Mogged hard

mogged hard

So I was with this girl I like in her home watching some reality show about surviving in the wild and in this episode one of the guys is a tall handsome muscular and ripped as fuck man.
She went nuts, saying things like "OMG this PERFECT HUMAN SPECIMEN" jesus christ dudes wtf
Then she was praising him every 5 minutes.
I was unreactive as I could but damn...
What should i take of this? I have no chance with the thot or this was a test or wtf

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pump and dump

Probably a shit test and her moron the TV guy at the same time. Was it in a joking manner? If not then she's a cunty thot, dump her and stop being a simp.

Mirin* not moron

pump and dump, you dont want a relationship with a whore like this.

>I have no chance with the thot
>So I was with this girl I like in her home
are you this dense?

i was getting angrier as i wrote

>being this insecure

Literally this. She is testing you. Moron.

Im not insecure and didnt showed a single sign of concert I just laughed, but for me she was disrespecting me..
her test she made me lost interest

but yeah, i should cut... i have to be the mired one

Don't be intimidated dear user. Maybe the guy just turned her on and she got her pussy wet. I mean that's basically less work for you and you should have tried to rail her.

is there a bigger cope in existence than men who believe that women perform "shit tests"?

So they're just retarded?

If a girl was doing that to me, I'd just get up and leave.

Remember, the biggest power you have as a guy, is that you can leave at any fucking time you want. That scares the shit out of women, since you won't give them their much needed validation so easily

but they do it user...

lmao hi roastie

Boy you're so bluepilled it ain't even funny. Boy oh boy.
Just.. good luck out there, yeah?

You have never actually been in a romantic relationship with a woman, have (you)?

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If she’s as autistic as you are then she probably thought praising this man would be the equivalent of praising you because you’re a bing strong man too. Maybe she doesn’t notice just got inferior you are.

>Random girl: Uhh the dude on tv has nice abs
mentally ill thread. lift until your comfortable with your body

I can't believe some is this fucking stupid, it happens ALL the fucking time, do you not talk to girls or something?

No it doesn't. It's just a regular conversation. Shit taste is just a concept by insecure incels who villify women.

Alright whats your understanding of a "shit test"?

How do you react in a situation like this? Just ignore it?

when the grill do what op wrote to see your reaction and check your insecurities

Are you guys aware that you are doing the literal same thing for the same reason as the fatties who complained about Adele losing weight?
She just said the dude has a nice body and the reason you're all buttmad is your own insecurity. Don't try to hide it. We all know it anyhow.

you would come of as a beta and this is what she was shittesting OP for.
the correct action to do would be just pretend to be indifferent and then do what you want - drop her or stay with her

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Shoulda pulled her in tight, and shown her what a real man is you faggot.

reverse the roles and imagine a guy complimenting some slut on TV for having amazing hips/tits/whatever, while your gf has just an ok body. Shit's just disrespectful.

It could be a shit test desu but its a bit elaborate, I wouldn't really class it as one, although the fact that she keeps going on about it she could be trying to get under his skin

Id consider shit test more like playful little jibes, girls want to see if you can handle a little shit, ergo shit test

examples I get all the time are about me being balding, girls say I don't look like I go to the gym, being old (I'm 26), if you get upset or get tounge tied or cant come up with a smart answer you look silly, men do it too though it tends to be a bit more like an insult

>rewarding that kind of behaviour

It's a shit test to see how you react.

The only answer was to hit her, you failed. Better luck next time.

Are you retarded? Shit tests are the female equivalent of a dude who is contrarian just to troll. Women shit test guys all the time to see if they will wilt and buckle, and the more you fail the more they will walk over you. That is literally why simps exist.

Fatties on here: iS tHaT a PeRsOnAl AtTaCk?

The right play shoulda been to tease her about trying to get spitroasted by you and the tv nigga


no he should have been like 'mm yeah hes hot isnt he, i would love to fuck him and suck his big delicious plump cock'

>all that incel rage
You're a whimp because you are a pussy beta and you feel threatened by shit tests because you're a pussy beta.
No women bothers to come up with devilish ploys to make you feel insecure it's just normal conversation that normal people read accordingly.

It’s retarded, but she’s trying to make you jealous or project what she likes about you. It’s women logic