your ass off the couch and start running.

God forbid that families get outside and get some fresh air, and temporarily inconvenience some autist who could otherwise wake up earlier or go out running later.

You know what causes it? Cheap “sports” gear. You’re better off with an everyday tee than sub-standard sportswear. The synthetic fibres in cheap exercise tees will get your nips red raw.

It sucks but just run in cute big tiddie females and apologize then run away

Agreed bro, I miss when my trails were free of people
Just wait til the winter. Nobody will be out. Late fall > winter > spring > summer are best times to run

Yeah, I run in basically 100% nike running gear. Never had a problem. I assume it's the same for all the other sports brands (excluding their fashion/lifestyle lines).

I am a fat yeah, basically decided to do cardio recently - going up stairs and down for 10 times and lost my breath for fuck know how long.

It depends, past the 30min mark can be hard on your body if you're not used to it. Temporuns should ideally be 20 minutes, but even if we're talking easy miles, it's far better to spread those out over multiple days rather than cramming it all into one session.

I stopped running for a week and went for a run again, started feeling it again after the run, so I stopped again. Haven't run now for 2 weeks, only biked.

Just run earlier. It's what I do.

Just the one leg? Sounds like some kind of imbalance problem. Been running on one specific side of the road a lot? Could also be bad form or literally just one leg shorter than the other.

Anyone know where I can get proper running shoes? Its really hindering my running since my foot starts to hurt halfway through a run

Why are people so mean to me when I run? Zoomers drive by calling me names, sometimes people throw drinks at me, girls laugh

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A dedicated running shop. But that's a bit problematic now. Most online stores have generous return policies in place right now though. But it's basically shooting in the dark when you have no reference.

Stop living in Detroit.

I lift weights pretty regularly so my calves are "trained" but I assume that doesn't translate to running?

Ignore them. You're doing it to improve your health and ideally to enjoy it. Try to put on a smile though. It actually helps you to slow down to a proper speed instead of running too fast.

You probably look gay/pathetic. No offense.

Nope. Running is high impact so you need time to strenghten those muscles, bones and tendons. If you do it slowly and carefully it's all good, if you do too much, too fast, chances are you're about to become an injury statistic.

Yea only the left leg. I run on a trail and it has an even surface, should be optimal for jogging.

Any chance you can record yourself from the rear? It's probably something with your stride.
Sage just made a video about it.

Probably just medial shin splints on one leg.

It translates excellent to running. Lifting has bern shown to significantly decrease injury rates and increase running economy. The issue is like with all other training, where is the balance? Keep doing calf exercises. If you can do bent knee single leg calf raises.

I never stretch or anything of the sort, sometimes I warm up by walking to where I will run but sometimes I just go out and start running uphill just like that. Is that bad?

>running uphill
Just like casual running in hilly terrain or a full on hill sprint? In case of the former meh. But in case of the latter, you might wanna do a dynamic warming up first. Just a km or mile at easy pace ending with a couple of strides. Doing speedwork on cold muscles is not smart.

Listen to Not Of course lifting vs. not lifting helps, but that's only because you're stronger. Compare it to a lifter vs. non lifter digging a ditch or hole all day without any previous experience. The litter will have it easier and with fewer or no injuries, but will still be very sore from the impactful nature of digging that lifting doesn't translate to.

Learn trail etiquette or don’t go. I shouldn’t have to run in the road of oncoming traffic because some mouth breathers don’t bother moving when I yell “on your left”

got pain in my feet ball, or wahcamacall it after running 5k everyday for 10 days straight, whats up with that. ive never had this kind of pain

Overuse probably? Could also be bad form or bad shoes. Can you give a bit of background on your running career?

Yes, it's normal. Keep doing it and you'll be able to go for longer over time.

Reminder that a grown man of respectable fitness should be able to run 10 kilometers in less than 48 minutes in addition to any weightlifting program

I don’t bother especially on long runs. Just go easy the first mile or so

Ran a 25min 5k last week for one of my first runs in a long time. I am fairly happy with it, I do ride my bike quite a lot recently so I kinda expected to have atleast a somewhat decent pace when running.

