Floor press is better than bench press, prove me wrong

Floor press is better than bench press, prove me wrong

Attached: Barbell-Floor-Press.jpg (738x415, 171.26K)

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bench is just like squat with stretch reflex.

Partials are ineffective.


Your mother's a used up whore, prove me wrong

Can you explain why? Genuinely curious, I've never done them. Less chance of injury with these?

How can I do incline floor press?

The Bench Press is a Jewish exercise created to sell exercise benches. Simple. Spoiler: You don't need a bench. Humans weren't meant to use benches. Being on the floor is more natural.

Yes our prehistoric ancestors were always lying in the dirt pressing up wood logs for 3 sets of 8 reps

It takes your leg drive out of the equation, so you can only press with your chest and triceps

Ask me how I know you can't bench for shit

Floor press is just chronic half-repping except somehow even more gay, prove me wrong

yes, and stone lifting. you can check the caves and shit.

takes out a lot of momentum on the bottom of the lift. the stretch reflex does a lot of work. You're forced to pause, then lift again.

yeah nothing like a quarter ROM of flat bench and if you fail slamming your elbows on the ground and snapping your wrists in half

Floor presses puts big torque strain on your bicep tendons unlike regular bench (road to tendonitis), and is a shorter movement to boot.

It is unless your gym has a thompson fat pad instead of a thin pad to support your back

Never done floor press confirmed.

I did them when I was DYEL, which explains why you love them so much

My forearms are super long so the bar is like 5 or 6 inches off my chest.

I would rather spotto press.

How much do you bench geek?

Simple. Range of Motion. Its still better than nothing, Ive seen people use the exercise balls too.

>falling for the bench jew

I always laugh when I see some skinny DYEL spend 10 minutes getting into position like he's about to take a big bbc from underneath. Meanwhile, a real chad lies down on the floor and relies on raw strength instead of some fairy.

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I've been contemplating the question, if you could help me out, what does a full ROM bench press equate to a floor press? If I can do 2pl8 floor press, what is the equivalent BP if there is such an equation

295 for two on barbell
120s for 8 on dumbells

please don’t pretend you bench more than that doing floor press you’re just going to look pathetic lying on Zig Forums for no reason

My bench literally the same, but u have better dumbbell. I floor press 296 for 2 though.

woah you quarter rep the same I do on the ground? that’s the exact same as me touching my chest to the bar. if I ever wanted to ego lift and look like a mongoloid I’ll get on the ground have rep 330 for you

>why yes I did used to floor press, how on earth could you tell?

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based /brownie/ jersey

go for it geek, I got 331 in the tank.

>Ask me how I know you can't bench for shit
Enlighten me.

Attached: 415lbs axle bar bench.webm (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Average bencher. Biggest cope lift of all time.

Attached: Huge_bench_ARCH.jpg (450x437, 165.31K)

A floor press is supposed to have the same range of motion as a regular bench. The starting position is with the barbell touching your chest. What that guy is doing is a raised floor press

Less leg drive, less wiggle room, max force is at the start of the lift. Higher torque than regular bench, as well.

I bench 332 all day

That's why you do the floor press, so you don't have these retarded 120 degree arches.

sounds like 296 isn’t your real max then, either you’re an absolute retard or a little bitch


333 is possible for me

you're getting trolled m8 if you havent't noticed

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tits and timestamp

lol what world do you live in

I don't do that silly setup anymore.
And I've benched 405 on the floor press, I find it easier.

I'm about to go to work, baby.
Sorry, maybe in another bench thread.

Attached: 4pl8 floor.png (603x1063, 1.25M)

strong boi

I'd say that guy is doing a variation of the floor press.
It's almost like a pin press at that point.
Most people do it without raising their chest so they can work on the common sticking point of around halfway up.
I know this is just semantics.

Is this real?

>Humans weren't meant to use benches
this, they evolved in completely different environments so human and benches are not genetically compatible

your rom would be the same on the floor

yeah, you ccan see the shadow on the cat.

I have long limbs so if I want to touch my chest I need to get really low, cant do that with floor press. I still do floor press.

then pause on your chest you brainlet

Nice bench but you look like shit

only real answer in this thread

it's the box squat of barbell presses
you can argue it's a useful accesory but it's not a good alternative

Same, dunno how these clowns are saying you get the full ROM when the bar is two inches over my chest at the bottom if I'm on the floor

floor press and bench press have the same range of motion. with that arch you have on bench it's the same thing.

So has this guy btfo the dyels? Is floor bench just some meme more dyels want to push?

yeah he posted a vid of him benching + floor pressing over 4 plates and dyels are still seething saying it's a bad lift.

>Elbows normally go below the flat of my back on a bench
>This is the same ROM as a floor press
Galaxy brain logic right here

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are you allowed to do this

no, not in a gym. (((owners))) will tell you to be a good goy and hop on the bench.

>invented by Jews
It was invented by people with high IQs who tried to be efficient with their exercise. This is like saying that humans shouldn't use tractors for farming because it's not natural.

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It was invented by people trying to sell fitness equipment. Millions of bench presses have been produced and sold. End of.

whats the point of benching that weight while looking like you never lifted in your life

let's see your 4pl8 axle bar bench?

you have to be 18 to post here

>tractors were invented by people trying to sell tractors
>cars were invented by people trying to sell cars
>computers were invented by people trying to sell computers

let me put it this way, id rather look like i bench 4plates than actually benching 4 plates, no one gives a shit what you bench unless you're world class

food is essential for life
cars are essential for transportation
computers are essential for a multitude of modern tasks

A bench is not essential. it does not advance humanity or anything at all. You don't need one. it's a scam.

