Im exactly this person

>im exactly this person


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This makes you a basic mongrel

Btw, I'm trans if that matters

>using r*ddit
kys faggit

You're on your way to making it.
>Improving yourself makes you a basic mongrel
>not wanting to escape your pit of despair
Ok goy

>Jordan Peterson

I see no fiction, music, socializing, or art on there.
I hope you're cooking good meals and not just arranging calories to fuel the body you seem to be so alienated from.

There's one of these for every person. Much better to have this describe you than 95% of the other ones. When I see this I mostly think the person who made it is a jaded asshole.

>jordan peterson
>gross mushy mealprep drenched in fridge condensation
>le ebin fashion hack subreddits

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Nothing wrong with self-improvement, but don't become a cliché.

I see nothing wrong with the majority of this list but as said there's alot that could be added

jordan peterson is a conman and I'm far right wing

dude is not a deep thinker or anybody you actually want to pay attention to, but for different reasons leftists want to tell you. most of the shit they have problems with is actually true, it's just things they aren't used to hearing anymore

written by a 200 iq Zig Forums user

Find what's useful in each of those things and adapt to yourself. Don't become another drone without an opinion

>how to wake up early
Go to bed early. Drink some tea and read book. Don't watch TV or the internet until your body gives up.
>fashion advice
I suspect it's related to waking up early. Make a quick meal so you can work out early and have the rest of the day to yourself. Overnight oats are the best.
Lucky bastard
>meme books
Read something that you find interesting or philosophy.
>meal prep

Now, as other anons have said, add socializing to the list. Talking to people you find attractive, finding common ground with normalfags, etc.

it's despair. it's loserthink. self improvement is the spiritual masturbation over the idea of being "improved"

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He needs to do something aesthetically pleasing, like look at art or listen to music he finds beautiful. This is just some weird austere historical re-enactment of a samurai lifestyle without the saki, nature, and whores.
OP you need to fucking sniff a flower or get a pet or something that brings happiness to your life. That's the only way to break the constant self improvement cycle, you need to have a higher reason for living beyond your flimsy earthly goals. If you could get into religion without turning it into some kind of autistic guilt hardline situation I'd recommend that but I honestly don't trust you anywhere near a bible.

There is nothing wrong with being that person.

Keep trying to strive for something decent and be a better person. There will be a lot of negative people which offer nothing of value to you.

The fashion subreddits are still better than /fa/

This is oddly accurate. Based.

go fuck yourself


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gonna have to say based

Whats wrong with jordan peterson?
Honestly curious

If you were a chick you'd be obsessed with The Secret and makeup tutorials. You won't Make It until you have real interests and passions beyond what media tells you 'improvement' looks like.


what is this? most of these things are just normal things people do.

what's the alternative? just be myself? being myself hasn't gotten me very far

He gay as hell, boy

You ever try a sauna?


self destruction is more authentic than self improvement, you feel stronger and "fulfilled" after acts of destruction like surfing a massive wave or winning a bar fight or skating down steep pavement. all such things will do more for you than nerdy jordan peterson lectures lmao and if you have to watch that shit you've already lost

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Crab lads trying to justify their waste of a life

>using either
Wear what you want and if you're that insecure stick with the basics

give this a read, or even better, make an audible account and use your free credit on it

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What's wrong with that?
You fucked up when you started caring about what a picture on the internet meant

How is doing sports like surfing or skating self destructive?