It’s Just the Flu Bro

>Nurse Shares COVID-19 Before-and-After Photos to Prove It's Not Just the 'Sick and Elderly' at Risk

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I do not care what you think about covid. You are not an expert, you probably have not even been to college, you do not know anything about medicine or epidemiology or virology. You are just a flesh based relay for what the media says, stop pretending you actually even have your own ideas. Go back to your desk, NPC

>getting this triggered by the news
You don’t lift, leave now. Go on boy, get. *claps*

>Un-ironically calling people NPC while spewing out "sheeple" comments

>you probably have not even been to college

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Yes I do, also just FYI your southern hick routine is not impressive.
>Gwan nao boah, geeyit! >:)
Must be cool to be a fat idiot in kentucky obsessed with burger kings and denying evolution

no roids

Can you stop you faggot. Your lover had AIDS

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He has AIDS.

Ay bruh, you tellan me we wuz liftan and shiet?

Unpopular fact, but taking steroids actually weakens your immune system. Usually it's not much of a deal, but in this case it may have struck this cuck pretty hard.

And the weight loss comes from the fact that he barely ate let alone move.

I fucking hate faggots.

lmao wait a second, does the bearded cuck have aids or just his ""friend""??

WOW a body builder who uses steroids got sick and stopped his roid routine and started eating alot less then what he needs to maintain his normal mass on top of not working out at all and your telling me he lost weight?!

soon your gonna tell me that fat people can loose weight if they just eat less and exercise.

okay. im still going to the gym you fucking gainz goblin

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people who think that theyre smarter than others because they went to college are genuinely some of the most brain dead people ever. anyone thats been to college can tell u that u sit next to ALOT of morons who can simply absorb information and spew it out on the exam without actually understanding what it means.(not even mad about it as someone with good memory ive done it before but I dont brag about how im in college so therefor im smarter)


>We both living proof

Missed that.

Well then that's the reason why he got hit that hard by Cobrona

God, I love this website. lol

>mfw I corrected someones spelling on the internet

I can say "u" or "you" and u still know what I mean.i thought the "internet grammar nazi" troupe died out in the early 2010s when texting became more popular but I guess not.

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This is the risk of being on gear.
This is how much these guys are cheating.

This story is the most dishonest bullshit. The guy didn’t even hide the fact that he had HIV and yet the media intentionally leaves that out.

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Exact same thread yesterday. Exact same replies. Gay, gear, suck off coronavirus patients at your job, etc etc etc.
Could we actually talk about fitness here?

Proof he had HIV? Couldn’t find that anywhere.

>pozzed faggot succumbs to poor life choices

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Zig Forumsbabby meme. No proof.

It's in

>Has to suddenly go off cycle for 8 weeks
>Can't lift for 8 weeks
>Loses gains
My god

That’s not him and they’re talking about the black guy. Seethe More newfags.

But that's his Instagram handle. The caption reads "We are living proof."