Just turned 18 5’9 200 something lbs and want to start body recomposition. I read I need to be at a slight calorie deficit but can I still be gaining muscle if I’m only eating 1600-1800 calories a day? How much calories should I be eating to gain muscle and lose fat?
How do I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?
Just cut while lifting, even if recomp wasn't a meme it'd take you forever because of how fat you are.
>can I still be gaining muscle if I’m only eating 1600-1800 calories a day?
You can probably gain a small amount of muscle since you're a beginner, but focusing on keeping your current muscle mass while losing fat will make you look good because if you're 200lbs chances are you already have a decent amount of muscle
its literally impossible unless you are an absolute beginner or youre using fat burners like DNP or clen. do an aggressive cut then start bulking
Week 1: eat at maintenance, track everything you eat, full body workouts 3 times a week.
Week 2: same as last week and do 20 minutes of cardio twice a week
Track how your weight changes over these two weeks.
You absolutely can build muscle while losing fat. Just don't try and lose to quickly aim for 1lbs a week maybe 2. By the time you get down to 180lbs you'll have built some muscle. You should look decent enough at this weight to recomp for a long time.
literally biologically impossible. its only possible to gain muscle in a hypocaloric state
It's not impossible. He is an absolute beginner.
If you do an aggressive cut you are likely to put the weight back on.
If you do an aggressive cut you will not build muscle. You will lose muscle. You will have to lose much more fat to be happy with how you look.
If you do an aggressive cut you will not have learned healthy habbits.
Realise this will take time. Do full body workouts 3 times a week. Build up to running 5k. Learn to track your calories.
well he'll want to put weight back on... he can drop 10kg in a month with an aggressive cut, maintain for a week or two, then go straight into bulking. thats the most efficient thing to do
Why are you even trying man?
Are you the dude from the kings discord?
facts don't care about your bro science
I'm 5'9 and 200lbs and look nothing like that. Only recently started lifting but you're clearly lying get to work dude
I'm a little less fat than OP and started training about 2 weeks ago and only eating dinner, which is just chicken or beef with a salad every night (no dressing), I've already lost 3kg. I'm doing half hour cardio or more 6 days a week and weight training 5 days a week, I'm sore as fuck all the time, is this bad?
Go to the Gym. You stupid faggot.
You can only do either/or. To gain muscle you need to eat a surplus of calories, to lose weight you need a deficit of calories.
Diet: caloric deficit on high protein, low carb. Use the sticky to find your BF% (i'm assuming 25-30%)
I would recommend, High Intensity Cardio or intense workouts like F45, calisthenics (thenex), get the heart rate up high. Run 4x a week for at least 30 minutes. Look up couch to 10k.
While doing that, hit the gym 3x a week for 3 months, then move up 4x a week. Find a good noobie workout on the Zig Forums sticky. Remember your first set needs to gurantee you break a sweat, don't go light, don't go easy and don't take long breaks, 30 seconds between sets. Drop for final sets for final sets.
Looks like you got a decent pecker hiding in your underwear. Post it up, let's take a look
recomping at 180lbs is a much smarter idea for him. He does not currently have enough muscle mass to cut to six pack level leanness. Being over weight for so long, if he tries to gain weight after an aggressive cut unfortunately he will be likely to put on more fat than someone was lean for longer would put on.
If he does a moderate cut:
he will have more energy and enjoy the gym more
build muscle
not have to lose as much fat to look decent
have a body that is better primed to build muscle when he stops cutting
be stronger
not associate tracking calories with being miserable and on an aggressive cut
don't go so hard you'll burn out, this is a long term decision you are making.
You are a novice enough that lifting 2-3 times a week is still plenty.
Track what you are eating instead of just having dinner. You can continue to just have dinner but still track it.
I was really cut between ages 17 and 22, I'm 30 now, married, kids all that shit and Let myself go bad after I broke some bones at 26.
As a teen early 20's it was so easy to maintain, knew nothing about training, just eating well, run and lift 3 times a week and I look similar to the picture above just short.
