How the fuck do I eat 3000 calories a day?

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oats + protin powder + milk
cabbage sausage and eggs with milk on the side
chili or stirfry some nice bread and cheese
some milk

if you´re a fucking dyel fag than try to eat more and more every week. one of my friends only ate around 1500 calories a day and went up by 200 every week. it´s not that hard

5 600 Calorie meals
6 500 Calorie meals
4 500 Caloire meal and 1 1000 Calorie meal
5 500 Calorie meals and a 500 Calorie intra workout shake

find out however many chick fil a chicken sammies that is and buy that amount

A fast food double burger with bacon and cheese is 1000 calories.

Order the entire McD's menu and try to eat as fast as possible

This, plus add food with high caloric density like nuts and cheeses.

Just eat like a whole bag of chips or something, its so easy

Milk, eggs, oats, protien powder, pizza, chili, cheese, rice. Space out your meals

I want to eat healthy foods though

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a gallon of whole milk alone has 2400cals . Cook your food with plenty of olive oil

u probably dont need to

"Big On A Budget" video by Evan Centopani is good to get a sense of what kind of meals you should be prepping and eating


Go on the George Leeman bulk plan

If you eat like 1/3rd of what he does that is probably 3k.

just eat sugar, wheat, rice, potatoes retard

Peanuts and related products
100% cacao chocolate
Whole milk

with joy and gratitude

base and #blessed

>100% cacao chocolate
doesn't that mean almost no calories? you can have your bitter brick and 0 calories while i'll be eating my milk chocolate like a king

U muss smell lai shih ahl a teim!!

If you dont care about what you eat just eat a pizza










you need to start researching high density foods that you enjoy.
I started with the oatmeal bulk which is oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and protein powder.
another easy one is to drink a pint of fair life chocolate milk a day. 92g of protein

I don't work out or anything but I struggle to eat less than 3000 calories a day. How do people eat so little?

easy. get distracted doing something other than eating.

Based. It's easy as fuck to eat 1500-2000 kcal of chick fil a. I'd do it every day but there's always a 10 minute line for the drive thru :(

drink milk as if it was water boom

Eating a lot isn't hard but it's not what you want to do, OP. It's much more important to watch your macros than your calories especially if you're trying to put on as much muscle as possible. Fatfuck powerlifters are happy to suck down carbs all day long because they need fat stores for energy. Protein is #1.

every thin faggot who says they eat so much will have a small cheeseburger combo from mcdonalds and eat it over the course of 2 hours and say "I'm so fat"

Drink half of it, been working for my skeleton ass. Or I guess icecream if you don't mind the acne. The dirty bulk is real but only for the emaciated.

Stop thinking like a twink and eat dirty.

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With your mouth

>2 beers

I thought snickers already had peanuts in

Look I'm not saying I'm as based as bloat but I ain't no catcher.

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