Be me

>Be me
>Don't wanna workout today
>Go on Zig Forums
>See a degeneracy thread
>Get angry
>Destroy my workout while fueled by anger at Leftism and the modern world

I'm gonna single-handedly destroy all degenerates, this is what it means to be Zig Forums

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Why in the world would you go on Zig Forums in the first place? The "rightwingers" on there are all larping fatties

Bodybuilding is degenerate vanity though.
If you wanted to actually smash degeneracy you would do some social club.

So is OP

This, most of Zig Forums is equally as unfit as the left.
We really should just start a parliment of muscular people only.

Politics are for brainlet faggots without a sense of identity

>see straw man
>get mad
grrr leftists >:(

t. free thinking ubermensch whos sense of identity is entirely his own

For me, it's lifting for the eternal glory of Jesus Christ. People are more likely to listen to a proselytizer who's fit

Pretty cringe that you need to think about other people to workout lad

(((they))) are pushing (((degeneracy))) so that (((they))) can weaken our RACE and have ultimate (((control))) over us. don't fall for it brothers. save EVROPA.

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Anger's a shit fuel. Discipline comes from within. Your anger at "leftists" is an adolescent fixation at best.
Ask me how I know.

Anger is absolutely the best fuel. Its the only thing that makes you give it 100%.

>I'm gonna single-handedly destroy all degenerates, this is what it means to be Zig Forums
>Once my mom leaves me alone and I get my own place it's over for you bitches

what's a degeneracy thread?
>inb4 surr durr new fag
whatever just answer the question
>inb4 durr muh spoonfeeding
wow how can such a basic question with a response probably no longer than a sentence long or a link hurt you so bad?
>inb4 implying
I simply placed a dagger on the floor, it was you who stabbed yourself with it.
why would you smash degeneracy with degeneracy?
also there is a difference between being vain and having self respect.
this post sounds biased
weird how you make it obvious
see above
I agree with this user
emotions fetter man, and man is rational, emotions are naturally the complete opposite.
having ration and having a reaction are very different.

delete please

Speak in full sentences you stupid nigger, what is obvious?


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Zig Forums is going the way of Zig Forums, nothing but bots, chinks and shareblue. It's truly insidious. Leftists and jews can't help but use subterfuge. It's the only way people will ever buy into their shit.

anyway don't go on Zig Forums, it's a waste of time and bad for your health. Most of those dumb niggers are only there for the memes and aren't actually NatSoc or anything worthwhile. Or their ideology goes as far as "kill niggers"

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Take the self control pill

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You should try reading my post.
Replying to you is purely not necessary, at all. even further if you still act ignorantly.

The age on that quote is striking.
The religion of the Indri isn't meant to be indoctrinating, it's more guiding.
It adds light restrictions on things, inconsequential really, simply to make you think in ways you wouldn't have before.
I can tell you more about the Indri
(((monkie))) is a meme

>rewatch Greatest Story never told
>absolute peak lifting rage for the next week

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>monke is a meme

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check em

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>Live life like a normal person
>Everyone is normal. Girls act like girls. Black people are chill. There's the occasional lesbian or whatever but they're usually cool and are more concerned with their career than politics
>Spend your life looking at strawman images on an autistic forum
>Think everyone is out to get you, genuinely believe people hate straight white males, drop out of society for no reason and spend all your time being angry until you shoot up a walmart and kill yourself
Rethink your life buddy

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nice false flag
Indri is to be embraced
(((((((monkie))))))) is a hoax, totally degenerate

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Based op, ignore the trannies and mutts keep up the good work.

Told whom?

>retards being willingly retarded gives me the strength to workout


Yeah most people are normal it's just that small minority that fucks everything up. Most black people aren't that bad, most chinese people are cheaters and CCP agents or whatever cartoon worldview Zig Forums believes in

I believe race is real but Zig Forums just has blind hatred and uses being racist as an outlet for their anger in other areas of their life. For instance, before the chinese used to be based like half a year ago and racemixing with a neo-mongoloid (north east asian) was based. But after corona or just slightly before it, it changed to chinks are gooks all suck but nips still based because of anime and vidya. So, they needed a reason why nips were better so they said it was because of paleo-mongoloid genes aka jomon.

Problem is this directly contradicts what Zig Forums said before. Before, it was racemixing with neo-mongoloids was only acceptable because of their high IQ and north east asian supremacy and that it was south east asians (paleo-mongoloids) that caused fucked up hapas because they're jungle-gooks and low IQ. So you can see that Zig Forums contradicts their own reasoning every few month to justify something different it's all very gay

Ok Darth Vader how did that end up working out for you


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