Exotic supps

chances are 99% of you dyels dont take any supplements whatsoever, but here goes...

Supplements, what have you tried? And no lame shit like zinc or vitamin d3. This is for exotic supplements, like laxogenin, boron or epicathechin

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none of that shit does anything. just roid idiot

>K1ngs Blood
>Alpha GPC + 5-HTP
>Tribulus Terrestris

yeah and?

M stak is probably the best shit I’ve tried. Complemented on my gains all the time

>tfw you own 13 bottles of boron pills and you need to get rid of them

the current formula? not some 2005 formulation when it had prohormones and shit in it

>K1ngs Blood + Nolvadex
helped me recover from a test e cycle
gave me huge pumps
increased appetite and strength
trying right now, can't tell
>Bulbine + Tribulus Terrestris
libido (bulbine made me piss a lot)
>Alpha GPC + 5-HTP
memory and mood
>Anastrozole + ATD
well they inhibit aromatase. ATD is very strong

Current formula. Had the old shit back in the day, don’t recall how it was


Excellent, now i know im getting some m stak and epilogue

follow the 3 weeks on 1 week off guideline. Each container is 3 weeks worth. Good luck bro

who still has real epistane, I miss it bros

thanks brothaaaaa!

I've taken SARMS and Super DMZ. Both are pretty comparable, alright gains but largely overpriced. SARMS can be cheap if you buy powder and can measure it accurately but the cost is comparable to roids for obviously less result.

but sarms shut you down tho, thats a big bummer

Anything that works is going to be suppressive to a degree and you should prepare accordingly.

Taken lgd, rad 140, lots of cialus, and almost every legendary preworkout like jack3d, craze, old school Hyde, mesomorph, god of rage, etc

Lgd surprisingly gave me the best results. Rad just made me raging angry horny cunt

not true. theres other mechanisms in the body that can cause hypertrophy and higher protein synthesis, its not all about achieving higher testosterone. For instance you could inhibit myostatin and not experience testosterone shutdown, thats just one pathway to more hypertrophy

The only effective myostatin inhibitor right now is yk11. It’s a steroidal sarm and is extremely suppressive. That’s not just a coincidence.

ashwagandha without any doubt has strong effects

shit makes me walk around with a fucking half hard all day

when you say effective you are talking about extremes. Theres more modest approaches that can still yield gains, but alas it was just an example

what brand of ash are you using?

>not true
>its not all about achieving higher testosterone

uhhh wtf are you talking about? There are plenty of mechanisms that go into suppressing test. Most SARMs don't increase your test at all and are suppressive. Myostatin inhibitors absolutely have the potential to be test suppressive. Suppression isn't all about testosterone though. Anything you take that works, you're going to have to either take it forever or take something alongside or for PCT to maintain homeostatis.

And if your taking a pre work out with caffeine in it be careful. The red pill in the m stak is like 500mg caffeine or something crazy


No I mean effective as in all other “myostatin inhibitors” besides yk11 are snake oil.

And the fact that I can't even find decent information about yk11 that isn't the same broken english copy pasted bullshit isn't a good sign. I'm sure it works. I'm also sure it has plenty of potential to fuck retards up and it'd be way smarter to just roid.

i wasnt planning on taking it. 500mg is crazy. I take 200mg caffeine tabs and thats already maxing out in my case

green tea extract can lower myostatin by 40% and incrase follistan by 50%. Curcumin and a nitric oxide booster can inhibit myostatin, so what you're saying is simply too simplified

for instance 200 mg caffeine boosts testosterone, it wont boost it to supraphysiological amounts, but it still boosts it

there are "natty" supplements that tips you towards anabolism in a significant way, other than roids. BUt people only ever bring up the absolute most natty supps like zinc magnesium and vit d3, they dont look into the more exotic stuff below the roid-tier. Sarms/roids are the absolute extreme end of things, the spectrum from natty supps to roids are bigger than you think, you probably jumped straight to roids, you probably didnt even take the basic small test boosting minerals

youre probably taking an ashwaganda supp thats severely underdosed, there might not even be any actual ashwaganda in it, so what brand are you using is it a good one? does it have lab work to verify the content ?

do you think im stupid bruh im not a Zig Forums meathead i went to school for science lol

>it wont boost it to supraphysiological amounts, but it still boosts it

If it's not boosting it to supraphysiological amounts then it's not enough for it to actually do anything noticeable.

>zinc, mangesium, and vit d3

People say these things because they're involved in the body's natural test production and if you're deficient in them, you're not giving your body a fighting chance at optimal natty levels.

>you probably jumped straight to roids, you probably didnt even take the basic small test boosting minerals

Why the fuck would you worry about taking a dozen kinds of herbs and minerals that collectively might boost your test maybe by 5% when you could just take test or another anabolic substance that'll increase your test by 1000%?

im asking out of interest here, not out of disdain.
you claim your ashwaganda supp is working so id like to know what brand it is? so i can get try it myself lol

>>you probably jumped straight to roids, you probably didnt even take the basic small test boosting minerals
>Why the fuck would you worry about taking a dozen kinds of herbs and minerals that collectively might boost your test maybe by 5% when you could just take test or another anabolic substance that'll increase your test by 1000%?

because it's telling of your engagement. anyone who jumps straight to hardcore roids should not speak about the efficacy of lesser hardcore drugs, you didn't even bother going through the spectrum, you just jumped straight to the top and roided? you don't even know how 2 tabs of magnesium feels, so refrain from speaking about whether or not "natty" supps have any efficacy or not since you clearly never tried any of them

I take beef thyroid daily. Just a tip bros: if you ever get diagnosed with hypothyroidism they're going to suggest you take some variety of thyroxine, which is a synthesized T3 thyroid hormone. There are 5 thyroid hormones, one through four and a free thyroid hormone called TSH. Thyroxine might work for you and it might not do much of anything, it depends on what is making you have hypothyroidism. An alternative is natural dessicated thyroid (NDT) which is the meat of an animal's thyroid gland, usually pig but sometimes cow. The meat contains every thyroid hormone in less predictable amounts and about 55% of patients have better results with this than thyroxine.

tl;dr: If you have hypothyroidism try the synthesized kind but if it sucks try the NDT

>you don't even know how 2 tabs of magnesium feels

is this a real statement? Are you really trying to make an argument as if you actually physically notice something after taking a bit of magnesium? Overdosing on magnesium isn't going to pump you up with testosterone and it's not going to put you above natty levels, it's functionally going to do nothing unless you just don't get magnesium in your diet. But that's rule number one of taking supplements; square your diet away first. Why supplement magnesium when you could just eat nuts, beans, and fish? Why supplement d3 when you could just spend 20 minutes outside?