/fast/ general

What is fasting?
>A period of time where you consume ZERO calories
What is the shortest I can fast?
>OMAD One Meal a Day
What is the longest I can fast?
>You can fast as long as you are over 8% body fat and supplement correctly
How do I supplement correctly?
>Get enough water, sodium, and potassium
Where do I get sodium and potassium?
>Sodium Chloride is table salt. Potassium Chloride is salt substitute, found near the salt in grocery stores
Can I just take sodium without potassium?
>No. This will fuck your shit up. Potassium is non-negotiable
How much sodium and potassium should I take daily?
>2500 mg / 1 TEAspoon of each is a good start. Adjust as needed
Can I take all the salts at once?
>No. You will shit yourself
What's a good electrolyte drink recipe?
>1 Liter Water
>1/2 TEAspoon Potassium Chloride
>1/2 TEAspoon Baking Soda
>1/4 TEAspoon Salt
>Some call this mixture snake juice. Drink 1-3 of these per day
Can I just drink water without salts?
>For short fasts, yes, as long as you get enough minerals on your refeeds. But for long ones (72+hours), you'll feel like shit
How long can I go on just water?
>Til you feel like shit
Any other minerals I need?
>Some add magnesium to their routine, too
What about multivitamins?
>Not really necessary
Anything else I can add to my routine?
>Some add baking soda for kidney health
>Some take ACV and lemon juice. Acids fuck your teeth, so don't mix with snake juice. Take separately
>If your gut is fucked, try adding cayenne pepper
>May raise cortisol
>May raise insulin
Why not just do CICO?
>CICO fucks with both your TDEE and your hormone levels in ways that fasting does not. Also, fasting has other health benefits
What are the other benefits of fasting?
>Autophagy, reduced inflammation, HGH boost, immune system health, increased insulin sensitivity, more muscle sparing

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Thoughts on using an enema on extended fasts to preempt the awful shits?

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is fasting one day per week (i.e 6:1) a good way to not plateau?

every time i cut, eventually i hit a wall, and lowering my calories more and more seems to do nothing for WEEKS.

i did a 24h fast for the first time a week ago and it was quite easy. and it did break my mini-plateau. so i'm wondering if 6:1 is a good solution.

i don't want to try and extended fasts because i was born with a heart condition and palpitations scare me. i don't want to zyzz it.

mostly worried about losing gains.

also gf of 1.5 years left me.

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Nigger, your body was built to survive extended periods of time without food. No where in the manual did it say

>Have an enema

Fuck this gay shit, it is completely unnecessary. Eat healthy food during your feeding windows and your shits will be easy and of perfect consistence, no swiping required. Eat trash food like Chips, Sugar, etc. and your shit is going to be disgusting, smelly, unworthy.

>is fasting one day per week (i.e 6:1) a good way to not plateau?

no. studies indicate that this is almost pointless. you might as well not fast at all.

>every time i cut, eventually i hit a wall, and lowering my calories more and more seems to do nothing for WEEKS.

Change what you eat. Cut all the shit you know that is unhealthy.

>i don't want to try and extended fasts because i was born with a heart condition and palpitations scare me. i don't want to zyzz it.

Talk to a doctor. Fasting is most likely not for you.

>also gf of 1.5 years left me.

Dont worry, she will find someone else.

Wow, that's incredible. How do you make it 20 days, 3 weeks, without eating? The longest I've ever fasted was 19 days and I was literally getting numb all over (many other problems, but that was the one that got me to end it) at the end, so the decision to end it was more of a health concern than anything. Did you feel this? If not then did you do anything special to avoid this?
Also after those 4 days are you going to do another extended fast, or something smaller to give your body time to recover?

Dude, he is fasting 20 hours a day and has a feeding window of 4 hours. He isnt fasting almost 3 weeks.

>How do you make it 20 days, 3 weeks, without eating? The longest I've ever fasted was 19 days

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Since you can't read let me spell it out for you. I'll start by quoting her post
>I've been trying fasting for the past three weeks
Now let's replace fasting with what it means
>What is fasting?
>>A period of time where you consume ZERO calories
So that means she really said was
>I've been consuming no calories for the past three weeks
Which makes sense, she even mentions 20:4 and 3 weeks. 20 days is basically 3 weeks so the rounding makes sense.
If she WAS doing what you were saying she'd have said
>I've been doing 20:4 for the past three weeks
But she didn't. Learn to read.


Premium bait

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>Dont worry, she will find someone else.

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>that metal rack

Best kitchen gadget I've ever bought

yeah they're pretty dope. I've been doing a lot of pulled chicken. Throw a bunch of chicken breast in there..cook on high for 10 - 12 minutes..bam.

>studies indicate
can you link these studies? I'm not trying to be "that guy", I am just legitamtely curious. I've been adding 1x full-day fast per week to my "diet" in order to push myself a little more. Surely that fast is worth something?

I do a 6 hour eating window 12-6pm every day. I jog for about 2 miles on off days and 5 on others. I am stopping now, but have been grabbing a burger off the dollar menu, fries, and a diet dr. P after running when feeling famished (i started meal prep with shakes so this wont happen going forward). How fucked was any progress I hoped to have for the last 3 weeks?

surely that burger+fries would harm progress a little but not completely. assuming normal burger and fries, that's I don't know 600 + 300 = 900 calories? And you're probably burning 300 - 500 calories on a 2 mile jog. don't beat yourself up, but if you really want to cut, drop the fast food fattie

Bruh I’m dying.

Maybe he meant 19 hrs

I've been cubing my chicken up and then cooking it. Comes out as perfect little morsels that I sear for a minute or two in a skillet.

nice, good idea. need to try this

I wanna do a 60 hour fast bros but I've been taking pills for some liver issue daily and the instructions say "take with food once a day". Will it be bad if I fasted and took the pills without food for 1-2 days?

They say to take with food either because it's absorbed by fat, or because it'll upset your stomach. So you'll either be hurtin' or the medicine will be ineffective.

Finished up my first fast today. 36 hours without food, only a black coffee and a little snake juice. Ran a 5k and did some basic calisthenics (pushups, sit ups, bw squats) to cap off my day before dinner, then feasted.

Had been brining my chicken and letting my bread proof all day for when I finished. Had some really nice old bay seasoned chicken breasts, cauliflower, and a few slices of homemade bread on the side.

10/10 would fast again

I need to take meds before bedtime and when I wake up. Am I just incompatible with fasting?

Yeah sounds like total bs. At the very least a day of fasting will create a big caloric deficit.

Is everyone on this board taking prescription meds? Wtf

>sick people are into fitness to be a bit better
Shocking how?

Didn't think of it that way I guess. Good point

I started taking potassium after realizing I wasn't getting any on OMAD. My eyes will not stop twitching now. I'm taking a magnesium supplement but maybe it's not enough. Ideas?

You taking enough?