You have 10 seconds to convince me doing pull ups with this isn't the way to gigagains

You have 10 seconds to convince me doing pull ups with this isn't the way to gigagains.

Attached: 415H+p5rGpL._AC_SY400_.jpg (432x236, 14.64K)

Lmao wtf is that shit? Just get a beastmaker

do you climb?

the way to gigatendonitis. isn't it better to do pullups on a normal bar so you can do them weighted? reason with me here

You’re going to have to stabilise yourself so much that your going to have to lift significantly less weight and you’ll make less gains

Its the way to fuck up your finger joints if your not a dyel climbing fag

This is true. Much better to do a normal pull up routine on a bar and use Hangboards for active hanging (engaging scapula)


It's for climbers to practice finger strength.

Why couldn't you buildup your grip to be able to do weighted on this?

Climber and sports nutritionist here, I've had many trips to physios and I share my clients with my local physios.

If you haven't climbed for at least 1 year, DO NOT use them. Your finger tendons CANNOT hold up. I used to think I'm hot shit because I was sending V5-V6 within a few months of climbing (climbing 3-4 times a week since start). Bad mistake.

This tool is a hangboard, and is made for people that want to increase their finger strength outside of climbing, so that they get their pull-ups in AND get the finger work in without exerting themselves additionally on actual climbing.

Please just do pull-ups normally or on rings. If you want to use this thing, start climbing first.
Do your wrist extensor work too.

Attached: 914644f77c4d42c6e0b88c6ea5206aab.jpg (1900x1500, 740.17K)

forearm extensors*
sorry just woke up

>Why couldn't you buildup your grip to be able to do weighted on this?

go ahead and try, don't blame us when you fuck up your hands. just do regular pullups my friend

Lol it looks like a children's toy

>people genuinely believe zyzz wasnt aesthetic af

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>finger tendonitis gains
At best, it will make your forearms more defined and slightly bigger, if you train for hours on that thing. And before some retard jumps me, I don't imply spot reduction, I'm talking about tendon width

You could, but you'll never load it as much as you would a normal pullup so you're leaving a fuckton on the table

thanks kings

Ok Magnus we get it, you need more money

Though you probably can do high reps and/or wheigted on the big jugs.
I'm currently trying to get back into climbing (when corona's over, I guess) and I'm currently doing pullups to failure on the big jugs, some small sets on the medium edge and a few small sets with one hand on a crimp and the other on a jug. Pockets and shit, I only do static 10-20 second hangs.
Does anyone know a good workout schedule?
Way back when (199x? 200x??) I had some program from the internet that had like 6, 10, 12, 15, whatever workouts, always starting at the full minute with stuff like
>5 jugg pullups
>10 second hang crimps
>3 pullups on the sloper
>30 second jugg hang
etc, and you were supposed to graduate to the next level, if your current one felt easy for you. Was really a great schedule, but can't find anyhting like this anymore.

Attached: hangyourself.jpg (1500x2000, 135.14K)

Maybe, but those stabilisers GAINZ, tho.

The fuck is this, a childs wooden block toy?

your post should have just been this


Hol the fugg up, Ottestad?

Attached: leftright.jpg (886x594, 78.74K)

Ronnie Coleman used this contraption to build his world beating back, with disastrous consequences.

Attached: coleman-wheelchair-2.jpg (600x511, 38.98K)

Lol starting strength toad spotted

What did he do?

Bump for hangboards!

it's probably not good for aesthetics. it gives you good finger strength that mainly applies to rock climbing.
you don't need to be a climber to use it, but you need to make sure you don't get carried away, since your hands gotta get adjusted to it.

if you weight over 60KG then dont use this shit, you will just destroy your fingers

remember tha climbers are skinny fucks

Nah. I'm a climber and im 70kg. A few friends of mine are even 80 or 90kg!