Leave it to Zig Forums to screw this up for all of us


Leave it to Zig Forums to screw this up for all of us

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this shutdown has been the most retarded shit in generations

Take your conspiracy shit back to pol

I was in a commercial gym. This old guy comes up (like half a meter close lel) to me and hands me a wiping towel and says that because of the coronavirus he wants me to wipe after myself. I just nodded ok.
Fucking idiots think if I was a carrier I would be able to clean away the virus from surface LAMO

You can say a public policy is retarded without implying that it's a conspiracy, you know.


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I'm not talking conspiracy shit

the entire lockdown is retarded. it's completely retarded. it's fucking destroyed the economy for barely any gain.

the weak and sick should have been protected, not the young and healthy. the young and healthy should get sick to more quickly establish herd immunity.

locking down and prolonging things just makes it more likely that the vulnerable get sick and that the second wave is worse.

Good points, but that reddit spacing. It's time for you to go home now.

>Good points
>Reddit spacing
What does the spacing have to do with anything? Just because it's used on Reddit it means that he -must- come from there? You're as dumb as him

You armchair epidemiologists will bring the country lower than it is.

>t. soiboi faggot or obese legbeard

>not wiping up after yourself regardless of pandemic

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sorry, moish, but this "meme" doesn't work, because it's liberal """"men""""" who make the basedboy face, not trump supporters. the fact that you are using this image in this manner demonstrates that you don't live in the USA and don't understand American politics at all. There are plenty of things to criticize trump supporters for, but they aren't the ones making basedboy faces and wearing glasses with patchy bears. it's just the opposite.

furthermore, conservatives and "evil racists" are the ones actually acknowledging real science about race, while liberals are the ones making up fake fantasies about how men and women are equal and all races are equal. if anything, conservatives are the ones following "offensive" science while liberals hate real science for being "racist."

tl;dr you couldn't be more wrong, kike.


>when you don't want to address anything that was said so you just namecall

Agreed. It's so depressing to see the retardation of the average person
>Oh it's a nothingburger, just the flu. Stop fear mongering! t. media and normies
1 week later:
Fucking morons, fuck everybody. What a pitiful fucking happening.

lmao the US is such a morally bankrupt shithole

post nose

right, because millions of people dying would be good for the economy, right :^)? retard.

>reddit spacing

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Seriously, I f$#@cking love science

haha me too friendo! facts don't care about your feelings :^)

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nearly the same number of people die in both situations. infections don't stop until herd immunity is established which happens at a fixed percentage. not sure how you didn't notice but people are still dying even with the lockdown. once lockdowns are eased more people die with second, third, fourth, waves. I know this is going to be pretty far beyond you though.

>nearly the same people die in both situations
how do you manage to tie your shoes in the morning? do you think hospital beds and ventilators pop out of thin air? fucking imbecile.
don't feel like finding a better source (may reply later) but the projections from doing nothing and appropriately slowing the spread vary massively.

except its literally not you fucking retard. still post nose.

post body

lol exactly. probably an obese female no one wants or a paid jew

my family is greek orthodox fren. romania also has one of the lowest jewish populations in europe

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>greek orthodox
Very based

I'm not a nut case but even I'm getting sick people telling me what I'm not allowed to do and that I'm a bad person for wanting to go outside or to a gym. At some point, we have to go about our lives like usual and not matter when that is it'll put lives at risk. I'm not sure when that is but anyone pretending that they know can go fuck themselves cus everyone droped the ball hard on this shit.

agreed user

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>not wiping up regardless of the current disease fad
must be a nig nog

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