Still my calfes were pretty fucked at the end of it, when it comes to general exhaustion it wasnt too bad. Just my calfes holding me back and my lower back hurting a bit otherwise I was more or less fine. Still wondering how people do sub 20min 5ks but maybe I will get there one day if I actually start running more.

yea it's refreshing

Interesting. I always thought you only get shin splints in the front part.
Yes I'll ask someone record me. Thanks for the video.

I only really run 5ks, played football in highschool and college, but stopped when I got in a motorcycle accident on college sophomore year. My feet's half flat foot, so I wear balance shoes,

Trail etiquette says that faster traffic yields to slower traffic.

Don't be a bitter fuck, just go around and move on with your life.

Do what I do: don’t say anything. Just run past them shaking your head with a look of disgust on your face

Everyone shares the path equally you tard. Get the fuck out of my way

If I want to get faster and run 5k to 10k races eventually which shoes would I get ? I guess I would have to get a training and a racing shoe ? As for training shoe should I get something like the Nike Pegasus 36 or maybe rather like the Nike Zoom Fly 3 ? And for racing I guess more of a flat and minimalist shoe ?

Just did my first interval work today. 10 sets of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. Was hitting a just under sub 7 pace which is super fast for me. My question is, how do i do progressions with this? Add a set every week? decrease rest? Increase frequency (im doing this once a week in addition to normal running)

Did the accident leave you with sort of permanent injury in your foot? In any case, take it easy for a couple of days to let your feet heal up a bit. After that try and practice perfect form. Strides are good for this because speed helps with maintaining good form. And Im assuming your shoes arn't old and busted and still have cushioning.

I did c25k a while back and it went great could run effortlessly so then I ran 10 miles and fucked up my foot. After a couple of months I restarted, just doing run/walk a bit then steady running for 30 mins or so 3 times a week, but after a while started getting shin pain. It could have just been shin splints, but it did not feel like a muscle pain I specifically felt pain when I pressed on the bone. Didn't want stress fractures so I called it quits and did some cycling instead but I've gotten fat and my wheels are very low spoke count and are getting out of true and because shimano is retarded they're very hard to true (who the fuck thought putting the nipples on the hub was a good idea?) anyway I want to start running again because it was fun and made me feel great for the most part, but I've gotten even fatter and now I'm scared I'm just going to fucking injure myself again.
I'm 6'4" haven't weighed myself but gonna guess like 275 right now. Was around 235 when I was running before the 'first' time (used to run several years ago too, but was like 195lbs).

Should I do it? Just go slow and easy, run/walk? Also I used 'barefoot' shoes but I've spent most of my life barefoot or in flip flops so that shouldn't affect much.


Better yet, move your ass off the pedestrian trails and just run against traffic instead of weaving around like a huffing retard.

I've done my fair share of miles over the past 15 years, and wannabe elitists like yourself can eat dick.

Go for pegasus. New model is about to launch, so that means 36s will go on sale soon. Pegasus is perfect for daily running and can be used for races as well. Don't spend too much money if you're not at the enthusiast level at least. Safe that money for good socks. Im not even joking. Good socks are a gamechanger.

i have a flattened keloid below the hairs of my big foot about the size of a quarter. My shoes are around a year old. Anyway, thanks frendo, was hoping i could do 5k for 50 days during quarantine, if it gets worse, ill stop

>falling for the minimalist meme
Everytime. Just buy normal shoes. Also did you go from 5k to 10miles in one go? That's basically asking for trouble.

I’d just like to thank you faggots for being the one thread on Zig Forums that actually post semi decent advice on a regular basis. And run bros seem to be pretty helpful.

You shouldn’t be running at that weight period let alone barefoot

Don't get too hung up on arbitrary goals user. Your body is pretty good at signalling you to slow down or stop. Do not ignore it. It's better to follow one of the many 10k plans out there if you want to challange yourself further. Good luck!

Running in the cold is the best. Walking towards your starting line sucks major fucking dicks though. Those 5minutes walking are awful.

I live just down a hill in a city so usually when I run I just go up to get away from the cars and shit. I usually run about 4-6 km uphill (300-400 meters of elevation climb) and then come back. I don't sprint full force but I try to keep a decent pace from the start.

