ITT Autistic things that inspired you to lift

ITT Autistic things that inspired you to lift.

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Reading American psycho because I want to be strong enough to scalp women

>these button mash minigames on the PC version
they bug out if the FPS is more than 40 because rockstar are brainlets. its impossible to do at 60+ fps

Haha yeah the same (except my post actually ended in 44)

COPE! i replayed san andreas with beast rig last month and my CJ was ripped.

That never improve comic


Wanting to get better looking females and wanting to work less to get with females

Bateman is gay, fucking women is cope, massacres are imaginary and replace homosexual acts. Gj being inspired by an HIV infected roiding faggot

My anatomy professor called me skinny.

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Fantasy RPGs and Hitler

I'm a firm believer in transcendental beauty

chubby brother kept calling me weak. we both started lifting together but im now far stronger than him

I was in a subway and there was this guy, a hockey player, pretty confident but not really tall. He was wearing a short, and his quads were really impressive. I was like
>I didn't even know it was possible to have legs this big
>It looks even nice, not too fucking big, I mean proportionate
>Girls must turn fucking crazy while seing this
>I want this

That was 1,5 years ago, didn't skip a day. I still have 2 years until I reach the same amount of muscles on my legs

My grandparents have past away but I feel like they never got to see me reaching any potential. They still loved me but I'm lifting for many reasons, one is just to discover the limits of my potential. I owe it to myself and the one body I'm given to treat it right because I am worth it.

Aren't we all just here because we used to be skinny dyels in high school who got picked last in gym class, and now trying to cope by benching 3 plates?

I was a skeleton in highschool only because my parents didn't feed me. I fucked everyone at any sports in my gym classes

>started lifting because I read Berserk and Hajime no Ippo back to back
>started cycling/mountain biking because it makes me feel like a Pokemon trainer on a journey
No fucking regrets, most of my major life changes have started from 2D and fitness was no exception

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This fucker

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>Motherfucking Rock Lee
A friend bought a stepmania hard pad and I stayed over his house all the time. His parents were loaded so he had manga collections and we would watch movies or animu after getting tired. He really liked a manga, and the first season of an animu had just dropped.
It never ocurred to me to push myself before seeing some episode with Rock Lee on it, I just did things and had fun. After my friend telling me more about him I bought a heavy bag, filled it with sand, hung it in my room and proceeded to fuck up my hands and feet all day everyday for the next 6 months. The first week I punched the wall while sleeping Kill Bill style. I ended up doing autism HIIT. Near the end I could do 120 high kicks in 2 mins, rope for 40mins, climb walls, trees. Did some gymnastics, worked up to 5 handstand push ups, 100-800mts sprints. I just listened to the Wu Tang Clan and watched old martial arts movies.

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Based, I always played as buff cj so I could mog the ballas.

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For me, why, it's Garou. I started lifting before OPM ever introduced Garou though, but he just inspires me nowadays.

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Ermm, spoilers much? Ugh!

One day I will obtain kaimans 7'2 magic enhanced physique

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Based Aoki poster

My nigga. I was most impressed with his mental training. No AC or heat? I don't think I could do that.

This chad right here
I was a huge fan of Avatar growing up (still has the best character development imo), and seeing Iroh go from fat to Zig Forums while in prison was awesome, made me want to get jacked

I took the inner peace pill pretty early on cause of him too, now I'm just trying to leave a net positive in my wake, no matter what's happening

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I went to a shop to buy some jeans and they didnt have my size
It wasnt murrica so i wasnt THAT fat tho, but i did feel ashamed of myself. I started dieting since

Checked, but you could probably do it. Once you get used to the cold, you can control how hot you feel pretty easily by breathing properly

Unironically started because of his death. Felt like absolute shit about it and wanted to do something about it.

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Looks like a really buff Nick Cage desu, face only though

> Autistic things that inspired you to lift
also his book

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