What is the highest weight you've ever been?

What is the highest weight you've ever been?

What is the lowest weight you've been since you turned 18?

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Highest 242lbs
Lowest 168lbs

6'4 btw

72kg (right now)

everybody on Zig Forums claiming 6'4 and above nowadays, what a laff

Lowest 80kg when i was dyel
Highest 107kg when i was fat
94-95kg now

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Highest 86kg
Lowest 61kg

186cm, 6'1

highest 76kg
lowest 56kg


I was a nice lean 160 at 5’11 until I got a girlfriend and fat and I’m 200lb now

Highest: 170
Lowest: 138

Currently 140lbs at 5'7"

mirin your right form

I joined the marine corps at 145.
Left boot camp at 165 and left the corps at 205

Highest: 3 years ago, probably over 270lbs untrained.
Lowest: Now, 145lbs, half a year of training.

since 18 is probably 250
lowest has 148

>190 lbs when I was trying to bulk in high school
>155 lbs after my first semester of college
I'm 6'3. I hate this shit.

Highest: Over 335 pounds (that is when my scale started giving me "ERROR" instead of a number)
Lowest: 174 pounds as of last Monday but i am still losing, my goal weight is 150.

Highest was 209 lbs (95 kg), but i was still lookin dyel like a twig... Lowest was when i started lifting - 65 kg (143 lbs).

Highest 250lbs
lowest 170lbs

5'7" lel (but I'm a dense motherfucker, was wearing small shirts (not like fatties stuff themselves into it) at 175, all the fat was in my thighs)

71kg (rn)


298lbs down to 160lbs in under 10 months (6ft)

110 lbs
190 lbs

Currently 163 aiming for 150

207 freshman year of college
165 in my stoner days (167 but better bf% my real "lowest" because working out)
Currently 200 because of health issues but want to down to 170.

Lowest 68kg
Highest 83kg (now)

184cm, 6'0

I was 260 pounds at 5’9 when I graduated high school. Now I’m 172 and still cutting, I’m about to turn 21.

highest weight was 194 when i was doing SS plus GOMAD

lowest was 165 when my only exercise was jiu jitsu

Looking good king

155lbs after I started lifting, 140lb before

I felt the best at 190lb even though I wasn't ripped. People actually commented about how I looked like I lift.

Highest I think around 93 kg
Lowest around 63 kg, I was about to get real sick

~220, can't answer accurately because I didn't own a scale at that time, but I'm certain within five pounds
136. I wanted to get to 130, but I started to notice loose skin and stopped. I'm back up to 155 and intend to drop to 140 again by the end of June.


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84 kg
77 kg

I want up to 94kg,absolutely disgusted by my body. In two years I went under just under 80kg, now I have a decent amount of muscle and am happy.

Highest: 100kg
Lowest: ~82kg (now)

Highest 155lbs
Lowest 130lbs

Highest was 225
Lowest was 140