Tell me Zig Forums

Tell me Zig Forums

How do you feel about those meal delivery services suited specifically towards people who want to get into shape.

Is it worth it?

Basically it's already cooked food and you can eat it cooled or warm it up in a microwave, never frozen, fully organic, 30-40 grams of protein per meal..

But the price is a bit high

Thoughts Zig Forums? is it worth it? or is it better to just make your own at home?

Attached: premadefood.jpg (1280x720, 106.47K)

You're paying for convenience. You can do it yourself for less money and about 2hrs on a Sunday.

Chicken titty cooked lasts 4 days b4 it goes bad. You can just bake it at 350/180 for 30 min

>Chicken titty cooked lasts 4 days b4 it goes bad

I need convenience especially since I can just pay $156 for 3 meals 5 days and I cook over the weekends anyway

If you can afford it, more power to you, but in reality, if you're not utilizing or profiting from that time saved, you're wasting money imo

I usually don't have time to cook and when I do I'm far too tired.

I just wanna toss food in a microwave and eat. None of that frozen food garbage you'd find at walmart.

Just learn to cook??? Meal prep isn't that hard.



If I'm paying for convenience I'm fine, I was trying to ask do you think delivery meal options are a better choice health and fitness wise.

Attached: Jesus.gif (400x302, 70.53K)

Athlean x uses them for his meals

>$156 for 5 fucking days worth of food
Literally what the fuck. That's like 3/5 of what I spend for a whole month of food.

$100-150 a week on food is quite normal, what the hell do you even eat?

Bro get the fuck off this board you little attention whore seeking nigger

You know the fucking answer. Read the food label. Fuck off. Go order your shit Mr busy min maxer and fuck off no one cares you're having food delivered

Okay, I'll use it then.

Than's user.

>Athlean x

seems worth it.

Egg whites, rice, lentils, frozen vegetables, chicken breasts, ground turkey, bananas, oats. Pretty much a mix of those every day.

Cook meals in advance during the weekend, then freeze them.
> But the price is a bit high
Yep, that's the price of the time you'd spend by cooking it yourself.

Knowing how to cook is one of the most important skill you can have. Train it


It's not that I don't know how to cook, it's that I don't have much time to cook aside on sundays.

This is just more convenient for now and I've heard good things about it, I just wanted to know what Zig Forums thinks

>$100-150 a week on food is quite normal
Nigga what. If you said every two weeks I'd be more understanding but where and what are you eating bro

How much are you eating? Fucking hell, I never spend more than £35-40 a week on food.

>I don't have much time to cook
You would if you spent less time jacking off, playing vidya and watching anime. You can cook a meal in the time it takes to watch a single episode of anime.

I feed a family of four a healthy nutritious diet with no processed foods for £80-90 a week. You're a fucking idiot if you think paying over $150 for 5/7ths of a week is normal.

i spend about ฿600 for 7/8ths of the month and i eat like a king.

Paying for convenience isn't bad if you have spare money, at least you are stimulating the economy and giving back.
I'm not saying everyone should pay for convenience, but if you have money to spare then it's completely ok.
If you don't have spare money, not wanting to spend money on that is also ok.

just steal their recipes and make them yourself for cheaper

>Don't know who made it.
>Don't know if they washed their hands after a #2.
>Don't know where they source their ingredients.
>Don't know what it tastes like before committing.
>Don't know if that plastic tray is made from disposable diapers from India.

No, I'll pass. If you can't cook for yourself, best to just eat hot dogs, Kraft Macaroni and apple sauce cups for the rest of your life.

> I want to get in shape, will this company do it for me?
ngmi. learn to do things by yourself.

Meal prep is a huge time commitment. I did it for a year and found in addition to the time I would spend at the gym plus 40hr work week, I would only have one to two nights a week for a social life.

If you can afford it, I'd do it. But double check food quality advertised vs received. I try to get local source food and labour where I can personally deal with the business owner. Bigger than that and you start to see assembly line style commercial kitchens where quality suffers.

>guys, I can't be bothered to put effort in, would this VitaEffort™ do the trick?
Why pay for healthy premade food if you can just keep eating fast food and pay somebody else to exercise for you? Why do you think even athletes in some shitty disciplines that nobody watches get sponsors?

Meal prep takes 2hrs max on one day a week. How are you losing multiple nights to meal prep