Have you taken the daily sunscreen pill?

Have you taken the daily sunscreen pill?
No? Don't you know about the harmful effects of UV-A?
Fuck tanning! I am staying superior white all year.

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It’s not too hard to avoid the sun
I live in va and it’s the land of endless rain

If there is daylight there is sun.
UV-A rays penetrates clouds and windows.
I am inside and it is raining and I am still wearing sunblock

Enjoy your Vitamin D deficiency.

>he turns himself in to a a leather bag instead of juts taking vitamin D supplements
>inb4 appeals to nature

I have taken a droplet of D3 right now
What are you gonna do fag?

But what do I do about tanning? I want to look better

You don't you dirty peasant. Unless you want to get skincancer.
Or just use this instant tanning stuff to blend in with the plebs.
White skin looks better anyways, if it is clear and healthy

Okay, Luna. We all know who’s behind this post.

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Sunscreen does little to stop UVa...

you still tan with sunscreen on dummy. plus if youre going to make a big deal about sunscreen you should use 50spf

user plz

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depends on the sunscreen most also block uva and have a little sigil for that
No you don't. Unless you are in direct sunlight for long and don't reapply
So far I have tried Garniere Ambre Solaire Sensitive Expert 50+
and Nivea Sun sensitive and immedeate 50+

So far I like Nivea better as it smells less like sunscreen and feels drier.
Idk but this asian stuff seems sketchy

Just put this on instead

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Yes. I'm not a retard

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>Buying inferior USA sunscreen
>Not buying superior European sunscreen like Ultrasun that protects against the largest diversity of UV rays

You're never gonna make it brah

I use retin-a but not sunscreen. Not unless I'm going to be doing some kind of outdoor activity.

That is actually interesting. I wonder how much of an spf face paint has

if you use retin a you really need to watch the sun, I don't personally use sunscreen because I hate it but I avoid the sun until about 7 or 8pm and if I go out before that I shield my face with a hood or face mask


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never use an aha without sunscreen

post nose, what's wrong with being white

Das ist fucking expensive.
You should reapply as well ideally so

Wearing at least a light spf will help protect your face from aging


But i have taken the sunscreem pill.
>perfect motion
>walk on

This is funny because this tanning meme has been perpetuated by hollywood movies since the 50s. This glorification of the tanned look by the (((media))) has caused a massive increase in skin cancer.
Back in the day people knew what's up and were long sleeves and hats.
But let me guess you are one of those "natural paleo ugga booga" idiots

Funny how we sudenly need protection from based Sun

the sun is one of the least based things as it is 150 million km away.
And it has always destroyed our DNA and collagen in our skin

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>what are clothes
This might be the lowest IQ post of all time

all i care about is getting my skin to be more clear
i get acne very easily especially on my back. i've read that tanning can fix it up, is this true?

>clothes are to protect from the sun
why the fuck do you think we wear them at night retard?

>what isa multible function bllrrbbbllbssssss
Please go out shirtless. It is summer soon so it wont be cold. See what happens

see what happens if I go outside shirtless? I do that all the time in the summer. What the fuck do you think is going to happen?

Is this Victorian England, you gonna start powdering your face white?

Not at all. I dealt wit the same, it went away with time, especially when you clear up your diet. Stop squeezing, it will take longer for the inflamed red spots to go away then.
UV exposure damages collagen and the immune system. This is what you don't want, especially with acne. If your skin cells have to repair all the sundamage all the time, they have less time to take care of acne and inflammation.
Daily suncreen brings you int the hanit of using a face wash every morning and night and this helps tremendiously with acne

I don't care what you do, have fun with your premature aging

No because I live in a country where the natives are white

I take better care of my skin than you, I'm not too worried about it.

don't listen to the other guy, light tanning helps acne in most cases. Give it a shot, it'll probably work.

time will tell

>it'll probably work.

Sunscreen lowers test. I just stay indoors most of the time and take vitamin D supplements.

it works in a lot of cases, yeah. It works for me. Doesn't work for everyone, because different people get acne from different causes. Personally, the best thing for my chest acne is sunlight, exfoliation, and coconut oil. Nothing works for everyone though.

Your acne might be less visible due to tanning. I can assure you, sun damage doesn't help you repair your skin.
It is anecdotal but I know a girl who is brown like nutella from larping as a solar panel and covered in bodily acne.
Exfoliating probably did the trick for you the most

nope, tanning is good for acne so long as you moisturize properly. Sorry that everything isn't black and white, and that avoiding the sun for your whole life isn't actually justified.

>he thinks synthetic d3, an analog with no biological governor, can replace the solar power of a trillion trillion hydrogen bombs

yeah cool dude if you say so

you are right because Vitamin D beams into you through the light

The point is UVB radiation induces a chemical reaction producing vitamin D endogenously which is location specific; i.e., only the sun can satisfy systemic vitamin D demands and only your skin by way of melanin production can regulate that synthesis.

Anybody take melonatan 2?

Results, sides?

SPF 50 blocks out 98 percent of UVB
You only need max. 2 minutes of sun exposure to get enough to synthesize Vit D.
Windows and Clouds block out UVB anyway so you should get it as a supplement anyway since it is one of the most common deficiencies senpai

>Pale as fuck, like the whitest fucking snowman pale
>Early 30's
>Somehow get skin cancer...on my fucking face. I look like I got bottled
Fuck the sun

do you atleast use sunscreen now?

That's the worst part, I basically hadn't had any prolonged exposure for like a decade before that. I am genetically fucked. So i just don't go in the sun at all.

You can get vitamin D through mushrooms that have been exposed to UV radiation too...