Yeah, don't worry too much about it then. It's only really a cause for concern with anaerobic exercises. So stuff like hill sprints, kilometer and 400 meter repeats. You shouldn't do those things if your muscles arn't warmed up.

I have a hairy chest. Yes or no on running shirtless? Skinnyfat btw

I've got one of those too. Pretty comfortable

Unless you're running on trails, just don't. It looks super retarded. Also, running shirts help protect your against the elements.

I've always been very active, I was that kid who'd try out every sport and always do decently good without training. I stuck with highjumping for a good while when I was around 12. At a certain competition I had to do one last jump and I'd win, 168cm was EZ. Immediately feel stinging pain in my knee, ignore it for a month, yes I was that dumb. Can't even run at this point which was extremely worrying since I had always loved running and now I could'nt even do 2K. Go to doctor, I have OSD (osgood schlatter disease). 19 now and still can barely run 10K without extreme pains. Are my muscles just too weak? Is there something I can do to prevent the pain? I'll do anything just to feel like I can excerice like a normal person

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Do what you want
t. low test who cares what other men look like. Sane girls love hairy chests

To prevent injury I strongly recommend the following warm up exercises before a run;

And then post run;
Followed by yoga.

I think I have achilles tendonitis. It only really hurts badly if I do a speedworkout or something faster paced but I'm worried about it so I think I'll take some time off. Any excercises/recovery stretches. I ice it regularly and do a few calf stretches but I'd like to recover as soon as possible

Are you fat?
Maybe why

after wearing Hokas I'm now in the maximalist meme camp. I really believe that adding more support will reduce impact and injury against added volume.

Been on this plan for a (now cancelled) marathon this summer. Thoughts?

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Just starting to run seriously cos I've been gaining weight since the 'rona hit and again I've hit the problems that have kept me from running much before: shit tons of mucus building up in my mouth so I can't breathe properly and a burning sensation in my chest right along my sternum. How do I get rid of these goblins? I have a 35min 5k which doesn't seem terrible right off the bat but I wanna get better fast so I can do my state's biggest 10k in september without stopping.

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Looks fine if your goal is finishing the marathon with some dignity.

Not necessarily a program for racing a marathon per se, but that is dependent on your experience.

Yeah it will be my first, main goal is to finish. It’s going to be a virtual race due to the pandemic

I ran 3 miles today and it felt terrible
Felt good finishing it though, laughed in pride driving home that I finished
t. Skitzo runner

Good for you for still wanting to do it. Obviously doing it in an actual marathon event is going to be easier. At least you will have strict control over your aid station, restroom, etc if you are circling back to your house.

Have started running seriously in quarantine (more or less a month). I went from running 5k in 30 to 6k in 32. Now that I am able to do 10k in less than 1h I have created a personal routine. X km in the weekend (just before a rest day) at a comfortable pace, trying to get at least 10km done (each week increase by 2km), then on the first session of the week I do x/2+1km at a slightly faster than normal pace, on the second session I do x/2-1 km with 2x100m sprint sessions per km, week-end again x+2km. Rinse and repeat. Every other day I do calisthenics. Up to this day I have not felt any pain, and it has been challenging, but I have enjoyed it.

If you’re aiming for any sort of distance running, 3 miles is barely more beneficial than simply not running at all. 4 miles is the bare minimum

Idk I’m at the 16 mile long run mark now and doing fine so far

This doesn't happen, fatty. You dont even run.


If you want to improve speed, you should do interval training. I personally really like the 5K program from the Runkeeper app.

bump, I have the same problems

It'd be better if it subbed in a crosstraining day the day after the long run and thrn put in a rest day. If you were going for more than just to complete, switching some of the Monday runs with a tempo or interval workout during the last 8 weeks would help a lot.

6 min 26 sec mile PR for me today. Pretty happy. Is it reasonable to be able to go sub 6 min by the end of the summer?

Please r8 my best 4k mile time. I've only started running for real since the corona virus

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I started running 30 min jogs with 10 min warm-up (walking) and cool-down (walking). Never had any calf soreness.
I also lift weights but never did calf raises.
Also, not a skelly, 85 kg.

