What's your workout for when you're hungover? I drank too much whiskey last night and feel like shit...

What's your workout for when you're hungover? I drank too much whiskey last night and feel like shit. Considering skipping a day since I'm due for a rest day but I may as well pump something out.

I have a kettlebell and resistance band

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biceps. literally the easiest and one of the most satisfying.

goddamn why do North American women refuse to wear skirts. I'm so sick of this fucking yoga pants/hoodie/baseball cap thing.

because skirts look shit on landwhales

North American women are the trashiest white women in existence. Most of the time when I see a North American woman visiting Europe on tinder I'm immensely disappointed because I live in a country where English speakers are rather rare so I could easily stand out since Americans don't speak any other language but they are just so God damn trashy that I have to swipe left, I'm not firsty enough to do any efforts to bang that.

move out of your parents house and move into whatever city is closest to you

Water, Coffee and get mad

American, and I completely agree. The difference is mind-blowing.
I live in Japan now and thoroughly enjoy seeing American women here have mental breakdowns over their complete lack of appeal compared to Japanese girls. They have no grace, no femininity, no charm, just loud obnoxious vulgar grunting.

All small shit which you skip 90% time normally. Abs, forearms, calves, traps etc.
Just make sure your heart rate doesn't rise much.

I live in a coastal city, it’s too cold and windy to wear skirts for 350 days of the years.

Excuses. Russian and Japanese women wear skirts year round.

Okay then go to Russia? Problem solved.

Keep looking like shit

I know the gyms are closed and it’s getting to all of us but are you okay? Be honest

>but are you okay? Be honest
A woman wrote these words
Show tits

That’s a Zig Forums rule, newfriend

the rule has nothing to do with it.
You are a woman, a North American woman. Probably overweight, definite vocal fry. You dress and look like shit day-to-day.
Let's see the milk truck


What happens if your heart rate rises a lot? Is that dangerous

You die. It's like the bus in the movie "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down".

Yoga pants are the bane of human kind
Knee high skirts are my eternal weakness

Who is this female.
I want to impregnate her

>They don't know when tits or gtfo applies

I want newfags to leave

Do the keynesianism approach
Don't stop drinking

My go to hang over cure is this stuff called H-factor. Its hydrogen infused water, and takes the edge off my hangover within minutes of drinking the thing.

Does anyone else have tons of strength and endurance after a night of drinking a lot of beer? Its probably all the carbs but i can lift really heavy when I'm hungover from beer

careful mah boi, useful comments like this one get the banhammer. I experienced it sadly a while ago, notifying everyone of the breedability of a woman in a picture, in case they did not realize.

Just evade nigger
Watch this


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Can some one ban me


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