Just eat less

>just eat less
Doesn't work. Prove him wrong.

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i will prove him wrong later but for now you really shit watch this movie please do it
trailer youtube.com/watch?v=L6Gfr0OJODI

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there's always DNP

The lengths people will go to avoid diet and exercise....

I'm going to be sad if there's ever a weight loss treatment that means you can get fit without actually putting effort in and all the fatties suddenly have what I had to work for over years

I mean roids are almost that but not exactly

Sorry but yes "calories in calories out" doesn't work the same for everyone. I've been dieting for two WEEKS and still didn't lose any weight.

>"calories in calories out" doesn't work the same for everyone
it does

Damn, if only the Auschwitz inmates had the genes that prevented them from losing weight via caloric restriction.

These fucking 21st century "doctors" ignore science over pseudo ideology. They are a danger to the public.

Then why didn't I lose weight?

Because you’re bad at math, fatass

Memes aside it does not if you have hormonal problems

He's not claiming you won't lose weight with reduced calories but that the weight loss may be driven by loss of muscle and organ.


Which is retarded and factually wrong. Jews are brainlets

Because chocolate milkshakes are food too.

>300lb man dies a after fasting himself because his body decided to consume his essential organs instead.

Be as mean as you want but your pseudoscience has been proven wrong several times. Calories in, calories out is a meme.

Helped me lose 50lbs, so I guess it’s not a meme. Seethe fatass, enjoy diabetes

Sorry I was mean to you user. I hope you figure out a weight-loss strategy that works for you.

Just because your body is worse at burning calories doesn't mean that you won't lose weight by eating less than your tdee

How bad do my hormones need to be for my body to eat my lungs before fat cells?

Looks good, thank you user

It's happened before but they jsut chalk it up as heart attack.

Yes but thyroid problems can make It not feasible to lose weight this way



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There was a medical case study of a man who tried to fast to lose weight (he was very obese).
He ended up showing neurological symptoms while losing only moderate amounts of fat and the found that his body had begun to eat his brain.

How many calories do you eat in a day? What's your tdee? Cronometer screenshot or gtfo

Pretty sure being very obese caused more damage than trying to lose weight.
Shut up retard

I eat about 1.500 kcals a day. My TDEE is about 2.200 kcals.

You have to go even lower on the calories. Get used to hunger, bud.

If your thyroid is so fucked up you need to eat 700 calories a day to lose weight try doing that while carrying on with the rest of your life
Post body faggot guarantee I look better than you

Thanks for your concession


>tldr; Get a doctor’s prescription for the thyroid if it’s legitimately a thing for you, continue to cut calories (less simple carbs and more fiber is ideal), and drink more water. People with thyroid issues have less of a chance of overcoming mistakes within their diet. Sucks but it doesn’t make the diet impossible, just have to deal with the cards you were dealt

Ok skelly

because its two weeks
at 500 calorie deficit daily it takes 8 days to lose a pound of fat
at 250 calorie deficit daily it takes 16 days to lose a single pound
at 250 calorie deficit with 1 cheat day where you go 500 calories over your total it takes 20 days to lose a single pound of fat

thats less than daily fluctuations and water weight changes from pissing or drinking

most likely you were at fuck all calorie deficit and have no idea how much time and effort it takes to diet well

cico is indisputable, fatties are just lazy, undisciplined, and generally quite stupid

Yea and there's a case study of a man that fasted for a whole year and went from 400~ lbs to about 200 lbs all whole feeling generally good

>your body will cannibalize your brain before using it's own stored reserves.

Please post a link to this bullshit.

Nice excuse, I’m sure you have proof of this even happening- oh wait, you don’t

>>your body will attack itself before attacking a virus
>nah that’s stupid lmao
By your logic autoimmune diseases don’t exist.

>pseudoscience has been proven wrong several times
Studies proving CiCo wrong are significantly flawed wheres studies proving CiCo right are infallible and replicable with a strong reputation from peer reviews.

Secondly, a two week diet is nothing, so expect nothing results. Especially when with a weak diet for such a short period you won't lose enough weight to see your results clearly against daily bodyweight fluctuations.

>Be as mean as you want
Thirdly, you're a weak willed bitch who hides behind false affirmations of your worldview rather than finding out what you're actually capable of. The only truth you've confirmed is your ignorance, and you show it.