Massive cope and confirmed for having never lifted big weight. Whole gym watches and guys give you respect.

this is next level jewish trickery to make it harder to develop your upperbody and remain weak. remember that all jews want to demasculinized males, specifically white males in our current world. keep benching, its the king of lifts

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Do you have a wheelchair ramp?

>A floor press is supposed to have the same range of motion as a regular bench. The starting position is with the barbell touching your chest.
My forearms are too long for the barbell to touch my chest with a floor press.

Sorry I honestly agree with him.

Don't get me wrong dude, awesome lift and congrats. Probably took a lot of work and I'm happy for you achievement.

But if I put that much effort into lifting I would rather look it than perform it. once you hit 1/2/3/4 level lifts you're almost maxed out on how useful you will be outside of the gym. Unless you get 4/6/8/10 and plan on flipping cars off people or something.

I legit have 0 clue how some people on this board are strong as fuck and yet look like dogshit
Genetics are literally everything. I run a strength based program and am not even nearly as strong as you and yet I look way better. How?

Why do you associate the value in something in how useful it is? It's just fun lifting heavy.

It is absolute cope to say you just lift for fun and not for appearance

Nope. I first started lifting because it helped with depression, then i moved onto heavy lifting because i found it fun. Appearance was never a factor.

hey everybody its jason blaha here

1 arm DB floor press is better than BB floor press

Prove me wrong

You look at yourself flexing in front of a mirror in optimal angles and lighting.
If you haven't filmed yourself doing a bench set with the camera at the same angle as the bench you'll be in for a surprise.
Nobody looks good while they're barbell benching unless somebody is filming you and they know what they're doing.


Actually a valid point

post body

have you gotten any closer to 500? Im pretty sure your the same guy since youre the only one doing axel bench

unirronically had the same bench as you before doing floor press and spoto presses

height and bodyfat

Most retarded thing i’ve read today. Impressive user.

I have not lmao.
Every time I bring my sets of 5x5 to around 335lbs and higher I get pain in my shoulder and have to back off.
They're feeling healthy right now but i'm probably not going to pursue that for the immediate future.

If you're lacking the basic handiwork skill to make even a simple bench, it's not the Jew that's the problem, it's your sheltered inexperienced existence. Stop blaming other people and imaginary boogiemen for your inability to be a man

might be time to get away from 5x5 and try something different for a bit. upper back work and ohp might help with the shoulder issue

Guarantee you look like shit. Crab bucket mentality

He invented it because everyone was floor pressing and he realized he could bench more if he was on a bench because he could use leg drive and also it would be safer because back then you could only floor press if people held the bar for you and handed it off while you were lying

Holy shit you are all retarded.

This, I remember I looked massive after I hit a 2 pl8 bench, then when I recorded it I looked straight from Auschwitz.

closer grip will make you look bigger.

Talk to me like that again and I'll be a man inside your asshole, bitch.

Its unsurprising your first thought is about another man's asshole

>might be time to get away from 5x5 and try something different for a bit.
I've been benching with pl8s suspended with bands as prehab before my normal sets and I think those are helping.
Think the earthquake bar setup but with a normal barbell.
It doesn't shake as much but you still feel everything firing and getting warmed up.

Appearance is a factor for me, but it's also fun to see you are able to do x now when you couldnt do x before. its one of the areas where practice and achievement can be seen anf felt in short and long term rather then in end products where you need to spend years on fundamentals and still don't see results.

love all the weak faggots in this thread getting BTFO by a guy that can 4+ plate bench and floor bench and the cope comes out

>b-but you look like shit!!

Based and tedpilled

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those look like the same fake weights brad castleberry uses. Im willing to bet you're full of shit

I've been doing db floor press and I feel it in my triceps but nothing in my chest. What do?

If you had FAKE WEIGHTS in your bingo card, please mark it. This runt is SEETHING

Floor press is just a less comfortable version of rack presses prove me wrong.

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>rack presses
id agree, these look pretty uncomfortable

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>Bench press: 1.5X bodyweight for reps.
>Floor press: Not even lamao1pl8
What's wrong with me?

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>>Bench press: 1.5X bodyweight for reps.
>>Floor press: Not even lamao1pl8
>What's wrong with me?

shit form on bench with lots of bounce?
reps doesn't count unless you pause on chest

Why would an egolifter give a fuck about his floor press and trying to fix what's wrong with him? Give a motherfucker the benefit of the doubt, god damn.

>be you, basically untrained user
>5'1 and 120lbs
>185lbs for 3 reps
>1.5X bodyweight for reps.
fit will never understand that height and bodyweight are needed together to make any type of meaningful assessment.
but if those numbers are close, thats not good, and is why your floor press blows. either that or you have a retard arc and a wide grip so your bench barely uses any triceps.

Attached: tats_loli 2.jpg (850x1202, 319.63K)

>5'4" and 145lbs
>220lbs for 5 reps
I don't arch and I don't bounce because I don't want to die in my garage trying to impress my dog.

its weak triceps, your arms and chest are so short that you cant do a proper floor press where the weight is hovering a bit above your chest like this, or a both. when you do it, it might be like a feet up bench instead. try doing it with a closer grip is all i can think of

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When I go wider on benching I get this weird tension in my shoulders so my bench press has always been relatively close. Why?

Neutral close grip floor press with dumbbells is literally the best triceps exercise. Fuck the barbell version

Bench pressing is half repping also, why? Because you pull your shoulder blades together. Serratus anterior is not used , a very important muscle for horizontal pushing. The good thing about the Bench press is that it is easy to add weight unlike push ups , other than that it is a bro lift.

>No legs
This I get, but couldn't this be achieved by just doing military bench (or whatever it is called, lifting your legs in the air or placing them on the bench instead of ground)? Is there any other major benefit for me to switch from bench to floor?


This man hasn't been proven wrong.
OP's mother is a whore.

Yeah it’s pretty funny.