>be pretty lean already
>wanna get sixpack lean
>feel too tired and weak on a normal cut
>decide to get it over with as quickly as possible and do back to back 48 hour fasts for 2 weeks.
>works pretty well and get six pack
>try to go back to eating normal
>extremely fucking hungry all the time
>"hahah it'll go away right, I just need to eat more veggies and less carbs :)"
>six months later
>still fucking hungry
>decide to gain all the weight back
>over shoot initial weight before the fasting
>still hungry
>doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me

yeah, fuck /fast/, this shit has ruined my life. I'm literallly ALWAYS FUCKING HUNGRY, ALL FUCKING DAY, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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what are you eating?
For me its that I have to get up, go to the store, buy ingredients, come home, make my meal. Which is one of the reasons I dont understand how the fuck can you over eat all the time? When I was bulking i probly spent at least 3h every day on my food.

>taking diet advice from anonymous posters on a website for social outcasts where the average poster is a beginner in terms of strength

man i dont know what to tell you. you reap what you sow

I don't even care about being aesthetic anymore bros, I 'm just so sick of being hungry, I just want to go back to being normal, I would honestly let myself go more but I don't want to get so fat that it starts interfering with my cardio and calinsthenics

I always eat 3-6 hardboiled eggs first thing in the morning, it does wonders for suppressing my appetite and I'm usually hungry the minute I wake up

Then I usually do my cardio for the day, so usually a 10km run

Then when I get back I usually have 2 tins of sardines and a bag of salad with some low calorie dressing

next meal is a full bag of broccoli and cauliflower, boiled

Dinner is usually 2 steaks and another bag of brussel sprouts/broccoli

Snacks are avocados, liver pate, greek yogurt and cottage cheese, casein protein shake with an insane amount of xanthan gum added

the whole thing works out at around 2700kcal/day, usually one day a week I'll crack and eat A FUCKTON more and that's the only day I finally feel satisified.

And yes I'm a keto/very-low carb faggot, I hate it but when I eat carbs my appetite is EVEN WORSE.

I wish I could go back in time so fucking much...

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Eat more satiating food. Anything that sounds boring as fuck to eat does the trick.

Every single person with any ounce of credibility says fasting is a stupid fucking sub-optimal meme. I don't know why you would listen to a bunch of flabby DYELS that destroyed their BMR with fasting

Guys i've started 23\1 Fasting (OMAD) a few days ago, i've lost 3 kilograms (6,6 pounds circa) , but after the ONLY MEAL i kinda get sleepy and need to sleep at least one hour. Is that normal? I eat lentils, chicken and chard herbs (two big plates) and then a bowl of boiled potatos and fresh tomatoes, with extra virgin olive olive. In the end i also eat two little apples and a orange. Am i doing something wrong?

3 times a week i jump rope and a few other basics excercises (air squats, push ups, plank, etc)

BTW i'm 1,72 mt and weight 83 kg (5,64 feet and 182,984 pounds

Cole Robinson has elite strength

He squats 3 plates, he has intermediate strength at best.

>t. Fatty who binged after 12 hours without food

>t. seething flabby dyel

>need to sleep
idk about that but getting sleepy isnt only you, especially if your sleep schedule is fucked and you arent getting enough sleep(8+h).
After a big meal I too sometimes get sleepy but it passes in about 10-20 mins.

Stop eating. Put the fork down, bro.

Sounds psychological. Go see a therapist or something. Not even kidding. Good luck.

>Every single person with any ounce of credibility says fasting is a stupid fucking sub-optimal meme
Post one with citation then

You eat only disgusting tasting food so you are never mentally satiated and the hunger never goes away. Maybe eat less snacks or smaller portions and have a 1 bigger and tastier meal every day. Something good.

Eat until you're stuffed once per week.

have you tried not stuffing food in your gaping fucking mouth?

Works wonders for me when I'm hungry on a cut.

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also try varying your training. long distance cardio is the best way to make you hungry mang. Do more HIIT or some shit if you need all that cardio

>is surprised when he feels hungry
God white people are so fucking retarded.

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for 20 reps

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I think I will, thanks man.

Bros I need help. I work out daily, but in the last year I gained 10 kgs due to my gf being a caring qt and me being unable to control myself.

I definitely gained some muscle but I feel fatter than ever. Does a 24h fasting routine help to lost 5-10 in the long run?


ahh yes, op the best source on the www
fuckin retard
Read up on fasting if you want to actually fast. You can do intermittent fasting or OMAD which will work in the long-term.
Remember that there are literal religions where fasting is mandatory and if what op said was universally true half the worlds population would be as fucked as op.

Associate feeling of hunger with weight loss. Its like pain of getting gains, but in reverse. You're supposed to survive far longer than that without eating and not descent into carnal desires.
Also get a hobby, sometimes you feel hungry just cause bored.

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Just cook everything in coconut oil bro

I barely eat anything all day these days cause no motivation. I’m in semi starve mode all the time and I’m never hungry because my stomach shrinks rather quickly. Fasting makes you less hungry, I get full from one small sandwich now.

>destroyed their BMR

Become the new Tarrare

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>2700 kcal a day
>with cardio burning 600 kcal
>eating 100 kcal more than a sedentary woman needs in one day