What excercises does a 33 year old man who missed out on young love need to do in order to bang 18-22 cuties?

What excercises does a 33 year old man who missed out on young love need to do in order to bang 18-22 cuties?

Is it still possible at my age? I'm sick of attracting post wall whores aged 27+ looking to settle down

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The same exercises everyone else does.
Maybe you should've done them back then huh?

Me in the back

Just focus on chest, back and shoulders. Lose weight until you are below 15%. Do some squats sometimes to get an un-saggy ass. That's it brah, happy slaying. Are you tall? It's much easier if you're tall because of widespread daddy complex.

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It’s not too late. I have 10 years on you and am looking the beat I’ve looked.

God I'm so lonely.

ohp, bench press and rows

at 30 you just want to be mostly normal physically and then have a great career

im 32 and dating a 19 year old. you can do it. its honestly as easy as just going for it.

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you must be a pedo