
Why are people so scared of balding?

It happens to everyone eventually but why go full

Just go with the flow bro

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Agreed, hair starting thinning/receding at 20-21 so I just shaved it off. Never really bothered me and to be honest I probably look better with a shaved head.

>It happens to everyone eventually
it doesn't

Because non-Blacks don't look good bald, it doesn't go well with their facial features.

Obsessing over every percieved follicle you lose over time is an incredibly vain and womanly thing to do

Because hairfags are low DHT and T hence act like women and gather in group and "gossip" over somebody else to make them feel better.

Have a bald spot on mothefucking temple. Don't know how to deal with it.

Just shave it then
Simple relly.. .

Not necessarily true, it worked out alright for me.

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Unless your a millionaire smuck who's more worried about his looks then his job,family,home and so much more.

Losing hair is just that losing fucking hair

your looks directly affect your job and family, especially if you are losing your looks by balding at 18 before you have a chance romantically to settle down, the guys you are trying to ignore

Both my grandads still have full heads of hair at like 85, with some slight receding. It’s mostly genetic and stress related.

I have extremely blond hair. Almost white. If I go bald I will look like a hairless cloning experiment

So Zig Forums, where are YOUR priorities?

you can scream it as much as you want.. nobody will accept your viewpoint as correct

height but bald not close. just get a false head of hair.

>Looks directly effect your job and family

Yeah bro,came into work bald and the manager fired me,he simply saw my shiny chrome dome and immediately kicked me out based on my looks not my experience or nature,just looks...

Later that day I came back to my wife,only for her to file a divorce,she's even taking the goddamn kids

more attractive people 100% unquestionably and without a doubt earn more and have better career outcomes. the data is overwhelming. the only thing that's up for debate is why exactly attractive people earn so much more.

you can cope and lie to yourself or you can spend 2 minutes and look into this well known phenomenon.


Just be well groomed and work out

Simple as

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retard cope

>It happens to everyone eventually

How's this even a debate? Zig Forums mentally ill hair threads get into your head.

I can guarantee you a more Zig Forums baldy looks 100% better than a fat fuck with hair

This is my goal. I'm living for this.

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I fuckin love you guys so much

I realised that hair is cool when I started balding, so it's kinda sad. My whole life I was almost bald because I didn't know you can style hair

You have two otherwise identical candidates for a job/promotion. Are you going to pick the one that:
>looks like he takes care of himself and has good genes
Or the one that:
>is a fat sack of shit and can't even grow hair

It's an easy choice. If you can't even grow hair how can you be expected to grow asset value?

My 82y/o grandfather's hair is still is still pretty thick and up until last year wasn't even grey until the chemo. It's just genetic lottery stuff.

ur one of those dudes who justify all their beliefs with data and statistics aren’t you ,user ? extremely blue-pilled