17 through 22.
recomping doesnt really work. yes he has no muscle, and if he cuts hes going to look like shit, but once its over and done with he can bulking and make progress. if he tries to recomp its going to take longer and he'll end up gaining less muscle in the long run
rip the plaster off quickly. it will hurt in the short term, but her can the hit the ground running and make great gains
recomping works recomping will be better for his adherence
recomping will be better for his motivation
recomping will set better habbits for how he should continue
in practice its incredibly inefficient compared to phasic dieting tho. as for his motivation, if he tries to recomp, its going to be months before he sees any change. if he does a huge cut, he'll see immediate results in fat loss, then when he starts to bulk, he'll see more visable muscle gain
I cant speak to his habbits, for me its very easy just to stick to a plan, I never needed to for habbits
Suppose he is 30%BF.
If he loses 1lbs a week and gains 0.1lbs of muscle a week, in 20 weeks he will be 182 at 22% BF.
If he losses 2lbs a week for 10 weeks he will probably also lose 0.1lb of muscle a week, then when he bulks for 10 weeks he will probably gain 0.2lbs a week of muscle and 0.1lbs a week of fat. This leaves him at 182lbs and 22.5% bodyfat.
The bulking and cutting gives a worse result and will be harder for him, and less healthy in the long run.
Aggressively change your diet to high protein intake with a slight calorie deficit. Realistically, you will not look amazing when cut unless you've been working out for at least a year and a half - assuming you're completely out of shape.
ex fatty here, just slim down then lift, you WILL lose a bit of muscle when losing weight so steel your heart and determination, set a specific timeframe for weight loss and do not lose heart if you fail to achieve set goal, push through every session and put that forks down. You can disregard what I said if you think OMAD is a meme cause that’s how I did it. You do you
I'm 5 8 180 and have been doing 80 push ups, 5 or 6 days a week with at least one several hour hike a week while cutting calories roughly in half, how long until I'm 155?
Yeah I’m completely out of shape, the only thing I do is walk the dog an hour a day.
Thanks for all the advice bro I think I’m beginning to understand, I just have one question- when do I stop cutting? How long do I keep eating at a deficit to lose one pound a week, and once I’m done cutting how much do I eat?
> I'm 58180
user lying about his age again
Five foot 8, 180 pounds,
firstly, your numbers are off. the rate you gain muscle while recomping is way less than that and the amount of muscle you gain while bulking is more. its been shown that phasic dieting is far more efficient for the simple fact that in a calrie surplus muscle is just far easier to gain
also Im talking about a far more aggressive cut that 2lb a week. more like 5lb+. get down to a low bf as fast as physically possible, then bult from there
Op here when I was 14 I cut to eating 1200 calories a day and was lifting every day and ended up quitting. I was tired every day and always hungry. If I cut aggressively to lose 2 lbs a week how do I not lose energy and feel tired all the time? I am going to college and want to be able to do well and not feel like shit from being malnourished
I kinda agree with this just because I honestly believe most people give up if they don’t see short term result, motivation is needed to maintain the process, the keyword is CONSISTENCY and most people tend to forget that
Use the calculators in the sticky to calculate your maintenance calories. Track everything you eat trying to eat at this for a week while tracking your weight. If you have not lost any weight this is truly your maintenance. Reducing 500 calories a day should result in 1lbs loss a week. I'd recommend only reducing your calories by 250 a day for a week, tracking your weight and then maybe reduce by 250 a day.
I'd suggest stopping at somewhere between 180lbs and 165lbs. Personally i'd stop at 180lbs, recomp while staying at 180 for a while and them maybe drop to 170.
>5ft 8,180 pounds
user lies about his weight
even in the long run an agressive cut then bulk cycle will win. after he cuts down he can have a long period of strait bulking making far faster gains than if he was trying to recomp. he'll spend more total time in a surplus
you cant efficiently do two opposite things at once, thats just how it is