Yeah, I don’t have a bike or any weights so cross training is limited until winter when I can ski. I’ll keep it in mind though. After about 5 years of college gaining weight and being a depressed faggot I quit being a loser and got back into running last spring, mainly just stuck to half hour runs during the week and 10ks once a week; managed my first 10k race in November and my first half in January so I’m just maintaining a slow gain in miles. At the very least I shed off all that college weight

how do I run farther and faster? I get burnt out a half mile in and then struggle the rest of the way. I haven't tried running further than a mile yet. I've only been running for about a month but doms is cucking me out of so many potential running days. when does it get easier?

Focus on being able to run for a set amount of time (like a half hour) if you’re just getting started. Just run at a comfortable pace so you’re not killing yourself but not walking.

Just run at an easy pace where you could talk normally and gradually increase the distance

Running is mostly mental and unless your joints are in pain, you are probably being held back by your own expectations of yourself. It never gets easier since all runners are still going to get winded at their max speed, but your mind becomes tougher and you are more willing to push yourself. Just keep running and if you are completely gassed, split it up with jogging/walking.

Running in cold sucks. My testicles retract to somewhere in my belly button level which feels discomfortable and then I'm afraid they won't reappear again.

I would like to get my 10km below 40 mins (it's currently about 43 mins) but I also really enjoy cycling.
Anyone know any programs that mix running and cycling?

I've never ran in my life until now bros. 30 straight minutes of jogging is literally impossible. I can do a mile in about 11:30 but by the time l'm done l'm dying and my form and breathing is all sorts of fucked up.

You'll get there m8. You can only get better. Just take it easy. try searching for a beginners running program

Look at the intermediate or advanced Hal Higdon 10k training plans. You can replace the easy runs with cycling.

Lol yeah was clocking 3-3.5 miles easily, so I figured I'd do 5 but when I got close figured might as well do 6 and change for a 10k, then why not 7 miles, then I was like fuck it 3 more why not even 10 miles lmoa. Think I fucked my peroneal tendon or something, hurt on the outer side of my foot, but in front of my ankle, but it wasn't the cuboid so who knows. Also it was strange that it affected my right foot instead of my left, since I have better ankle mobility in my right, my left is much stiffer.
I guess I learned my lesson, if I hadn't done that I'd still be running just fine. That was in late October last year I guess.
I really dislike shoes too, wearing normal shoes feels awkward as fuck. Like I said I've mostly gone barefoot or worn cheap flat flip flops my entire life. Changing suddenly to some thick padded shoe and throwing my gait entirely off is just asking for trouble imo.

Yeah yeah but I'm sick of not getting any cardio, running is fun. Cycling too, but it's not as convenient, I have to get ready take my bike out wear my cycling gear and then on the road I have to obey traffic laws and shit and it feels way too easy, like to get a comparable feeling of worn outedness to 30 minutes of running I'll have to cycle for 3+ hours.

Trying to stick to this performance.
I sometimes get some gastrointestinal aches by the end of the run but I feel like I am riding on a cloud right after taking a shower.

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Any recommendations for someone that has flat feet and gets shin splints from sprinting or running 2 miles?

How do I know if I'm running in a way that will improve my endurance/cardiovascular health? I started running last year around this time, and it was at least twice a week for at least 2-3 miles (3-5km). I really didn't notice the lengths getting easier to do and my bpm could easily reach 185+. If I slowed down anymore, then speed walking would've been just as fast.

I ended up doing a half marathon that year in late July but I felt like a lot of colleagues did better than me for how little they run.

I just started running again and my roommate is running with me for his first time ever. He's already seeming to have much more endurance than me, and he's a full 7 inches shorter than me. Neither of us are fat. I'm 6' and 160 lb so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Also, I keep getting sharp side pain in my abdomen after the first mile or two, not really sure what to do about that.

Just got back over 6 miles after having my lungs rekt by the tree pollen for the last month and a half
Say something nice about me Zig Forums

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Resting heart rate/blood pressure will be lower

Nice route, love me some lakes

Lucky French bastard. You get to run through a beautiful French provincial city while I have to run through a boring midwestern suburb

My main form of cardio is pretending I’m a soldier fighting aliens and I’m trying to deliver a small nuke into their mothership as the last battle of humanity rages around me
So I gotta sprint my absolute nuts off and deliver the nuke as some epic shit plays in my ears

Just started running again after 2 months but my leg muscles feel super fucking tight.

