ITT: Disastrous transformations

ITT: Disastrous transformations.

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[insert tranny before and after pic here]

what even happened here?

>three month transformation
top kek

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That's not bad progress

That’s pretty good for 3 months

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If he was one of my friends I'd definitely compliment him.

Not funny

more like majestic transformation

This is prettty good. Whoever posted this is either fishing for compliments or is a bitch.

>Nu-male slob to bear-mode
I don't see how that's a disaster.

Lol perfect. Where is your god now, you fucking pussy ass faggots?! It is so fucking gay to worship another man. Just go to a gay club and take a dick in the ass already, faggot.

Hello newfriend

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Calm down

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everyone is an egg - unaware that they could be a gay cross-dresser on female hormones

>hair grew back
So HRT being the only sure fire cure for baldness isn't a meme? Kinda funny when you think about it.

That's not bad for three months. Good results if anything.

What about my post was new? Been here since 2008. Zyzz was a faggot.

Make me!

funny but sad

possibly the worst arm genetics of all time

this so much. if your porn addiction is bad enough, you can realize youre a tranny too!

Guaranteed if he cut he'd be more Zig Forums than you, faggot.

Lmao sick cunt

Friendly reminder for mon-keigh

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He looks way better for only 3 months. If he cut he'd probably be pretty asthetic.


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Amber :( It hurts to see this happen, she started off really strong with a good mindset and lots of resources/support and she threw It all away

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Yeah, I'm sure she became a hambeast for the benefit of others. Totally not because she's a lazy slob.

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god damn I wanna get an automatic gun and just blast away at all the fat. It would be like talking down a dinosaur

Back on gear again? I hope so.