What are some fitness redpills?

What are some fitness redpills?

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You most likely need tren for the body you desire.

It's actually a very small amount of how you work in the gym but almost all what you eat that determines physique.

Trying harder just leads to overtraining which is killing your gains (unless you're on tren).

They don't think it be like this, but it do


No one needs to juice.

Full body 3x/week with strict 60sec pauses between sets is the best way to get a good natty physique.

1/2/3/4 at 15% bf is the minimum for being fit.

I think this is what I experience lately, trying even harder because lifts go down... Is this a real thing?

Really? I'd switch in a heartbeat

both for strength and hypertrophy

Yeah it's absolutely a real thing. Even Athlean X covers it. Jeff uses the analogy of cooking a steak.

I noticed it myself. I'd pre-workout up, go hard for an hour and a half each session, not stopping if I threw up, and I'd be pissed because I wasn't seeing the gains I should have. Quarantine started and from actually resting my muscles were growing.

Don't time your rests, just go by feel. When you feel up to the next set, give it another 10 seconds.

This, dips, chins and OHP is all you need for upper body aesthetics.

>being natty
Pick two (if you’re lucky)

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if your calves are small, theyre small. for leg workouts focus on quads/hams/glutes and where either pants or shorter shorts

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you don't need to eat as much as Zig Forums says you do

Being physically fit won't fix your garbage personality and neither will browsing this place.

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Volume > anything. You’re increasing volume by increasing frequency, but the inverse doesn’t necessarily ring true.

runing on your toes will grow your calves.

This is it.
This slowly dawned on me about a year ago and I just stopped "powerlifting" because everyone who does it looks like shit and can't jog a mile. Meanwhile the dudes who are shredded and look good aren't "strong" they just do a lot of volume

Having a huge cock will make up for all of that though

Everything is your fault, and you need to take responsibility for it. Refusing to do so is a mark of a weakling who should've been aborted.

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Higher frequency beats lower frequency with the volume equated.

I'm 7.5 inches but too much of an autismo to use it :(
Imagine being born with a decent jaw structure, being 6ft 6 and having a 7.5 inch dick but being so fucking socially awkward none of it will matter anyway.

The thing about it all being your fault is that it means you had the power to fuck it all up. It also means you have the power to fix it.

Bad advice

Total Volume will make you bigger - given the load is high enough. Even if you do reps in the range of 50 to 100 reps you'll grow. A 1lb dumbbell won't do much of course but once you're using high reps with a 15lb(+ depending on your structure) for 30+ reps you'll see adaption.

Also try to do reps in the biggest range of motion and continuous. E.g. imagine the movement when you're cycling and copy these continuous work when for example curling - PUMP out those reps fast & smooth and you'll blow up. Also keep your session to 20 minutes of such a "pumpery". And if in doubt think of the legs of high speed cyclists.

Also your circulatory system, ligaments, joints and tendons will benefit from light weight and high reps.

I assume you're supersetting as well in this scenario?


>what is an endocrine system
>what effect do hormones have on performance

read a book

Steroids did to fitness what jews did to society

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Everyone on YouTube and Instagram is o gear. Yes, even guys who look like shit (Blaha, Janoy, etc).

Seethe harder, incel

I'm 8.5" measured from where my ballsack.starts.

Jews didn't make society better though.

It's OK to be weak

Ah, the old Reddit switcharoo

dilate, tranny freak