Poast Zig Forums kino

i'll start with a classic

Attached: troy.jpg (1280x720, 98.23K)

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Well, on topic of Troy, here the good video for workout.


I see your Troy remix and raise you Vikings

The rap and the source material of this video are pretty discordant

cringe ass media

vikings is for zoomer faggots. Troy is the enlightened choice

Troy was for zoomer faggots when it first came out

This is the peak of any and all human specimens.

Attached: asdf.jpg (615x462, 41.12K)

that makes it based. nowadays you literally will not - and there is no exception here - will not get a historical movie without a black in it

you mean movies with a token black guy, not movies that rewrite history to put black guys where there was none ?

Are vikings a Hollywood creation?

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You mean buff blond dudes with fancy haircuts who fight in slowmo? Probably, yes.

The romanticizing of Vikings started in the 18th century already, but yes, most of how Vikings are portrayed nowadays is based on exaggerations of stereotypes and in many cases far from accurate

Attached: iranian-wrestler-1920s.jpg (480x640, 71.55K)

Most Vikings were farmers but they did colonize far away lands (so they could farm more land) and they did believe in glorious death leading to Valhalla. Some Vikings were very intense and badass. They would fight until death even literally clutching their stomachs to hold their organs together just to continue fighting. They definitely didn’t wear horns. People in the past were shorter than people today but of course Danes are the tallest people on earth today.


Gladiator, Fight Club, Pain & Gain, Taxi Driver, Master and Commander, Oldboy, Last Samurai, Predator, Blood Diamond, Zulu, Bronson
There are probably a couple dozen more but that is essential viewing.

>Master and Commander
I've never understood the point of this movie, he just chases another ship around and it leads to nothing

Female take

this might have been the worst post on Zig Forums I have ever read

gay, stupid role play fantasy
and gay

Attached: Randy.jpg (186x272, 9.02K)

Words fall from mouth like shit from ass.


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>I've never understood the point of Master and Commander.

Hey man, I found a picture of you.

Attached: 1585263727681.jpg (1200x1458, 486.96K)

why are you talking about your life lol

please be my gf

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Except for the hands and the hairline. He was so close to literal perfection. I guess his shoulders could be a little broader too.

The Man Who Would be King
A film about brotherhood and glory

At least you've read it

Attached: jack.jpg (318x158, 6.78K)


>his elbows are too sharp
>not obviously packing at least 10 inches
>abs aren't perfectly aligned
>nipples too pink
Ya I dunno what the fuck people see in this guy he's fucking disgusting user ugh what a fucking loser

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nigger "music" and ancient Europe is not a good combo

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He mogs 95% of males but he can't be peak human male if he has small hands. It's feminine.