
>worked out for a long time
>still dyel because never ate anything
fucking sucks man i have wasted 2 years on nothing at all, and then corona comes around

Attached: water 141 pool.jpg (694x609, 38.25K)

bump eating my chicken breast, maybe this week i'll have progression in lifts?

what did egg_slut mean with that?

You really don’t need to bulk too much to put on muscle. Honestly you probably just have shit genetics

Unironically post body

Shoulda lifted for strength

here's my hand

Attached: a hand.jpg (324x349, 21.93K)


imagine not eating 3k+ calories a day and hitting your 300g+ of protein everyday as part of your lifting.

Attached: 1545728496425.png (1111x1103, 1.38M)

have fun getting fat

Twink cope

Attached: IMG_3484.png (1080x648, 1.07M)

What does anyone mean when they talk about a pool jet? They're getting off on it.

Attached: 1581060092032.jpg (920x791, 134.75K)

your fault for being retarded for 2 years

not op here
> started doing calisthenics a lot since I moved out of dorms
> happened to also be the time of corona
> I can clearly see improvement after a month but only after workouts. During daytime I just look like dyel

Help me Zig Forums how do I eat more?
Eating is tiring

You've wasted two years and are still blaming other stuff for your dyelism?
Get of my board.

get a calorie counting app, use something cronometer, also GOMAD

Attached: Count cunt.png (765x180, 28.92K)


you will understand once you grow up

what app nigger

cronometer its a website

Thank you brother.

Same i look good after pumps but at 6am all the gains go away

I used to put my dick in this when I was a kid

Stick your dick in it

pool jet stimulates clit, the pool beam is hard but not rough, it's soft like silk.

i heard olive oil is good, like 9001 calories per mug

unless your trying to eat like 10k+ calories there is nicer ways to do it then fucking olive oil

does this mean if I finally escape skinnyfat mode that I actually may have a decent physique? not true skinnyfat, but big skinnyfat.