Should I take a rest day tomorrow just to let them heal and what stretches should I do before and after running to stay injury-free?

Got groin pain during and after running.

what do?

Are you pushing yourself?
First, it does help to have your hr lower, even if you have to run ridiculously slow.
Next, you'll probably need to run more than twice a week, 3-4 times would be better. And when you do run, try for slightly longer, like at least 5k every time, and start extending some of your runs. It won't necessarily feel easier, you just get used to it. But, after a while, when you've been running 10k or more regularly, then when you go back and do 5k it'll be easier.
Also try to push yourself occasionally, run faster than you normally would, even if it's hard.

At least you don't have to run through bix nood gang land user. I carry a miniature baseball bat with me on runs because knives and guns are illegal to carry

Need a decent pair of running/jogging shoes. Somewhat affordable as well.

Any recommendations?

Wear a loose shirt. if that doesn't work, buy those little circular band-aids.

Hard to go wrong with the Brooks Ghost

If you have a lot of muscle, especially back muscle, you can get chafing. Either lube up your underarms or just wear a shirt.

Depends on what we're calling a 'long' run here. Anything under a half I don't take anything, anything between that and a full marathon I'll take about 700ml in my little bitch belt. Over that and it's a hydration vest with ~3 litres loaded

If you want to start running from scratch then follow one of these programs. They are marketed towards Karens but I cannot recommend them enough for starting out.

I just make sure I drink at least a gallon of water during the day before I run in the afternoon that way I don’t have to carry anything. You shouldn’t need water if you’re properly hydrated and are running less than like, 10 miles

I’m so happy that coronachan has convinced Zig Forums to take the runpill.
We are built to be strong, but we are also built for endurance. Man survived prehistory by being able to outrun animals over long distances. It’s in our dna

Sounds like you're overdoing it. Did you run regularly before these 10 days? A sudden increase in milage can really have more of an impact than people think

Go to a running store and they’ll look at your feet and your stride and recommend you some shoes. They’re usually honest people who will give you the best brands for your foot instead of whatever costs the most money. Good ones are going to run you between $100-$150 but your feet will thank you. I run in Hoka One Ones

Don’t run every day mate. Run 5 days a week

based /freak/

Then like people have said, run then walk, then run again when you feel up to it.

rest if its bad. Do more dynamic stretching before and more statis stretching after. Not much else you can do. Make sure your form is good
is this you

for the love of god P O S T F A C E

One time I tried running, and I hated it, so I never did it again.

he's a runner, of course he does

Main inspiration, I put on some woodkid and just tear ass for as long as I can at top speed

I hate spending money to fucking run, but just retired my old Nikes that had Zero tread left today, and picked up a pair of Under Armour shoes on sale for $40, and they actually had my fucking size, 14W

I try to, but I just get sharper side pain, then it kind of hurts to run harder.

Any tips for reaching that sub-20 minute 3 mile time? Presently doing 4x repeat hill sprints mixed with a total run distance of about 3.5 miles, plus one weekly distance run of about 8 miles.

Just an fyi that this is an American website so all runs must be listed in miles instead of meters.

Ctrl + g
Do runners squat? I want to start running but dont want to lose ma gainz

Ctrf f god damn it

I have similar issues

2-3km and the knee starts to hurt

But with a tensor bandage I do my 5km with no pain at all

If you eat enough, cardio will not kill gains. It increases gains.

Even Rich Piana didn't think that cardio killed gains. Just make sure you eat enough.

As a follow up will running make my legs bigger?

No, not really if you have been squatting for a while. Though if you are a beginner and do sprinting, hill runs, or sand running, you might see some improvement.

Im kind of a late noob lifter. I got up to squatting 2 plate and then it started giving me all sorts of problems, my knees my hips my groin etc. Everyone says it's so unhealthy I was just wondering if I could replace it, since running doesn't bother me at all for some reason.

is minimalist shoe running a meme or does it provide actual benefits over time?

thinking of starting with them and taking it slow to adjust. not obese but not in shape either.

