What does the average male physique look like in your country, and how do you compare?
What does the average male physique look like in your country, and how do you compare?
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We cant compete desu
America, Ireland and Italy confirmed white
>weight in kg and "stone"
i get kg, kinda. but why the FUCK do you subhumans use "stone" as a unit of measurement. 1 stone is 14 lbs, what kind of base is that? do you have 14 fucking fingers or something, you dumb radiated deformed faggot
fuck you and your image OP
Fuq im 169 so thats even worse than that jappy dude
medium brown and very thin but with muscles showing
i'm light brown and skinnyfat
I get Americans use retarded units, but can we all agree that the fucking "stone" is the most retarded thing around and we should all ignore it? Yes? ok good
It is an English measurement and fortunately all non English related things are irrelevant.
What country do you live in, Sweden?
'as 5 stone innit
>5ft 9in
fuck the housing market,fuck banks and fuck chinks
> The average American woman 20 years old and up weighs 170.6 pounds and stands at 63.7 inches (almost 5 feet, 4 inches) tall.
Burgers are truly a doomed race.
>A dram is 116th of an ounce
>An ounce is 116th of a pound
>a pound is defined by The Units of Measurement Regulations 1994
>a ton is 2240 pounds
Over here you're in the 99th percentile if you even look fit or well built.
Auschad, for reference.
>complaining about stone when pounds and inches exist as measurements.
If you remove the American South and rural areas from that the numbers get much nicer for the US. Same goes for education and a lot of other metrics the US does poorly on
You mean remove nonwhites
Black men are on average taller, more muscular, leaner, faster, stronger, better coordination, have rhythm and can dance, and of course have way bigger dicks.
I understand why you would be so bitter and angry.
american west coaster upper class (ish, pretty middling for my home town) white dude
I'm normal for where I am, but anywhere else in the country I am a god.
Going out of state for college was fun, but bad for my falsely inflated ego and I'm glad I'm back home amongst my people
guaranteed replies, well done. Baiting is an art, and you are clearly a master.
base 12 is objectively superior
You sound like you wear vinyard vines and have a small penis
You're not very good at poker, are you user?
lmao vineyard vines is a south thing right? the pink whale
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Same thing
Nah I mean the American South and rural areas (red states). Those are all fat, poor, stupid etc... It just gets annoying cause I live in a decent part of America, and globally we rank very well in regards to education, health etc... and I get lumped in with a bunch of obese hicks.
Getting rid of non whites would basically eliminate crime but honestly southern whites also have an obesity problem
>we iz smooth talking kangz the bitches love
>poor us, tinder be all racist and shit
guarantee you have the exact same relationship to the levers of power and capital as those "hicks" do, bro.
Get some class solidarity, it's easy and gay to be a hateful fuck. Much less easy and more badass to accept nuance and give some thought to context and power. You and those "hicks" are going to need each other if you ever want to meaningfully teraform this hellscape.
The thought of Black men having bigger penises must keep you up at night
>Mutts, potato niggers and pasta niggers only ones depicted with white skin
Top fucking kek
>Getting rid of non whites would basically eliminate crime
poor white people are still niggers and commit crimes. pretty sure I'm statistically correct. basically fuck poor people
lmao at those height differences
they make 1" look like 2.5"
Not an American or a white person here, but aren’t black people on average the fattest race in the US?
This might surprise you but normal people don't think about penises at all at night user
Nope, poor white crime rates are incredibly low
That's the 7th poorest county in the entire nation but because it's 99% white the crime rate is 75% lower than the national average
Manlet detected
I'm a 202cm Croatian BULL, though.
ngl i'm too lazy to google it myself, but you can't link a wiki page of a single county that has low crime and think that proves your point.
>"mah red vs blue politics"
Why do burgers have the political understanding of toddlers?
maybe those hicks should stop electing billionaires than. kinda hard to find solidarity when they're leading the charge into the pit. i could give a shit either way, I'm already planning my exit. The US will be a third world country in 30 years (large areas of it already are)