Fatfuck here who wants to lose about 30 pounds...

fatfuck here who wants to lose about 30 pounds, I don't have money to join a gym or to start buying a shitton of equipment to have my own personal gym, what all could I accomplish with a kettlebell and a maybe a weighted mace? I went to onnit and saw the maces and that really intrigued me. also, what's a cheap (financial) way to keep my legs in check too? i want the universal skull crushing power in my thighs

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Can you afford rollerskates at least? They're a fun way of doing cardio, building leg muscle and they're easy on the joints for a fatass such as yourself.

Forks downs to failure and plate pushes to failure.

But you won't do it, You don't have the willpower. If you did you wouldn't be fat in the first place.

1) Welcome but also fuck you for not reading the sticky
2) Don't forget that not eating as much food is free
3) For cutting weight with no equipment, you are better off taking two 20-30 minute walks every day. You can space them out however you like, but twice a day your fat ass is out walking.
4) Save up your money and decide what you want to do, but kettlebells would be more bang for your buck than maces. Get Pavel's book "Power to the People", he describes which kettlebells to buy for a beginner and how to train with them

Apologies, the book is 'Enter the Kettlebell.' The eBook is only 9 bux. amazon.com/Kettlebell-Strength-Secret-Soviet-Supermen/dp/0938045695

a lot actually. i started with a 30lb kettlebell.

go with the kettlebell. and if you wanna build quads just do a shitload of goblet squats. those'll work your core too.

i'd stick with the basic movements. don't ever go till failure. leave about 20-30% in the tank, that way you'll never really get sore, and thus not need any rest days.

dont forget to stay in a calorie deficit. and you'll be surprised how fast the weight falls off.

Don't be a cunt

>30 pounds
That's a lot of weight. Doing 3-4 days of fasting then eating one meal and starting the 3-4 day fast again will cut those 30 lbs on about 2-3 months

Multi-day fasting is completely unnecessary for a beginner that just needs to eat less and do more

Multiple day fasting is never bad. It just need to have that first 24 hour fast and that first body freakout to break in. That's all.

I'd rather just buy a bike, I wouldn't look as goofy

I don't know what those are but I'll look em up

>deadlifts and squats

yeah I get it, but I don't have the means for that right now. I know how to diet and what to eat I just love savory food too much. I'm probably still gonna eat a lot of food I'm just gonna eat more hummus and yogurt instead of chips and tabasco flavored beef jerky. I also don't want to lose that much weight. I just want my size to more muscle than fat. Im already on my feet all day at work and stay moving, not sure of how many calories I burn but I do end up sweating in the sun for the better part of the day. I'll check the book out too.

good to hear, I figured they'd be better than dumbbells considering they seem more versatile.

well I weigh 250 currently, in the end I'd like to be around 220 maybe 210. I wanna stay kind of thick. I understand this will take months probably longer to achieve.

fasting sucks, I had enough of that when I got depressed. I don't want to starve myself ever again. I'm probably still gonna eat a lot just no more shitty ass junk food. also gotta cut down on drinking too.

Bikes won't work for building leg strenght unless you're willing to ride 50-60 miles everyday.

Besides, you're fat, everything you do will look goofy, who cares

>I know how to diet and what to eat I just love savory food too much. I'm probably still gonna eat a lot of food I'm just gonna eat more hummus and yogurt instead of chips and tabasco flavored beef jerky. I also don't want to lose that much weight. I just want my size to more muscle than fat. Im already on my feet all day at work and stay moving, not sure of how many calories I burn but I do end up sweating in the sun for the better part of the day

fuck off and don't come back lardass

Ok fatty

If you do 3-4 days fasts you could be under 200 in about 5 months at most.

You literally don't need any of that bro, weight loss is literally 100% diet. Just count calories and go on a 500 calorie deficit, or if that's too much for you and you feel too hungry then do a 300 calorie deficit instead

the biggest factor in you losing weight is going to be staying in a caloric deficit. an easy way to stay in a deficit is to go One Meal A Day.

there's a couple rules to make it more successful for you.

