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Shut up faggot
Good work OP keep it up

Where do you live man? Get yourself a proper house before

Nice progress bro! You look a lot healthier. Time to start lifting/doing calisthenics like crazy and eating and get big.

Now start lifting weights

Good job on the weight loss bro.

Now you should keep lifting, shave your hair, grow a beard and change those old man glasses for something more contemporary.

how long between pics?

dunno really, did like 3 months of gym, quit for like two years (but didn't became fatter) and started back in december from like 17% fat (OMAD and bodyweight routines).

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go back to r*ddit basedposter

good job OP you will make it brah

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>newfag telling anyone else to go back
go back

Lookin better OP. Probably should keep the hair buzzed though.

have sexual intercourse

>Not realising it's a meme
Domb fokin twat


Daymn those are some big ass tits boi!

>i-i was only pretending guys heh
go back

Good job op

What was your diet before & after?

What's the time span between each pic?
Good progress tho. Good luck.

2 years

Nice. Couldn't tell at first and kept thinking "1 year? nah" but kept questioning myself. Good luck man.

Heyyyyyyyy heyyyyyy babby

Ooh ahh

I wanna knoooooooo


How much can you cirl?

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you hot baby, show bobs and vagena plz

So you had do to move o an shittier house to afford the gym membership?

Congrats, user. Keep it up.
I would advise you to lift harder now, to develop your muscles too besides losing fat. If gym if locked down, just do home workouts.

stop being fat

Damn bro, recomp isn't a meme.
You went from fat to starting bearmode

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good shit man keep it up

good progress OP, we're all gonna make it
except for this faggot. get off our board you fucking redditor tourist
nice bulku

>bodyweight routines
what kind?
i recommend you some pullups and an actual calisthenics program

15 months but i've trained somewhat before and took off the first two month of this year so don't expect similar results

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Still in the process of recovering from a perma-bulk.
Current status is 270lbs->160llbs, 6'1".
Original plan was to go otter mode, but I'm starting to think I might have too much loose skin for that, thoughts?
Also, what's a reasonable weight to cut down to? No idea when I should start eating again.

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Step 1: Learn how to poo in the loo


>pulling your boxers down six inches

good stuff bro very impressive

>I might have too much loose skin for that
I think the bigger problem is you don't have any muscle to cut down to. Eat at maintenance and do resistance training for a while then reassess.

Nice job op

6 months, 120kg to 100kg

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looking good bro

i can't see anything

Looking good homie keep it up you'll be a goal body soon especially with the muscle mass you got

This is more recent, back to 105 and bulking.

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>He skipped hairline day

gonna be a cringe from me

congratulation fort getting rid of your cow slut nipples thing

A-ah.. no, fuck! You're a still a faggot.

spend some time with your daughters instead of hanging out on /fit all day

Says the guy on Zig Forums lmao
I retired this year. I can do what I want with my day. I spent all day watching the Wiggles and meal prepping with my little ones, both theirs and mine.
Stay mad, bro.

From 185lbs to 195lbs 5’10”
2 years in between pics

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