My room

Is there anything wrong with it?

Attached: IMG_20200430_175317.jpg (3840x5120, 3.44M)

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Attached: IMG_20200430_173418.jpg (3840x5120, 3.69M)

no mr. anything wrong is not with it but please watch this movie please oh dear god
trailer here

Attached: MV5BOTg5ZDRlZjItODNmMy00MDI0LWIwOGYtZjA1ODEyN2U1ZTkwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_UY1200_CR88,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 94.24K)

Unless you are a 6'1 manlet raise you fucking monitor

Yeah its a fucking mess and your curtains make it look like a brothel. Your bed looks like its as thin as an army cot

You live like a pig and you watch other people play video games. Kill yourself.

Pictures you can smell

Why do you live in a hallway?

How much would it cost for you to sniff the chair anons

Reeks of incel manchild.

That bed looks like it feels terrible to sleep on.

Messy and dirty. You must be a pathetic NPC.

>messy ass room
damn i know you can fuck good. all the guys with messy rooms ive slept with can lay the pipe

You should clean your room and buy a new chair

Pic just makes me wish i had a bf
And yeah your room is pretty comfy

Your bed is going to be so noisy and squeaky when we fuck OP

the fact that you play csgo is very wrong

Just needs mopped.

incel single bed

Stop shilling this in every thread you mook

the only thing wrong in your room is that we are not screwing like animals right now

Attached: FklTlWKVadydBJ-fqqGOgKU1W-4 .gif (480x360, 801.81K)

What about the rest of your house? You do own your own house right user?

If you clean all that shit up you'll be glad you did.


Attached: 3a28528e42b1424518c38daeaf009dbb35d8e8db0a705b7c16c0c1e901a3a370.png (571x440, 385.97K)

Why did she stop uploading?

It's exactly the kind of dump I'd expect of someone who wastes their time watching other people play video games.

i dunno man


this isn't the room of that blond guy in underwear with an erection, isn't it?

>trailer says it's new
>it came out in 2003
uhhh what?

Hey OP, you clean up yet? let's see some nice before and after pics sweety

Attached: TyMfcjX.jpg (620x827, 69.09K)