1. drink shitloads of water. i aim for about 200oz per day. you'll be surprised at how well it will quell hunger pains

2. the food you do eat, needs to come from the outside ring of the grocery store. using whole ingredients to cook meals will reduce calorie counts and be overall healthier.

3. aim for more satiating foods. basically protein, fat, and fiber. aim for 1 gram protein per # of muscle, 20% of calories from fat. the rest from carbs. try to get a good amount of fiber with your carbs.

4. doing viscous cardio sessions is going to let you eat more during that one meal.

if you fallow those rules it should be easy for you to stay in a caloric deficit.

*vicious cardio sessions

I'll do the goblet squats like kettlebell user said, at least I'll look goofy in the privacy of my own home.

I just said I know what to do I've been a lazyass and haven't taken the first steps. I feel I have real motivation now, so I'm at least gonna try. if I don't stick with it it's my own fault.

nah, I'm good. I know the benefits of fasting and I've had stints of 4 days of no eating, and I wasn't exactly enjoying myself. there are better ways to lose weight

>500 calories

this sounds way more reasonable. I never eat breakfast during the week. I'll try to eat smaller lunches, just enough to get me by until dinner. train my body to treat hunger as just a thing you feel and not a problem that has to immediately solved

if you do OMAD you'll get to have a pig-out session every day and still lose weight. as long as you fallow those 4 rules i posted


this will help you set your deficit calorie limit

lunch is your one meal a day? then what, light snacking otherwise or just water?

>this sounds way more reasonable. I never eat breakfast during the week. I'll try to eat smaller lunches, just enough to get me by until dinner
That's the way forward bruddeh. Stopping eating altogether isn't an effective way to lose weight because it isn't a sustainable lifestyle change in the long term, plus it takes strong willpower.

Like you said, just cut your portion sizes. I'd also suggest swapping out your soda for water - that's an easy way to take in a few hundred less calories every day

no its dinner some time between 4pm-6pm. the rest of the time i'm awake its just water.

my calorie limit right now is 2480 to cut fat. i also factor the calories i burn during workouts. so usually the limit raises to ~3000. my meal plan is 25% protein 25% fat and 50% carbs. structuring my meals like that makes them super filling. i almost never reach my calorie limit because of that. i structured it in a way that i get to pig out before bed (the time when i like to pig out the most) but i still lose weight because i'm still in a caloric deficit.

Walk for 30 minutes a day. Know your TDEE and count your calories. Sleep at a consistent basis

you eat almost 2480 calories every night for dinner? what did you have tonight? I mean I'm a fatass and easily eat up to 3000 on any given day but that's throughout the whole day.

>better ways to lose weight
You're going to feel hungry and like you're starving anyway because your fatass is 250lbs. Fasting 3-4 days until 200lbs is the best way and fastest way.

OP if you like eating savory foods and jerky just go low carb. Ultimately it's still all about calories, but whatever helps you achieve this will do. I eat low-carb (25-50g of carbs per day) and putting that limit keeps me away from things that add tons of calories (chips, soda, sugar, starch). You can eat jerky, meats, cheese, green veggies all day every day

You'll read different things but in my opinion do not add calories based on activity. It's way too easy to overestimate activity and underestimate calories.

well thats the thing i almost never reach 2480

tonight it was crack slaw,

2.5lbs ground turkey
3tbsp minced garlic
3tbsp onions sauce
2tbsp red pepper flakes
1/2 cup green onions
2tsp ground ginger
2tbsp sesame oil
14cups cole slaw mix

brown the ground turkey in one pan. add all other ingredients to another pan. once cole slaw mix is tender and meat is brown, combine together.
3g carbs, 14g protein, 7g fat

its 130 calories per 100g. i usually have it with some buttered thick cut sour dough toast.

i use my fitbit to track calories, i tend to round down to the nearest 100cal

it tastes way better if you use ground pork. i just had turkey on hand tonight.

sorry guys, thats

3tbsp onions sauce
not onions sauce