Nerd Jock Dichotomy

Since you've gotten Zig Forums, have you noticed that guys who consider themselves to be smart have issues with you?

I don't mean to toot my own horn but I think by most standards I am both buff and intelligent and I really prefer to hang out with buff dudes because they tend to be just as smart as the guys who base their whole identity off of "smartness" without the hangups

How do you recover a friend from the mindset of "if I work out I will become a dumb douchebag?"

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>How do you recover a friend from the mindset of "if I work out I will become a dumb douchebag?"
Stop watching so many Hollywood movies form the 90s and 00s?

There's really not much you can do. Maybe try to convince them to lift with you. Also smart people don't actually care that they're smart - they just do something productive with their time if they're not a fuck off.

It’s a false dichotomy peddled by guys who are neither fit nor intelligent. Hang out with successful people and you won’t encounter many of them.

It's cope born from movies and computer games where you spend points on STR and not on INT.

Yeah I would say most successful people are both fit and intelligent and don't think about life in those terms anyway. Tech has kind of thrown a monkeywrench into that though, the west coast is full of dudes who have never had to mature past their teenage way of seeing the world.

i don't think he's necessarily wrong though. i've known many people like that. people who think that lifting is for losers and that all lifters are just dumb meatheads. i'd argue it's a common belief with the never improve fags.

No, I haven't, and I'm full on zyzzmode in a field of research where the avg IQ is over 120
You're probably both dyel and a midwit OP, and people just dislike you because you can't shut up about your beginner lifts

>How do you recover a friend from the mindset of "if I work out I will become a dumb douchebag?"
Show him examples of intelligent people who worked out.

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If your smart you work out. 50 years all academics and professors were serious runners and bikers. I went running in the alps with a prof. Only fags who gonna die by 70 don't work out

>"if I work out I will become a dumb douchebag?"
Tell him it is stupid to not work out.

>to effeminate

You had one job.



>guys who consider themselves to be smart
People who unironically put themselves above others because they think they are smarter are really just very stupid people imo

ive had a bigger problem with guys who did meme diets or meme routines,took brotein powder and never put on even noob gains
but holy fuck arent artfags the most annoying mostly because they have shit to talk about EVERYONE. and im saying everyone like theyll have some shit to say about engies,biologists,plumbers,athletes,baristas,other artists,thin chics,the faiths they dont follow,doctors,fish etc

I used to be that guy when I was younger. Because I am naturally weaker and shyer, I was picked last in sports, etc. Negative feedback loop. But I was naturally smart, people complimented me for that. Positive feedback loop. I took refuge in that identity. At the time , most sport guys were stupider than me. Some of them was actually pretty smart, but they were the exception rather than the norm.
Anyway. One day I realised that I could be both strong and smart. They're not incompatible. So I went at it, started small and progressively. Now here I am. Smart and strong.
The best arguments is first serve by example. Be a strong and smart guy, be authentic. Convince your smart but weak friends that they could be both.

Oh and don’t forget artfags. Artfags love you talk shit about other artfags

its battle you cant win and i hate it

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I used to be that nerd dude; I'd be considered smrt, in grad school currently
I used to be insecure of fit dudes around my gf because I was insecure about myself. Thought I was a piece of shit, but not really (but really I was since I would manipulate my ex because I was so insecure about our relationship like the little entitled asshole I was)
fast forward a couple relationships later and I'm a better person. I started working out a few years ago, and really got my act together. I'm short, but would be considered "attractive" (nothing special, but I'm half-mex and I guess exotic looking to women, or so I've been told). I have a friend from work who I enjoy talking to; we're both in relationships, legit platonic friend. She talked about how her boyfriend would love me since we both have similar interests (both used to play old-school diablo/W3 and Quake before that, DnD since forever). Eventually we have a get together and she and her BF come, and I'm super thrilled. He's fat, frumpy-left-the-basement outfit; I basically ambush the poor bastard and start asking all kinds of shit about WoW class/favorite maps from W3 (bruh those survival ones, with a 1/1000 chance of winning were the best), and he is just....acting weird. Defensive. It finally clicks that he's totally judging the way I interact with his GF and looks like he's halfway between believing that I'm interested in the questions and half mocking him or something. I don't know how to explain it, but it was obvious (like looking in a mirror image of past me) the dude was REAL defensive. I honestly still don't know how to feel. On one hand it was prideful to literally mog a dude to the point where I made him insecure, but at the same time I wanted to be like "bro we're all gonna make it, come to the gym with me", but not exactly something you spurt out in the middle of a get together

If someone is so ignorant to think lifting will make you shallow, maybe you should consider who are you making friends with in the first place

>How do you recover a friend from the mindset of "if I work out I will become a dumb douchebag?"
He's already a dumb douchebag if he's that judgemental of athletic people. That being said: Why are nerds so toxic, defensive and ignorant?

Anyone else become dumber since they started working out?

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Basically just follow the Athlete-scholar path

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I am a nerd and used to think this way. It's true that you can be dumb and fit, it helps to be smart. And it seems like a lot of the time the fittest ones are the smartest

>Becoming dumber and dumber as you get swole, muscular and big

Like male bimbofication, nice

It's hard to see man, that's the exact same situation I'm in.

most lifters are idiot meatheats though. the average iq for the fitness community is like 65.


The true friendshippill is understanding this virgin and the chad are meant to be friends. Two sides of the same coin.

Kiss the cock?