Basic recommendations: • Create more order in your life. Live by a routine and set goals. • Exercise at least 3 days per week. Lifting/sports/cardio are all great. • Use a calendar and stick to it as closely as possible. • Learn to focus + meditate • Eliminate any unproductive or time wasting habits (watching YouTube, browsing Zig Forums, etc) • Simplify your life. Work, hobbies, socialization, eating, exercise, and sleep should be 90% of your day. • Get a hobby that isn't exercise or work. For example, if your hobby is video games, expand on that. Create content (guides, videos, etc.) for your favorite game or contribute your skills to an indie game project. • Read non-fiction, watch talks/documentaries.
The best way to become a more interesting, successful and overall better person is to do more things. Try out hobbies, learn about politics, become passionate about different things, strive to learn and do more. Don't look for arguments and remain open minded. See pic related.
It's already included in the original post, dingus.
Luis Cooper
OP from last thread? before 404: How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes themself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between.
Basic Recommendations: >Have a productivity framework that is flexible. A mindset that gets you going! >Use a time management and commitment services like Google Calendar, Beeminder, etc. >Meditate >Do routines for things you should do periodically/daily, this should cover daily things or weekly chores such as laundry, cleaning, shopping >Identify and eliminate conflicts within yourself >Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them >Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once you’ll burnout. Little by little is key
Resources: >This is a good sticky for self-development >This one is a good blog for resources of this kind. >Want to quit porn? Try this
Anyone is welcome in the discord, there are some racist spergs but it’s the internet. The discord is actually a melting pot, there’s a bunch of different people
Wyatt Gonzalez
which chan is this in
Thomas Davis
Daily reminder : ditch online dating and go for real life. Online dating and apps are trash designed to waste your time and give you endorphine rush while giving nothing in return. Trust me, you will be better going after women IRL.
>Dont smoke >Dont drink >Dont fap >Dont watch porn >Dont be fat >Dont be a retard >Dont waste your time, especially on internet >Lift >Do Cardio >Do Calisthenics >Swim >Wrestle and do boxing >Eat well and eat a lot of protein based food >Be 10 % bodyfat >Sleep 8 hours per night >Moisturize
Jackson Allen
Absolutely. You may interact with fewer people this way, if you can count texting as relevant interaction that is; but the quality of your interactions will be far greater in most ways.
Carson Johnson
That too. And that whole "women pay attention only to good looking guys on the dating sides" that incels love to bitch about, also works in reverse when it comes to guys looking for girls. Seeing girl irl vs on some shit dating app is night and day difference most of times.
Austin Gutierrez
Tyler Powell
Yep. Honestly I'm disappointed it took me so long to realize this.
Nolan Bell
Connor King
How to last longer in bed(male)? also how to get over a flu fast?
Eli Torres
If you want to last longer in bed I suggest drawing out foreplay and not going hog wild and blowing your load all at once when you finally shove it in.
Do you believe, that it could apply to me too? Since I have an extra 96% filter (not everyone is homo and you cant force is), the alternative of increasing my chances is going to degenerate places (gay bars) that are basically a safe space for golddiggers and prostitutes...
/sig/ discord has come to the conclusion that /sig/ is officially endorsing Biden for President.
Luke Hill
Colton Carter
It applies to anyone. Gay, bi, lesbian, hetero whatever. Online dating is a trap the same way excessive usage of social media is.
Gabriel Campbell
Makes sense. Liberal political philosophy is more in line with the principles of self improvement and progress.
Kayden Campbell
Why are most conservatives fat? What about voting republican makes people give up on themselves?
Christian Diaz
Lower iq people tend to be conservative
Wyatt Allen
Had a shitty day all morning. This post is gonna be cringe but I don’t give a fuck. Work up missing the ex, found and charged my old cellphone just to go down me memory lane and look at our pics together. Logged into an old Instagram account to stalk her profile, it’s her dogs account that I made when we dated. She doesn’t have the log in info, I don’t either but IG has it linked to my main account. Contemplated posting one of the old pics or even just another pic of her dog so she’d see that account suddenly posted after years of inactivity and hmu. Got a grip and stopped myself. Legit had that voice in the back of my head screaming at me for acting like a stupid cuck.
Then I accepted again that I left her for a reason and we’ll never work out. Plus not to mention I now see she was never that cute like I used to think, like at all lmao. But then I started feeling like a dick over times we’ve fought and I made her cry. Felt like a dick for a bit. Anyways this missing her again shit started because she DM’d me a week ago after I was finally feeling good again and I shot her down, then she blocked me and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her. Sucks but I’ll get back to feeling good again.
That wasn’t even the most cringe part. Hate me now by Nas came on my shuffle and idk I just find that song super motivational and it fills me with this desire to achieve shit. Made me not give a fuck about those gay feelings over a girl I left 3 years ago and to just want to power through life and achieve all the shit I want.