Most of the world records for the marathon are set in temps in the mid 40s (F).

hello people, I don’t post on Zig Forums but I have a question. What’s the minimum you can run and maintain fitness level? I can run a 5km and that’s about it. I just want to maintain that not improve or extend it.

The reason why is I get injured super quick for whatever reason. I had to stop for two weeks because I felt sharp pain on the side of my knee so I took a 2 week break to let it go away. I just started again and I could feel it so I’ll have to slow down a little when I get to run.

Cardio benefits sustain anywhere from 15-30 minutes of daily activity.
This includes just walking to get an elevated heart rate.

Obviously this isn't maximizing your health potential. Considering this and the fact you can already run a 5k i'd suggest running three times a week for at least thirty minutes.

As long as your active outside of those days also in some way you should maintain a good amount of your cardio health.

If you can't run due to injury, switch to walking or elleptical.
Movement speeds up recovery, but trying to run again can make things worst if it isn't healed.

But I noticed that when I got back to was it I of shape a little from when I was running. I think I was either 30 seconds or a minute slower

Kind of both. You probably won't run faster, but you will see calf and foot gains. It also puts a little more emphasis onto your quads. It forces proper stride and foot-fall.

It's purely a 'functional', naturalistic thing though. Needing to wear literal pillows on your feet in order to do a basic, human function seems silly to me, however I wont pretend like it makes much of an actual difference in health or performance. It took a few months to get used to it.

That’s actually what I already do, 3x a week mwf for 30 minutes each time. I was wonder if 2 times a week is too little or run after 2 days rest do like Monday then thurs then sun.

I don’t do anything on my non running days, should I be?

I need to look up ellipticals, but i didn’t think of walking during my recovery.

anyone ruck on off days?

dead wrong.

Don't do this

c25k bro

Why not?

Do you just do sprinting? You strengthen your body during LISS worksouts. Just doing sprints won't get stronger tendons and bones.

>Not being able to switch measurements on the fly

We need the cushioning because the ground beneath our feet is no longer soft. Unless you run on a trail every day, chances are most of your runs are on concrete and asphalt. Some compensation is therefore in order.

Do you guys vary your run intensity through the week? Like one day it’s fast one day Easy run like that? I run fast every single day and just found out that they recommend you vary your runs

Run 6 days a week. 4 are easy pace 10k, 1 is a speedwork day (repeats or tempo) run, and 1 day is dedicated to a long run.

I'm not memeing you friend.

Any amount of activity on a given day is better than non.
Inactivity causes more health problems than smoking and obesity combined.
In fact, in most people who are obese and/or smoke they almost never factor the fact these people are usually sitting down all day long for LONG hours.

I'm not saying you have to be excessively active.
I'm telling you that activity is healthy in recovery and long term health.

Even if it is just stretching, walking around your house, etc.
You should shoot for a minimum of 30 minutes a day of some kind of activity.
I shoot for ten minutes an hour.

Once again if you're feeling pain, don't run or do any major activity.
Just move the parts, rub them, massage them, etc. Just keep blood moving to them.

If you feel good enough to walk go for a walk.

Can't run due to bad knee pain, gonna rest until I can see a physio in person. Any idea on what to do instead for cardio? Can't even swim or do some elliptical shit cus of the lockdown.

I’m learning all this new terminology and it feels like I’ve been running wrong this entire time. Usually when I run, I run fast (well not actually fast compared to you guys but fast for myself at 9min mike) and whenever I’m done I’m tired immediately after and then the entire day I just want to sleep since I’m tired since I ran at my fastest. I thought you run at your fastest to get faster? Is this why I’m getting injured?

So a tempo run is a slower run than your max? Instead of running at 9m I should run at 930 or 10m? Except I don’t run with electronics how would I know how to pace myself? I only use my phone once a month to see my current speed.

How fast is 10k and long run supposed to be?

What should my breathing be like when jogging?

Relaxed when working on your easy miles. Controlled hard during the speedwork.