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lol. thyroid shit doesn't make your body magically more calorie efficient. thyroid problems can only make it so that you need MORE calories to sustain your body. fucking fatty retards. if you stop eating and stop spending all day on your computer you will lose weight, but it's doubtful you sacks of shit will ever do that. most never do, obesity has only been rising.

it's good for people like me tho, there's never been a time where it's more rewarding to be even slightly fit. when I see you fatties irl it actually feels like you're not even the same species as me.

ok fatty

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That's an eloquent way to still be wrong

If you read about it he still had coffee with cream and stuff, this may have been why it didn't eathis organs. Or he's just genetically gifted.

I’m not fat and I’m sure I look better than you. I’m starting a PhD in endocrinology in the fall lmao but I’m sure you know everything champ

>coffee with cream stopped his body from eating his organs

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>t. Puts "moderately active" in TDEE app, thinking lifting 3 times a week is being active
lifting burns fuckall calories, and you're slightly above your maintenance cals. Eat less, -600 to starts.

>genetically gifted
And there's the cope.

Lmao this is headcanon like I’ve never seen before. Kys fat shit


>muh thyroid magically makes my body super efficient where it stretches calories 10x times further than everybody else
>it's an illness
jog on bruv

Post body pussy

>I'm starting
What the fuck, you didn't even start to study and your already flauting it

Who said anything about super efficient? Most people are in a normal range. Some people are so fucked hormonally that they would need to eat an unreasonably low amount of calories over a long period of time to lose weight and it’s not sustainable. This is not even arguable it’s accepted science. No one is trying to make an excuse for regular fatties. Kill yourself

>p-please post your body, please!

Eliezet "Big Yud" Yudkowksy has an IQ over 150.
It's laughable that anyone on Zig Forums would be able to prove him wrong.

Hurrr what is undergrad education and research

So you’re not educated in a PhD and are an undergrad, good to know

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it's literally what you're doing retard. claiming your thyroid makes you immune from cico is claiming your body uses calories more efficiently, it's the dumbest shit ever but since fatties are overwhelmingly low iq as obesity strongly correlates with low iq and poverty, it's no surprise you don't understand that

Who is this insane (((person)))

It says his name right there you brainlet

A high IQ auto-didact that believes a super AI in the future will simulate his existence to torture him for eternity.

You can’t read, not surprising since you’re probably a 70iq nigger. A defective thyroid can make people use calories less efficiently and gain weight.

Dude, this guy is a piece of shit. He encourages people to embrace AI and suggests to them their personal health is outside of their own control? Could he be any more obvious about trying to reduce individual autonomy? Like how do we let (((people))) like this have a public opinion? Because the media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

Literally look up hypothyroidism

>jew believes someone is trying to torture them when it never happened

You’re a fuxking retard

Post weight, height and your planned meals fat fuck

Nice try. Cope and seethe brainlet

Ever since people started getting fat, what is the advice they'd be given to lose weight?
>eat WAY less than you've been eating
>and move more
Less IN, more OUT. Get it?
If you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight(deficit)
If you eat the same as you burn, you won't lose/gain any weight(maintenance)
If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight(surplus)

how is obesity even real just eat less food lmao

Prove it

>If your thyroid is so fucked up you need to eat 700 calories a day to lose weight try doing that while carrying on with the rest of your life
You do know that even with a fucked up thyroid you can raise your tdee? I guess its much better to keep eating 3000 kcal daily and simply cry about being unable to lose weight.

based kike

Way to oversimplify something as complex as the human metabolism

But then again you’re just a nigger who probably doesn’t even lift. Why do you kids think you know everything? Do you even know how to read?



>use calories less efficiently and gain weight
if you use calories less efficiently, you are discarding calories and need more calories to sustain the same weight, aka you lose weight easily

fucking fatty retards lmao

>quirks of metabolic disprivilege
A few hundred calories per day even in the most extreme cases. Eat less butterball.

You're literally retarded, and that's why you'll forever be fat.

Every fat fuck posting in here needs to kill themselves.

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Thermogenics BFTO

Good thing I was never fat

Talking into a mirror?

LMAO. Post body with 55386503 sign

Good point, you win this one my good sir, your retard impersonation is truly magnificent in quality.

The only purpose of fat in our body is to be consumed for energy when there isn't food available. How did they convince everyone your body refuses to use any of it?

Didnt this guy ironically end up losing the weight through diet and excercise ?


>We’ve broken all chemistry heat transfer laws, thermodynamics and physics with the help of one fatty.

You're probably right ;(
It's maybe my early 20s supersonic fast metabolism that clouded my thinking, forgeting the fact I'm digestives privileged.

>meanwhile trees get fuck huge without eating single thing
Why couldn't a human with a genetic disorder do sam ehting?