Unless you live in a windowless bunker UVA still penetrates windows. Please find a high quality non sticky sunscreen Mr Yetiman

Boners, stomach ache when take it the first few times. Take an antihistamine and it gets rid of this.

MT2 is king. Being in the sun isn’t bad for you. It’s when you’re in the sun and you get burned that’s terrible for your skin. Obviously you don’t want to sit in the sun 24/7 either because your skin will turn to leather.

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You don't know what you are talking about. A severe sunburn is bad but UV exposure generally damages collagen.
Also you look like a fucking mulatto now

Have fun with a vitamin d deficiency. You need very little sun exposure to get dark on melanotan. Nobody said you need insane amounts of sunlight

>being afraid of the sun
>putting estrogens on your skin
>not getting bit D

Fucking white peoples

This might be the most retarded thread I’ve seen on here for a while

Sweet. You have to use sunscreen tho right?



Low vit D van contribute to skin cancer, no joke. Also the whiter you are the quicker you burn and thus your cells get damaged. It's best to have short bouts of sun in spring to get ready for summer.

Asian shit is the bomb. Bioré is great and has never failed me on long ass bike rides under tropical sun.

That shit gives me acne and the sun clears my skin. I will only ever wear it if I'm going to be in the sun all day. Would rather deal with a mild burn than weeks of acne.

Actual Jew insecure shills.

Not OP, but sunscreen is the ultimate redpill.

Huge redpill right here.

Absolute brain dead retard.

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Putting sunscreen just give me acne!!

Nigger do research on sunscreen ingredients. They aren’t all the same. Holy shit, use more that 2 brain else you bumbling retard.

How the fuck does taking a pill protect you from sunburning?

I did my research. I tried using both physical and chemical sunscreen. I chose unscented ones and checked if its alcohol-free. They all just gave me acne. So yes i did my research and why are you so mad?

this guy is new, welcome him

usually go with this one

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>sun is bad for you goy
>put on this highly alkaline product on your neutral ph skin every 2 hours

Tanning is one of those things that everyone does despite telling everyone not to. It's like bleaching your teeth, someone with bleached teeth will always lecture you about how you shouldn't do the same.

You look like a pasty gamer. Stop coping.

Have you tried using sunscreens that purely use physical filters?

>implying I go outside

>taking bait of that quality

please don't forget to wash (the sunscreen off)

If I don't go outside, I just put on moisturizer. Cosmetics are so expensive, especially the ones that are actually effective.

>Don't you know about the harmful effects of UV-A?
>Fuck tanning!

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I won't stop worshipping the sun, baron jewstein, not now not ever

Yes because my sister has sensitive skin and can't use generic shit. It is the film clogging my poors that does it, I have really oily skin to start off with so that doesn't help much. But unprotected sun does wonders for my skin

cream merchants out in force today
>you can't just expose yourself to the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum all post-cambrian life on earth owes its existence to and has evolved under for the last 500 million years! you have to buy my creams and believe my sciencerino you're killing yourself!

Is there a non pozzed sunscreen ? dont wanna absorb chemical voluntarily

Do I really need vitamin d pills if I average like 3 minutes of indirect sunlight a day

Never mind according to this I probably get enough from milk ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-HealthProfessional/

Only if your milk is fortified with Vit D

Can you give a link? How light is your skin?
And how often do you reapply?
That would last a week at max. I do 6 pea sized dots on my face plus neck in the mornming. Ideally you should reapply as well. So 50 mil is a joke
If the sun is so great then why do jews cover themselves in long black clothing poltard?
Do you have a window in your room? Glass doesn't block UVA so you are still premature aging. I use a very cheap Aldi Face Wash and it works fine and doesn't irritate at all.
>muh nature fallacy
hope you get cancer then seething retards

Vitamin D is one of the most commom deficiencies. Get those D3 droplets on Amazon. It is like 10 bucks and will last you years

your body needs 15 mins of "sun" per week for vitamin D.

lol faggot there is not one example where a pale whiteoid looks better. pale skin looks sick. imagine worrying about tan lines or the texture of your skin ... a man is a man he should be a rugged animal and that's how the real women like them.

Take beta carotene before sunning it combats burning

Anecdotal evidence, but I'm a super white guy in Brazil, suffer from chronic acne in my back and chest and face. When I go to the beach and spend a day or two in the ocean water and sunlight, my skin clears up like heaven. I dont know what the fuck is going on, I apply 50+ SPF sunscreen by the bottle load, but something about the sun and salt water cleans my skin better than every product I've tried.

>calls me a poltard while dodging that he slathers ph 10+ comedogenic chemicals on his skin every 2 hours while yelling that white is beautiful and anyone with a tan is a mutt
Lol, tan = fit and attractive sorry gamer.

Facewash is also completely useless which lets me know you're just a consumer and not a person that has actually researched anything.

Looks good.

No because Im a neet and I cant afford to waste mommies money on anything else other than food or ill feel bad

>hurr durr I like my boyfriend tanned and rugged tehee
a giant faggot is who you are
>super white guy
kek whatever, if it works for you. My hair actually gets really nice from the beach as well
Rambles about comedogenic and then says face wash is useless in the next paragraph... Whatever, my skin is better now. Now goy jack off to Kai Greene and his body paint.
it is not that much money senpai

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It is for me
I live in Albania
Good ones probably cost quite a bit
How much do you spend monthly for sunscreen?

I got in the habit just weeks ago.
Is use the one from nivea that is 8€ for 200ml, it also acts as a moisturizer. You also need a face wash to get it off before you go to sleep. There are very cheap ones too that are fine.
I want to try one that has been is developed by dermatologist and is called Altruist on Amazon and is also very cheap. They had a bi litre tub once but I can't find it