Welcome home user. Please have a seat. I'll get your beef wellington and protein shake now

>Welcome home user. Please have a seat. I'll get your beef wellington and protein shake now.
What's you're idea of making it?

Attached: lovingwifegf3.jpg (1080x1350, 414.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


that, but 3 of them

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>you are
>what's you are idea of making it
Not being illiterate.
I guess I made it when I was 5.

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becoming the mc

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into the trash

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>beef wellington on a regular week day
What am I, the king of France?

That piano is looking more attractive to me than the woman


Attached: 1589798813632.jpg (861x1024, 96.37K)

>Get shredded
>Fuck hundreds of girls
>Die of heart attack at 25.

You overcooked it again, didn't you? I'm gonna have to fuck your ass for that. I'm not spilling any of my seed in your pussy until you can cook properly and feed our future sons.

Isn't this girl an actual whore? Like pay for sex "escort"?

faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot

>Dyed hair
>No hips, no legs

>qt homemaker wife who loves me and wants to take care of me/our children
>a family to provide for and be a good man for
>children who grow into adults with good morals
>a legacy that lives on in someway, even if just through my children and their happy lives

god i wish that were me

Attached: 82594245_128652928619267_141316926688198656_o.jpg (1440x1084, 157.66K)

All women are whores

>eating beef wellington is "making it"
god damn, poor people make me cringe

Attached: Bassed.jpg (450x450, 15.31K)

Wearing shirts that need real cuff links and a bar in my office.

the HRT is going pretty well

>what's your idea of making it?

Attached: EUthZoEWsAEEtjn.jpg (1125x1288, 262.75K)

Yes, she is.

h-how much haha just asking for a friend lol

She's an Insta model so basically yes

When will they learn


Rich chinks only.

Who the fuck is Wellington and what the shit are you doing in my house, bitch?

She only fucks chinese mega rich. Don't even dream about it.

aren't they all?

Attached: EQX3ER_WoAAuXx1.jpg (2745x2896, 392.92K)

why would a rich person pay for this plain, frumpy "practice girl"?

>calls brunettes trash
>posts bottle blonde with man hips
So you're gay AND stupid?

liar she's an instagrm model

probably not your typical escort but wouldn't surprise me if she was some chinese elites side piece
seems to live a quite lavish lifestyle for an instagram model that doesn't have sponsorships

its not about fucking her, its about emotionally fucking all the men who want her but will never come close


Attached: a7dfbf4afd7526d96ff236e4d4938039.jpg (1080x1349, 156.69K)

>all the men who want her
again, I reiterate: who are these men that have an insane fetish for absolutely frumpy, plain girls?

instagram models are literal whores user

Attached: 2020-05-18 22_35_47-Start.png (663x758, 444.8K)

They're not lying. She's an Insta thot but does real life modeling in China.

4/10, best I can do buddy

2 of that was for her nails, which are admittedly on point

Most trannies I occasionally fap to are way more feminine than that thing.

Being this deep in denial...

Keep coping. She knows chinese and lived in china doing bullshit studies and "working" as a model.
Many insta models are flown to sheikhs to be shat on for example (google it). Fucking the new mega elite of a communist shithole is a nobrainer for these whores. None of your insta followers will ever have a clue.

STFU instagram models can easily make a good living posting cute pictures especially in china where cost of living is low.

Wow, you really showed them, user.

She doesn't endorse any product. Face it, she swallows wrinkly middle aged chink dick

Holy mother of thot defending simping, user.
Have sex.

What does it even matter? Enjoy pics of women if you want, or do something else. You're not gonna meet them lmao they're not your friends.

>make a good living posting cute pictures

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See It's a reality. Plus she wasn't that big on insta yet during her "studies" and model work

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based and same

you do realize the tier 1 cities of china like beijing and shenzhen are comparable to cities like LA NYC Chicago and London right?
the rest of china maybe absolute shitholes but those tier 1 cities are not cheap at all and thats where she lives
odds are she has some rich chinaman backing her and paying her to stay so he can smash whenever he wants

Talk about cope

to die at 40 in a crazy way, mauled by a beer, savages by a shark, bitten by a cobra, shot while fighting off intruders