>I thought you run at your fastest to get faster? Is this why I’m getting injured?
>Except I don’t run with electronics how would I know how to pace myself?
If you want to take running as serious as running 6 days a week, get a cheap garmin forerunner. If you are really that much of a poorfag get a HR strap for your phone or a HR watch without GPS. You can measure tracks online (google maps, I think Strava also has this feature) and check the time you ran on a generic watch, but it's not efficient and very inconvenient. Also running intervals on a legit track is possible, if you have one available. Also for slow runs 'talking pace' is the classic guideline. Basically just run so slow that you could still talk with a partner. If you have never run with someone else and measured your HR while doing that, you'll overestimate that pace though.
Bottom line: get a forerunner.

Can you walk? If so, just walk.

Speeds are all relative user, so try and use this as a handguide. Heartrate is probably the best measurement, but for most people the following rules of thumb are good enough.
>easy runs
Run at a relaxed tempo without stressing your system too much. In practice this means you should be able to hold a full conversation with someone. Or, try and sing a song. If you have trouble with stringing together a sentence, slow down until you can. Ultimately upwards of 80% of your runs will be slow and steady ones.

>tempo run
Tempo runs are 80-90% of your max effort. They last around 20 minutes. What is your max effort you ask? Well, that is V02 max territory. In practice it comes down to running 'comfortably hard'. That means running with discomfort. If you're new it basically means pushing beyond your easy pace to a point where you feel your body is hurting (the good kind, not joint pain). This is also very much a mental battle.
This is the realm of intervals mostly. As a beginner you don't really need to concern yourself with this stuff just yet. We're talking 400meter repeats, kilometer repeats, hill sprints etc. You can do them for fun of course, but right now you want to focus on building your aerobic base and musculoskeletal system in order to deal with the immense stresses of speedwork.

As for how fast and how long your 10k is supposed to be. Ultimately as fast as you can manage. If that's 90minutes, thats fine. Ultimately all you want to see is progression and an injury free running experience.

I do 2 steps in 2 steps out on all paces. Never actively controlled this, it just came naturally. I read that others on here do 2in3out or 3in3out. So either don't think about it or experiment.

Guaranteed to fuck up your joints. The military rucks because it's necessary and they need to be good at carrying heavy shit long distances quickly. If you don't think your life will depend on carrying 50lbs of garbage from point A to point B as quickly as possible, rucking will do more harm than good.

If you run more than 4 times a week, you could and should mix it up. If you run less there is no point in minimalist running imho. It can be dangerous, especially for noobs who do all kinds of retarded shit to hurt themselves while running. Read this

Right heel pain and knees are sore af after running for the past two months. Shins also feel a little splinty but not bad.


Sore knees might be due to bad/old shoes or too many descents.

If its only on one side its some sort of imbalance. It could be that some muscle isn't doing it's job and your right hip has to pick up the slack.

See if your arches collapse

Remember, always stretch before your runs! Don't forget your big toes, either. Keep that shit bendy. Also, don't feel bad about taking a day or two off if you feel like your hurt your knee or ankle, after a point that pain doesn't get better.

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recently got back into running, using barefoot shoes, generally striking with ball of the foot. intense pain in the indicated region. tried switching back to normal running shoes but the pain persists. some relief upon stretching the foot and calf. should i just stretch more?

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Minimalist is mostly about form correcting and preference. I only do two runs a week in minimalist shoes because it forces me to run midfoot. This engraves the movement. Once you get forefoot or midfoot striking down, you'll start to notice that your muscles hurt less because now you are using your running muscles properly.

Only with a 5lb vest. And by 5lb vest I mean my hydration vest full of water. And I don't walk, I run with it.

Stretch once daily. Switch to other cardio in the mean time. If pain persists, get a TENS unit and shock it twice a week. If it continues after 2 weeks, see a PT for dry needling.

Lay down and do bicycle kicks. Do endless burpees. Shadow box even if it means sitting down. Anything you can do repeated to keep your heart rate up will work.

I run 4 days a week and crosstrain multiple times since I'm injury prone. Here's a look at what I do.