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>I am fat
yeah, though so.

Talking to that mirror again?

2/10. Bad troll.

>You don't have to put in effort on roids


Oh, you're also under 18.

so if the fat doesn’t release lipids, will he continually build pure fat mass and never lose it?
Is this what it means to be the alpha permabulker?

Well he's right, I lost 15 kilos in 6 months from eating less and moving more, but it also did eat into my muscle mass.

>Good thing I was never fat

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>Eats underground soil like crazy
Just because we can't see you doesn't mean we don't know you do it.

And the bellyfat is particularly resistant, decreasing at a considerably slower rate than other body fat deposits. So to truly get rid of it and start showing abs, I apparently either have to take steroids, or become skeletal on the rest of my body.


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user where i can learn more about this? I mean if i just google dieting and shot i gonna get 2 billion results only, i asking about stuff you know specifically. Why is 500 calorie deficit works so "bad"? It kinda sound like a pretty big deficit.

The old saying about monkeys and typewriters is true it seems

You can stay muscular while lean. And yes, getting abs is hard. Most people don't realize what it takes to get to 8-10% bf.

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See for yourself by fasting, then you'll change your mind

1lb of fat =3500 calories
The rest was just math
Count your calories and learn nutrition

Like wants you to come to his clinic, what a surprise.

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Sure but it doesn't mean they can't lose weight by eating at a caloric deficit. It just means it's harder for them compared to the global population. Pic rel is a girl with PCOS who successfully managed to shed the weight, and there are tons of ladies with the same hormonal issues who succeeded to do so as well

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Thyroid doesn't make your body "need" energy to sustain itself, thyroid converts your food into energy. If you have thyroid problems your body is chronically lacking in the energy, but not food, required to healthily sustain all your body's tissue, and fasting will just make this worse. The process of being a fat fuck probably damaged his metabolism, but leaving that state requires reversing in the proper order, i.e first the metabolism and then the weight loss. (Too much thyroid will make energy production outspeed the mechanisms that keep it from being destructive). It's not at all difficult to lose weight even if you have thyroid problems, but the question is doing it healthily and sustainably

>Number 7
Fuck me

IIRC he's talking about maintaining weigh loss in that people will inevitably go back to eating more because they don't make a lifestyle change.
Some user posted a picture of him where he lost weigh using CICO.

It doesn't work: If it did, America wouldn't be 75% overweight+obese. You really think those people haven't tried eating less?

>You really think those people haven't tried eating less?

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Dumbasses gulping down bait like fatfags on hohos ITT.

That would be a decent argument if 50 years ago people were also obese.

Fuck, I just lost a lot of respect for Eliezer

premium bait

>I'm going to be sad if there's ever a weight loss treatment that means you can get fit without actually putting effort in and all the fatties suddenly have what I had to work for over years
>nooooo others can't have nice things only meeee

so it's literally a mental illness
Given that knowledge, how do you help them get better?

It's actually quite normal for people to underestimate their food intake or overestimate their activity levels.

You help them by helping them destigmatize themselves and build up new habits of eating and a more relaxed approach to food in general.

Try going for 1200 for a couple of weeks then

He lost a bunch of weight in the past year, too. I think the thing that finally worked for him was mere portion control.

>Don't lose weight Goy, just consoom

He’s saying it isn’t guaranteed to work. Read entire paragraphs, not just pairs of words.

Trees get their size from breathing carbon dioxide dipshit

Twigs wrote those words

The magic of this is that the Yud did end up losing weight.

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>noooo i shouldn't have to work for things noooooooooo

People who take exogenous testosterone without working out gain more muscle mass than natural lifters in the same period. They did a study on this. Roids literally do the work for you. Exercise helps, but it's 80% pharmacology.

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why do ginsburg looking kikes look so disgusting what the hell is this phenotype

Why do you guys reply to these troll threads that are made daily on this.

This is the actual reason OMAD works for obese individuals. They can stick to it a lot easier when snacking isn't supported at all by the diet. If you feed them a single 1500 calorie meal daily and tell them they're not allowed to put anything else in their body period for that day, they always lose weight.

>Damn, if only the Auschwitz inmates had the genes that prevented them from losing weight via caloric restriction.

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His mistake is seeing literally any kind of calorie-deficit oriented "dieting" as literal starvation. So basically he's a moron who wants some kind of magical solution


Are you weighing your food or eyeballing portions? And are you sure your tdee is 2200?

Imagine using such a verbose vocabulary just to prove your a fucking idiot

Damn lol this jew said so i guess ur fat forever