/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

>Fuck the Edition Edition

>How to The Press with Big Boy

>How to Bench Press with Scott Mendelsons

>How to squat with Chris Duffin

>How to deadlift with Chris Duffin

Additional videos and reading on benching, squatting, deadlifting, bands, accessories, etc., can be found in the pastbin.

>The official pastebin

Check the pastebin for /PLG/'s collection of programs that are ALL confirmed to be shit.

Attached: 20200517_114136.png (704x331, 380.13K)

Based OP pic.

i need to make more

Which of the preworkout booster was it that contained amphetamine for a while until it was banned?

How to optimize madcow /plg/?

You mean dmaa or actual amphetamine?
Just run it as written until it doesn't work anymore and then move on

I guess it is somehow related to amphetamines. There were a bunch of products that had it, jack3d, 1mr, some others I think

How to into programming?
I'd rather do my own than pick one of a thousand existing programs.

Read Practical Programming for Strength Training and The Thoughtful Pursuit of Strength. Westside book of methods if you're into that sort of thing too.

Who's the Thoughtful pursuit of strength by?
I'm not a fan of westside tbqh.

Chad Wesley Smith

That's the juggernaut guy, right?

Yes. They have a good youtube channel as well.

deadlifts, sumo, snatch rdl, fs

I have 100lbs plates that have a larger diameter, sitting on little peices of wood to protect the concrete, and pulling using figure 8 straps. Anyone think of any other ways that i can cheat the ROM and make it still seem legit?I can face the other way to pull back into the slight decline.
>I'm not a fan of westside
stopped reading there, didn't even see the abbreviation. die

Attached: Aisha EP 20 (18).jpg (1440x1080, 339.88K)

I don't care.

That was it ye, thanks mate

The last three digits are your natty limit total in kg. Rolling.

You poor bastard.

RIP fag lol

How often do you deadlift on max effort day? As in, do you alternate squat variations with deadlift variations each week? Or do you do several weeks of squats before doing a deadlift?

How do you deal with the feeling of inadequacy when oly lifters barge into the gym?

Press their clean

Can Madcow help me build muscle If I add some insolation stuff,? Except for legs of course, How should I add these on each day, help me bross

Attached: iko-70-voracious-greatshark.jpg (672x936, 111.62K)

Thawlts on this programme?

Attached: 1569505636199.png (1040x699, 38.04K)

Which chapter is this from?

It's from PPST3 by the way.

i liked staying with something for about 3 weeks till i rotated the ME. Squat was dynamic and deadlift was ME when i wanted to increase deadlift. I wasnt planning on competing till September this year, so i had time. i can't really train how i want right now without a gym, but i have a barbell and weight, so i can't complain

It's the 4 Day Texas method for "general strength trainee who is also looking to add muscle mass and improve his physique". I really like it and I think Wendler made got his general outline for 5/3/1 from these principles. Some of the 5/3/1 templates are straight up replicas of 4 Day TM for general athletes.

I don't remember a chapter by that name in PPST.

It's chapter 7.

very very low volume