Sunday: XT-long, easy bike ride
Monday: rest day
Tuesday: Easy Run
Wednesday: Speed, switch between tempo and intervals every week
Thursday: XT, easy but hilly bike ride
Friday: Brick workout, 30-60min bike, equal amount running. Keep everything easy pace.
Saturday: long, hilly run, but done at easy pace (HR monitoring helps a lot here). If the hill gets HR up to zone 4, I start walking. Ideally, I should not be past zone 2, but since it's hilly, I make an exemption though I may not be getting the full benefits I need to get from doing long runs in zone 2.

This works for me but isn't the most optimal. My marathon PR is 3:10. If I hired a coach, he or she could do better.

like a sidestitch or something else?

Yeah, try swimming too. I'm like ~165ish @ 5'9" and had meniscus surgery a couple of months ago, knee sometimes still feels funny (working my way back up to a 5k after months of sitting on my ass tho)

do this , we're all gonna make it bro

Nothing run with treadmill running user. The real thing is obviously better, but sometimes you've got no other choice.

no matter how much i stretch them my calves are always insanely tight. what gives?

Probably not enough rest. Have you looked into compression socks?

You most likely have plantar fasciitis.

Good job!

Use this on my long runs. Works well

will i get abs if i run 7 miles a day


Do a walk .5 mile run .5 mile. For 3+ miles. That will keep your heart rate up and not be too hard on your joints. The great thing about running is that the heavier you are, the faster you will lose weight. At a slow 10min/mile pace your going to be burning 200 cals a mile at your weight.

I like running when the homeless drug addicted bums are on the trail at night. Adds extra spice.

but I'm already skinny and eat like two meals a day, like 1500 calories

Running will tone your body at best.

running 7 miles plus 100 pull ups. Would that do the trick?

>pullups for abs

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I had a similar experience when I started running a month ago. After two weeks or so I just stopped having a shit ton of mucus. I didn't do anything to clear it up, it just cleared up. Just keep at it.

you can do ab exercises on a pull up bar. The logic behind the running is I'm assuming the fact burning will how of the abs. Your abdomen is going to be as solid as a wooden table. Surely you will see your abs then?

* the fat burning will show of the abs, jesus christ I cant spell

Just do planks wall sits and crunches

sit ups and crunches hurt my back for some reason. planks are ok. Whats wrong with the logic of running to burn the fat of my abdomen to show the abs?

Sprinters are more likely to get abs than endurance runners; just running isn’t going to hone in on your core strength
>logic of running to burn the fat of my abdomen
You can’t burn fat from a specific part of your body

49 miles per week will most likely burn enough fat to eventually see abdominal muscles, as long as your diet is in check, and as long as you actually have strong abs.

Who says that distance runners aren't also doing core work?

low body fat is going to reveal abdominal muscles if you are even remotely athletic

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What do you guys do for a general meal plan? I usually OMAD with lean protein and greens; night before my long run I cook up pasta, and for dinner after my long run I usually eat a pizza

Nothing special. In terms of running specific foods, I just eat a banana with some greek yogurt after my runs and drink gels during my long run.

Planks don't build the 6 pack muscle retard. Crunches are terrible for your spine

Planks are an excellent, time-tested exercise for runners to develop core strength and endurance

>6pack muscle
Okay retard

Running 5 days a week 3 days normal slow 5k. 1 day 30/30 intervals. 1 day strides or 1k repeats maybe. My question is, how do i program up from here? Specifically on the speed work. I am doing 10 sets of 30on/30off. So next week do i just add a set?

What's 30 on 30 off?

Intervals of 30 seconds fast as you can, 30 recovery.

For what purpose? That's a pretty senseless workout because the quality of your repetitions is going to tank after the second rep.

If you are interested in quality workouts and how to progress them, look at Daniel's running formula.
pretty convenient

can i gain muscle from running?

If you never squatted in your life

If it takes you 40 minutes to run 5 km, are you even running? I can get that distance and time by speed walking.

What are some good running shoes?

whats your budget?


I don't have dedicated running shoes. Should I just run barefoot since there's a track I use?

Nike Pegasus would be my choice. But it really depends on your feet.

No, bite the bullet and get some real running shoes

30on30off have their place, Daniel is not the end all be all.

ok what do i do about that